Mayo/aioli or ketchup goes on my burgers. Burger would have to be bone dry for me to even consider reaching for mustard
And probably tastes like garbage.

Man, when will you stop this plant based experiment.

Oh, this is for life!

Too late to back out now, it’s at the point that meat and dairy is disgusting to me. I already talked too much trash to everyone I know. I gotta stick to it, or cut them all off, if I wanna be a meat eater again.

Oh so your heart isn't even in IT. :LOL:

I’m in it 100% lol. I do want a burger though. Some breaded chicken fingers too, medium steak, McFlurry, calamari, steak and cheese, cheese omelette and pop tarts. But I can’t, and I’m Ok with that. I’m tough DC.
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