When and why did you go meatless marikomorose marikomorose ?

I come in peac.e
Today. It taste good.
Nothing abnormal. Fridge/Freezer usually stays full. ( Grateful for that ).

No canned goods outside of Beans, which I throw into random dishes. But I also use dried beans on the regular.
I never said “never,” and as about an 30mins ago I became more open to the idea of being able to tell someone to “jump off a cliff” in the heat of the moment only to receive sexual repercussions 20mins later. A potential girlfriend is intriguing to say the least..
Did moms never cook growing up or do you just choose to eat haphazardly? Like you don't know how to put together a sensible meal.

*non facetious question
Watching 90210 and what pops up?


Always thought this scene was a microcosm of having a conversation with DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

So first

1. I never use my real name when signing in. Unless they are checking IDs. But at restaurants, I am Chris, Mike, or Steve.

2. Good job though. I can agree that is how a convo with me would go. Thanks for your high awareness
Gave those iHop cereal pancakes a shot the other day :lol:. I stopped eating cereal a long time ago, so I guess this was kind of a loophole. They're okay, nothing special. I'd say Cinnamon Toast crunch was the best of all 3.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican i meant we never give our real names :lol:

Im whatever name comes to mind.

The funniest is when i give a name and the person says it wrong. I just say yes.

I gave my name as Al once and the girl said "All?". Yes.
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