That's a joke right? Unless you just ground down steak into burgers you're playing roulette with all the bacteria that can hide in the crazy surface area - or you're drying them out by "making sure". There's no inbetween. Eyeballing it isn't accurate to within 20 degrees.
It is for me.
you MFs stateside have so many options. SS vs IN . You guys don't know how good you have it(fast food)
Last time I went was the late 90s, so I am sure nothing tastes the same. But I remember Cajun, Lemon Pepper, and Sweet Chili being solid

solewoman solewoman Appreciate you showing the young child how to eat a balanced/healthy meal.

Much appreciated. Nutrition is key. He dosent eat sweets, fast foods or any junk. 90% organic food and he loves fruits and veggies. Dude will eat a whole avocado in one setting lol.

It’s a blessing because now I have to watch what I’m putting in our food if I don’t make him something separate
Yea, once he gets around his friends at school you know he will give in to the fat American eating waya, so it is good you are giving him a solid base
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