A long life of this made me decide to not have a junior.
nah i love my name though
my son does too
females LOVE it they be like "oooooh that different"
but its also not a name that would stop an employer from hiring me
me and my son was JUST talking about how females love our names
and i asked him if when he gets older
if he has a son will he be a 3rd
he said yup he was just thinking about that
nah i love my name though
my son does too
females LOVE it they be like "oooooh that different"
but its also not a name that would stop an employer from hiring me
me and my son was JUST talking about how females love our names
and i asked him if when he gets older
if he has a son will he be a 3rd
he said yup he was just thinking about that
Similar experiences there although I'm not sure my name has stopped me from employment unless they got something against Africans. Dont get me wrong, I love my name but I aint putting that on a future son cuz aint no telling if he'll handle it how I did.
nah i love my name though
my son does too
females LOVE it they be like "oooooh that different"
but its also not a name that would stop an employer from hiring me
me and my son was JUST talking about how females love our names
and i asked him if when he gets older
if he has a son will he be a 3rd
he said yup he was just thinking about that
what type of females besides humans & parrots that speak broken english go "oooooh that different?"
for purple cabbage
can u cook it like how black folks cook regular cabbage???
with bacon and all that???

Yup. You mean cajun cabbage?

when I do a corned beef Iuse the broth from that to cook down my cabbage tho. Any other time i just fry it with turkey bacon and onions and garlic.
1. Why you asking dumb questions?

2. You know what species of females he was referring to
1. I don't believe that my question falls under the "dumb questions" category. However, I do believe that yours does.

2. I don't & nor do u. You just have an idea that may or may not be right.
1. I don't believe that my question falls under the "dumb questions" category. However, I do believe that yours does.

2. I don't & nor do u. You just have an idea that may or may not be right.
No I know and yes your question was dumb.

I'm sorry you're intellectually challenged.
Only issue with being a Jr is your credit history being mixed up with your father. FOr that reason alone, I would advise against giving your son the same name as you.

Once I hit 18, I averaged 1 "credit issue" every 2-3 years dealing with that.

Only issue with being a Jr is your credit history being mixed up with your father. FOr that reason alone, I would advise against giving your son the same name as you.

Once I hit 18, I averaged 1 "credit issue" every 2-3 years dealing with that.

i agree
which is why i always put jr on everything of his
i put him on as an AU on a few american express cards
so that when he turns 18
he will have that history
and put him in a better position
i agree
which is why i always put jr on everything of his
i put him on as an AU on a few american express cards
so that when he turns 18
he will have that history
and put him in a better position
Yea my father did the same for me but our stuff still would get confused. I don't get it, it isn't like we have the same SSN.

jimmy deans sausage
Trader Joe’s pappardelle noodles
Fresh white mushrooms
Buttered bread with garlic seasoning
Yea my father did the same for me but our stuff still would get confused. I don't get it, it isn't like we have the same SSN.
I was just about to ask this. I would've thought tracking your credit would be able to tell the difference based on SSN.

Guess not. Creditors wylin.

I guess this is also how unrelated ppl with the same name run in to similar problems.
I was just about to ask this. I would've thought tracking your credit would be able to tell the difference based on SSN.

Guess not.

I guess this is also how unrelated ppl with the same name run in to similar problems.

someone has my name in the Virgin Islands and it always comes up I got property there.
maaaan if i was u id try to see
if they can send u the deed
and sell it :rofl:

man, it only hurts me. Like when I was doing financial aid for school back in the day or getting a loan for 10k for a car or whatever when I was like 22.

they’d be like0] tf you need this loan for???

it hasn’t come up in years, I think they figured it out.
incompetent creditors
or they knew that and was tryna double dip
which i think is more or less what they were tryna do
They knew/know what they were/are doing. Not an accident.

jimmy deans sausage
Trader Joe’s pappardelle noodles
Fresh white mushrooms
Buttered bread with garlic seasoning

Excellent amount of sauce. Did you use BREAKfast sausage though?
Nah, needs more sauce.

More importantly, did you cook that sauce down or just pour it on top?
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