Florida Man fires 9 shots at a car killing a 17 year old because of loud music

i wanna know what album they were listenin to?
 ive seen kids wilding out on old folks for no reason saw this old dude beat some kids behinds at ampm this weekend, they were trying to act hard and this ol skool G handled em..

anyway, im sure these dudes were hyped off some chief keef makin threats, and it turned out this dude was really about that life.


noone deserves to die though and you never know whos packing what or whos had a terrible day ya know best thing to do is to avoid all the bull and live ya life...

old white man was about dat life alright.
This wasnt premeditated, but there is 0 logic on letting off 9 shots. I knw the detectives most likely have the gas station surveillance, and they most likely see events totally contradicting the gunmans story. 
could be a car of latino kids, asian kids, white kids, hawaiian kids...whatever. if they blasting some music that's profanity-laced (could be NIN could be some rap...no matter) i probably wouldn't care much even if my gf was with me......but if i have my kid in my car, i might ask that they turn it down out of respect. if they acted up and got threatening, i'd have no problem shooting them - especially if i felt that my kid was being threatened. if they were just being loud and rowdy, the shooter should be punished. if they were aggressive or intimidating him, then that's on them (no matter the skin color)

and the fact that they didn't find a gun doesn't mean the kids didn't have a gun on them. there was a group of them. smart thing to do would be to ditch any drugs or weapons before the cops got there. duh :smh:
could be a car of latino kids, asian kids, white kids, hawaiian kids...whatever. if they blasting some music that's profanity-laced (could be NIN could be some rap...no matter) i probably wouldn't care much even if my gf was with me......but if i have my kid in my car, i might ask that they turn it down out of respect. if they acted up and got threatening, i'd have no problem shooting them - especially if i felt that my kid was being threatened. if they were just being loud and rowdy, the shooter should be punished. if they were aggressive or intimidating him, then that's on them (no matter the skin color)
and the fact that they didn't find a gun doesn't mean the kids didn't have a gun on them. there was a group of them. smart thing to do would be to ditch any drugs or weapons before the cops got there. duh
You wouldn't just simply CALL AUTHORITIES? Why would you engage in communication with a group that you felt unsafe around?
Secondly, even if they were threatening in appearance, did they advance towards the man in a manner that made him fear for his immediate safety?

This is the question, because to some a bag of skittles and an Arizona can in the hand of a honor role student black kid looks like a 50 cal  gatling gun in the hands of a Darfur rebel.

That's the thing with these cases, people start MUD-SLINGING with facts that don't matter. Between this case and Trayvon Martin both men PURSUED the victims.

Do these victims not have the right to OBJECT and protect themselves from a random male twice their age attempting to display authority in a non imminent but SELF-ESCALATED situation that warrants a law officer's presence?

Why do these men feel entitled to defend themselves in a situation they invoked...both instances they could have shut the **** up, called the cops and kept it moving.
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I'm really not sure how you defend this. Loud music is annoying, yes, but just keep it moving...how long could you possibly be at a gas station anyway? Then he empties the clip at a car full of people at a place they tell you you can't even smoke...yeah, they need to roof this man.
You wouldn't just simply CALL AUTHORITIES? Why would you engage in communication with a group that you felt unsafe around?
call the authorities? because their music is loud? or call the authorities if they come at me?
i'm talking about pumping gas, then kids pull in next to me with the music blasting. if i had my child in the car, i'd ask them to turn it down. if they didn't, oh well. but you know how some punks can be (doesn't matter skin color). if they started to get physically threatening to me, calling the cops would be too late. yeah, if i truly believed my kid was in danger, i'd shoot em and not bat an eye.

is asking someone to please turn down their music the same thing as "invoking" the situation?

i'm not taking sides in this exact situation but this is not a cut and dry case. the guy could be racist, paranoid and completely guilty of murder and if he is guilty, he should suffer the consequences. the kids might have had a gun even if one wasn't found by the time the cops arrived. the kids might have been physically threatening or made some threatening comments in jest. i hope the facts come out and the guilty person(s) are punished. sad to see a young life cut short either way.
call the authorities? because their music is loud? or call the authorities if they come at me?
i'm talking about pumping gas, then kids pull in next to me with the music blasting. if i had my child in the car,

When Dunn pulled out the gun, the teens' initially thought it was a fake then frantically tried to back up the car before being caught in the gunfire, Ron Davis said.

"That's ridiculous. Michael is not a vigilante," the attorney said. "He's a brilliant software developer. It was never his intention to kill anyone."

I'm not a forensic psychologist but I ASSURE you anyone who is one is hysterically laughing at his lawyer's defense right now.
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9 shots because of loud music?? anyone else blast ignorant music around white people on purpose?? i do
no, 9 shots for a group of idiots making threats to a grown *** man in front of his woman.

and its that same mentality that you have that got this kid killed..i take it you're somewhere between age 15-18
Black on black crime is usually domestic violence, gang activity, drug related, a robbery or some type of neighborhood beef. You can't do nothing about those type of things. They will happen. You police certain areas but its gonna happen. Also when there's gang violence or robberies you can pinpoint the reason for the violence. Its senseless but you know why. Person A wants Person B's shoes. Person A doesn't like Person B. Its young black men killing young black men. Old black men arent going around shooting "aggressive" teens
Old white men killing a black teens is outrageous because theres no reason for it. When do these 2 demographics even conflict? Why is a old white man feeling the need to shoot a black teen is the question? Walking in his neighborhood? Playing loud music at a public gas station? Are these reasons to pull a gun? So ask yourself something is going on in the head of these old white men correct? They either feel so endangered around young black men or they simply hate them so much they would murder.
In any major city crime is gonna happen. Chicago, Detriot, DC, etc. You really think it can be stopped?
But lets go to the suburbs or rural areas where a black kid gets murdered by a old white man. Is that something normal? Anything that happens out of the ordinary in the suburbs is a story. Theres less crime there!
That doesn't seem different to you? You don't think its something to talk about? You are smarter than that man.

this is absolutely SOMETHING to talk about but the fact is, you're trying to say that black on black crime should be condoned since "you can't do nothing about those types of things" and something of value is taken by the attacker during the crime? so what you're saying is, if there's a REASON for a murder, whether it be shoes or a general dislike, it's cool? is this guy not about that life since he didn't grab their cell phones and wallets before he drove away like a coward?

this man should ABSOLUTELY be tried, and to be honest, i hope he's convicted and executed if the evidence shows that he was in no danger and was the aggressor in the situation.

some of you guys really reach with your anti-white racism.
*waits for "but black people can't be racist!"*
surveillance cam? would it even help from where things are at?

the shooter being white is obviously what makes this case so polarizing

i read a few posts talking about understanding 'the system' (that you don't control)
well, one of the secrets is to keep you mad - & if that statement only makes you more upset & doesn't make you think
read it again

all this 'the old drunk probably x, y & z...' talk is what these people controlling the media
want you to think, while you think it's intrinsic

it is a shame that these young kids had to find out the hard way that if you play into
certain stereotypes (as reported), there might be bad consequences

i'm sorry this happened
if in fact, he fired on them as they were attempting to run away from him, then he's in trouble. i wouldn't take that as fact just yet though. hopefully the truth comes out. too bad the media got ahold of this. instead of looking for justice, this will more likely be used to further people's agendas.
this is absolutely SOMETHING to talk about but the fact is, you're trying to say that black on black crime should be condoned since "you can't do nothing about those types of things" and something of value is taken by the attacker during the crime? so what you're saying is, if there's a REASON for a murder, whether it be shoes or a general dislike, it's cool? is this guy not about that life since he didn't grab their cell phones and wallets before he drove away like a coward?
this man should ABSOLUTELY be tried, and to be honest, i hope he's convicted and executed if the evidence shows that he was in no danger and was the aggressor in the situation.
some of you guys really reach with your anti-white racism.
*waits for "but black people can't be racist!"*

Think critically my friend. Do you think white on white crime in the trailer parks gets news? Do you think latino on latino violence gets news? Its more about the environment where the crime happens. Black on black crime isn't any different. If people in poor areas are killing each other nobody cares....because thats what happens in every city.

Seems like some of you are too scared to actually discuss the bigger issue. The bigger issue is why are older white men so quick to take a life from a black teen? Thats the issue. You rather distract from the real problem.

You can't have it both ways. When black teens kill old white people it makes big news doesn't it? Exactly and usually there's some kind of robbery involved. So we can actually pin point why a criminal decided to take a life.

Why are black teens in public areas being shot by old white men? Oh naw lets not talk about that because 100000 miles away Chief Keef is shooting at Jojo. Its not the same young man
this is absolutely SOMETHING to talk about but the fact is, you're trying to say that black on black crime should be condoned since "you can't do nothing about those types of things" and something of value is taken by the attacker during the crime? so what you're saying is, if there's a REASON for a murder, whether it be shoes or a general dislike, it's cool? is this guy not about that life since he didn't grab their cell phones and wallets before he drove away like a coward?
this man should ABSOLUTELY be tried, and to be honest, i hope he's convicted and executed if the evidence shows that he was in no danger and was the aggressor in the situation.
some of you guys really reach with your anti-white racism.
*waits for "but black people can't be racist!"*

Think critically my friend. Do you think white on white crime in the trailer parks gets news? Do you think latino on latino violence gets news? Its more about the environment where the crime happens. Black on black crime isn't any different. If people in poor areas are killing each other nobody cares....because thats what happens in every city.
Seems like some of you are too scared to actually discuss the bigger issue. The bigger issue is why are older white men so quick to take a life from a black teen? Thats the issue. You rather distract from the real problem.
You can't have it both ways. When black teens kill old white people it makes big news doesn't it? Exactly and usually there's some kind of robbery involved. So we can actually pin point why a criminal decided to take a life.
Why are black teens in public areas being shot by old white men? Oh naw lets not talk about that because 100000 miles away Chief Keef is shooting at Jojo. Its not the same young man

i can tell you will argue over anything and you always think you're right, but i don't see how something "getting news" makes it any more or less important. we're talking about a life ended regardless.

still confused over why this white dude isn't considered to be "about that life".

also, i am not your friend, nor do you need to go all quasi philosophical on me calling me "young man" like you're some wise old soul.
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