Florida Man fires 9 shots at a car killing a 17 year old because of loud music

“When all the evidence has been flushed out, I believe that it will be extremely clear that Mr. Dunn acted as any responsible firearm owner would have under the same circumstances.”

Nope. 9 blind random shots with no return fire? far from responsible. I could see this idiot gettting off too.
Something like this happened in Houston. Dude left his crib and went to his neighbors house with a hammer and told them to turn the music down. When the owner of the house told dude he isn't the only one who has a tool, dude started saying he felt threatened and killed dude, WHILE videotaping the entire incident.

I hope justice is served, but I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happens.

I don't know why y'all jumped at dude who made the point about there being more outrage for white on black crime, than there is for black on black crime. That's a legit question.
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I don't know why y'all jumped at dude who made the point about there being more outrage for white on black crime, than there is for black on black crime. That's a legit question.
I didn't jump at him nor did I entertain it because thats awhole nother subject as to why black on black crime doesn't always make the front page,cnn or gets mentioned by our current president whose own city where he still owns a home is a warzone.I could give alot of answers as to why I think black on black crime doesn't get the same coverage but if I dove into that,that would be taking away from this incident,this thread and why do that.
The reason why this story is getting talked about is because of the Treyvon Martin case that just happened a few months ago and is still fresh in peoples mind,which is a good thing.Also the history of vigilantism and black males,where in the past few decades things have been proven to be opposite to what was alleged in the begining,whether it be by video tape,eye witness or pure evidence. Add that with the fact that it happened in the state of Florida,again, where every since the Treyvon Martin case many people have been calling for the stand-your-ground law to be changed or eliminated altogether.This isn't the second case that deals with the stand your grounds law,there actually has been several cases before and after the Treyvon Martin case and those cases didn't involve teenagers that happen to be black,unarmed and have sketchy circumstance that lead to the shooting.
Think critically my friend. Do you think white on white crime in the trailer parks gets news? Do you think latino on latino violence gets news? Its more about the environment where the crime happens. Black on black crime isn't any different. If people in poor areas are killing each other nobody cares....because thats what happens in every city.

Seems like some of you are too scared to actually discuss the bigger issue. The bigger issue is why are older white men so quick to take a life from a black teen? Thats the issue. You rather distract from the real problem.

You can't have it both ways. When black teens kill old white people it makes big news doesn't it? Exactly and usually there's some kind of robbery involved. So we can actually pin point why a criminal decided to take a life.

Why are black teens in public areas being shot by old white men? Oh naw lets not talk about that because 100000 miles away Chief Keef is shooting at Jojo. Its not the same young man
100% Truth.  When white people kill white people, nobody labels that as white on white crime.  Folks need to know and realize that the term "black on black crime" is a media driven talk line that for some reason has been ate up by the folks that don't know any better, but then again that's why they don't know any better.  It's more of an economic/poverty matter when black kill other blacks.  Simple as that.
*waits for "but black people can't be racist!"*
Well black people CAN'T be racist, at least in America that is.  Folks need to learn the difference between being racist and being prejudice, big difference. 
Well black people CAN'T be racist, at least in America that is.  Folks need to learn the difference between being racist and being prejudice, big difference. 

that is definitely just an opinion & a dissenting inflammatory nonsensical opinion at that
like a broken record hoping the repetition alone will make it a fact

frankly dude, you're mad preoccupied with race, that's my opinion
Well black people CAN'T be racist, at least in America that is.  Folks need to learn the difference between being racist and being prejudice, big difference. 
that is definitely just an opinion & a dissenting inflammatory nonsensical opinion at that
like a broken record hoping the repetition alone will make it a fact

frankly dude, you're mad preoccupied with race, that's my opinion
Who's occupied with race??  A statement was put out by someone else, and then I addressed it, simply as that.  Like I said, some folks still don't know the difference between being racist and being prejudice. 
could be a car of latino kids, asian kids, white kids, hawaiian kids...whatever. if they blasting some music that's profanity-laced (could be NIN could be some rap...no matter) i probably wouldn't care much even if my gf was with me......but if i have my kid in my car, i might ask that they turn it down out of respect. if they acted up and got threatening, i'd have no problem shooting them - especially if i felt that my kid was being threatened. if they were just being loud and rowdy, the shooter should be punished. if they were aggressive or intimidating him, then that's on them (no matter the skin color)

and the fact that they didn't find a gun doesn't mean the kids didn't have a gun on them. there was a group of them. smart thing to do would be to ditch any drugs or weapons before the cops got there. duh
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They say "history always repeats itself" and it usually does in some form or fashion and the only thing that changes is the individuals and the time.
At one point in time in our history simply whistling,winking,gesturing or doing something that was seen as being threatening in the eye's of certain individuals was considered a harmful threat to their well-being which then usually lead to them taking action against the offender;be it physically attacking them,shooting them,a lynching or some mock trial in the justice system that always ended in the accused being found guilty on whatever bogus charges that they were accused of.No one questioned the accuser's accusation during those times,there was no investigation's and quite frankly no one wanted to hear that possible the accused was innocent and this continued to happened for a long time.
This history is there and it's a deep rooted history that isn't going to die off over-night,tomorrow or possible in our near future.But I think that African Americans,Black,whatever,espacially young black males have to realize that your seen as a threat,to alot of things,even when you exibit the most non-threatening behavior, assimilate or seen as a male with feminine ways,your still a threat to the majority.And yes hiphop,urban culture has bridged alot of gaps because it generates money but don't be fooled,it's also used against us because if you project what is put out there to the masses for entertainment purposes,your going to have a big target on your back thats just waiting for a certain situation and the right individual to come alone,whether your in the right or the wrong,to decide who,what and how their going to perceive you.That's something we don't need but as you can see it's something that goes on,whether we want it to or not and maybe its time for us to legally take up arms for the sole purpose of protection.
No Im not implying that black males have to change what their doing so they wont be seen as a threat,actually do what your doing 110% til you die,just be aware that in certain situations the odd's are stacked against you....I hope the 17yr's family gets justice.
I agree ; however, even before hip hop AA were seen as a threat. Emmett Till got lynched for whistling at a white girl (allegedly). What was threatening about a teenage doey eyed kid? It's "unforgivable blackness."
could be a car of latino kids, asian kids, white kids, hawaiian kids...whatever. if they blasting some music that's profanity-laced (could be NIN could be some rap...no matter) i probably wouldn't care much even if my gf was with me......but if i have my kid in my car, i might ask that they turn it down out of respect. if they acted up and got threatening, i'd have no problem shooting them - especially if i felt that my kid was being threatened. if they were just being loud and rowdy, the shooter should be punished. if they were aggressive or intimidating him, then that's on them (no matter the skin color)
and the fact that they didn't find a gun doesn't mean the kids didn't have a gun on them. there was a group of them. smart thing to do would be to ditch any drugs or weapons before the cops got there. duh :smh:

I'm just going to flat out say it. You sound crazy.

So you're telling me you would engage yourself in a potential shootout, in a gas station of all places, with some teenagers if they started acting up....while your CHILD is in the car?

Let me ask you this, what are you going to do if you start shooting at them, hit a gas pump and it blows up? Or if these loud music playing teenagers actually are armed, return fire shoot your car up and kill your child?

Now you'll never have to worry about lil Jimmy being negatively influenced by loud, profanity laced music because he's dead. All because his pops was felt "threatened" by a group of teenagers.

Great parenting.
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I'm just going to flat out say it. You sound crazy.
So you're telling me you would engage yourself in a potential shootout, in a gas station of all places, with some teenagers if they started acting up....while your CHILD is in the car?
Let me ask you this, what are you going to do if you start shooting at them, hit a gas pump and it blows up? Or if these loud music playing teenagers actually are armed, return fire shoot your car up and kill your child?
Now you'll never have to worry about lil Jimmy being negatively influenced by loud, profanity laced music because he's dead. All because his pops was felt "threatened" by a group of teenagers.
Great parenting.
lol yea not to mention the guy is puttin everyone that is at said gas station life at risk... someone shoots misses and hits a gas ump you potentially have multiple lives at sake. I mean i get the florida law.. etc... but this would be like a person saying i feel threaten by a person that is in a crowd a a park and i just go ham and start shooting with no regards for all other bystanders at the park... this stupid law pretty much has given in most part whites ppl who are prejudice etc... the right to pretty much act as if they off somewhere fighting the war on terrorism off in afghanistan, or rogue off duty cop. Just shoot first ask questions last... and anyone can get it
If That racist didn't have gun would he have said anything to those teens?NO. He thought he was a bad *** with that gun he knew what he was gunna do and he did it. He sould never be let free.
lol @ blow up the gas station. you guys watch way too many movies.

so what you're saying is that kids can act like punks and it's just better to keep my mouth shut? sorry. if i'm in a movie, i ask people to please stop talking on the phone or to please be quiet and no, i don't carry a gun into the movies or in the car. it comes down to being respectful and perhaps this doesn't even apply to the context of the shooting that occurred. i stand by what i said: if the guy shot some kids whose only crime was blasting loud music, he should go to jail for a long time. if they became threatening to him and his girl, too bad for them.
lol @ blow up the gas station. you guys watch way too many movies.
so what you're saying is that kids can act like punks and it's just better to keep my mouth shut? sorry. if i'm in a movie, i ask people to please stop talking on the phone or to please be quiet and no, i don't carry a gun into the movies or in the car. it comes down to being respectful and perhaps this doesn't even apply to the context of the shooting that occurred. i stand by what i said: if the guy shot some kids whose only crime was blasting loud music, he should go to jail for a long time. if they became threatening to him and his girl, too bad for them.
um u do know shooting hitting live gas can cause a combustion.... i mean if talking on a cell phone can cause it.... and it even says it on the pump u really think it couldnt happen in real life? so u basically saying and its up to interpretation mixed with a lil stereotyping and social racist thoughts about said race... I mean i seriously doubt these guys pulled up blasting in a gas station and for no apparent reason just out of nowhere decided out of all ppl to antagonize this white guy and start trouble...Am i saying they said nothing NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But ive lived long enough and have enough common sense to know that 9 outta 10 times the kids where minding there on business, and he had this white is right, white ways is the right ways attitude, antagonized and started stuff with them because he was thinking "oh god i cant stand hate dont wanna hear this jungle music", and omg why dont have to be bothered by these ninjas etc... typical insert every/any stereotype about young black kids...  And im sure he wasnt on some hey young fellas i have a headache and while i respect your right as an american you to listen to whatever music u wish... and i normally wouldnt be bothered by it, could u please turn down ur music please...

Like really be foreal... he more then likely directly or indirectly said some stereotypical racist comments... with a mean demeanor... the kids said something in return... and he so called saw this invisible gun that didnt exist, went for his and shot them with no remorse and no dambs given... Not saying you but this benefit of the doubt no way he couldve did something simply because he felt entitled and because they were black mindset malarkey has to stop...

I dont like and am annoyed by alot of things ppl do, but i one out of courtesy ask them to stop etc...or come to the realization everything and the world doesnt revovlve around how i think ppl should be or how i want things to be and understand everyone has a right to be who they are and accept that and keep it moving....(i guess ppl in the majority dont feel this way cause for the most part and social norms etc... corroborate with this that how they see things should be is the gospel and truth and feel entitled to make/change ppl who disagree) dont force my ways on them disrespect them nor attempt or kill actually kill them... and then feel validated and feel as if ive done some justice and a good deed by doing so...

Must be nice
if they became threatening to him and his girl, too bad for them
This is where the problem lies,we have laws in some states where theres a blury line as to what is and isn't considered a threat because It can vary from person to person as you can see.Whats seen as a threat to you might not be a threat to me and vice versa .

I've seen your earlier responce,I don't know what state you live in but from your responce before I beleive this is why every state needs to clearly defined the laws,in black & white as to what is considered a threat to your well being,where appropriate action can be taken with a legally registered firearms and what isn't.Because we most definitely don't need more situations like this to happen nor do we need none of that jargon of made up scenarios that alot of vigilante's who carry legal firearms like to imagine happening,of them thinking themselves into a real life situation and saving themselves from the bad guys.That type of thinking is just asking for trouble.
if that guy initiated the confrontation by using antagonizing and/or racial slurs, i can see the youngsters reacting aggressively. if he did this on purpose, knowing he had a loaded gun, then that's horrible and i hope he gets punished.
This case will all come down to intent. None of us were there so it is hard to discern.

If he walked into that situation with a loaded weapon and some kind of prejudices then it is totally on him.

If he acted like a normal person and the intent of the teens were to intimidate him so he would back down he *might* be justified.

Like many cases this has a lot of variables that we will probably never know. Regardless of whose fault it is...it is a shame to lose a life over something silly like loud music.
This case will all come down to intent. None of us were there so it is hard to discern.
If he walked into that situation with a loaded weapon and some kind of prejudices then it is totally on him.
If he acted like a normal person and the intent of the teens were to intimidate him so he would back down he *might* be justified.
Like many cases this has a lot of variables that we will probably never know. Regardless of whose fault it is...it is a shame to lose a life over something silly like loud music.

I feel you.

But firing off 9 shots and nobody shot back at him just screams guilty in my mind.

That's just me though.
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