Man if you dont...

My first bite into those joints would have resulted in pure bewilderment.

Of all the animals in the animal kingdom...
Ate enough Beefs this month already. I rarely buy sausages, I planned on making Gumbo with those but they were just in the freezer and I didn't want to waste an open flame (Paul's)
Artisan grits, seared scallops, shiitake shrooms and green onion and France v Peru
Artisan grits used to be breakfast for free lunch kids in SC in the 70s and early 80s. No seafood in the Midlands where I grew up.
Watermelon Season.

I hate eating watermelon off of the rines, so I always cut them up and put them in tupperwares.

Throw in some ground cinnamon and grate some frozen orange.

I am telling yall, freeze a lemon, lime, and orange. Easier to grate and once you get to the FLESH of the fruit, the "zest" is so flavorful.

Orange on watermelon is solid man.

Also, you can add some powdered gingers
I saw folks cuttin up on Twitter about salt on watermelon. Another southern thing I guess.

Going to try the cinnamon and orange zest.
Hella hot so something cool and light.

Vietnamese bowls, left with half brown rice half rice noodles underneath lemongrass chicken on top. The right is brown rice and greens with pork. Side of nori fries, with teriyaki drizzle or some sort. Comes with orange dipping sauce. Fries are kinda like In-n-Out but thinner and tastes 10x better lol.
Place is called VN Grill in San Jose, CA. Koja Kitchen is next door gonna try next time.

You ever try tdot jerk in PK? Had it yesterday while I was out there, it was on point. Basically a one man operation but he deals with it proper. I got the lunch special with a drink for $6.

I LOVE these types of operations. We have a bunch out here.
I LOVE these types of operations. We have a bunch out here.

Its the dry kinda jerk like you mentioned a couple posts above. I'd go there often but it's in the other end of the city from where I live.

There's another spot in the east my homie keeps telling me to go to. Gonna try and hit it up in the upcoming weeks. Picked up some contract work not far from there so I'ma check it out when I start.
Its the dry kinda jerk like you mentioned a couple posts above. I'd go there often but it's in the other end of the city from where I live.

There's another spot in the east my homie keeps telling me to go to. Gonna try and hit it up in the upcoming weeks. Picked up some contract work not far from there so I'ma check it out when I start.

It’s the only type of jerk chicken I’ll spend money on. During the summer, every weekend the jerk man post up on the street with his oil drums.
Yes, my grandfather after a hard days work would come home and slice watermelons and he would always put salt on it.

I need to try this. My cousin use to eat cucumber and salt or tomatoes and salt.

Frozen grapes are delicious, especially during the hot summers.
Cucumbers with Salt/Pepper/VInegar is a nice little snack. The extra crispy cucumbers (yes, there is a such thing) are even better. From Trader Joes
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