Florida Man fires 9 shots at a car killing a 17 year old because of loud music

What's the difference between this and the type of **** that happens in Detroit and Chicago?
Why is it when a white person kills a black person it gets nation wide coverage?
He edited out his comment, but I agree. If we're going to sensationalize these old white men killing black children for an easy headline, then we need to do the same with blacks killing blacks.

Because who's killing more black children? Elderly white men or black children themselves?

RIP to guy slain tho
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The thing is, this will NOT get any kind of national media coverage. Stuff like this just doesn't matter unless it's on Fox News, and this will most definitely NEVER make it to Fox News.

RIP to the kid, I hope justice is served, but after Trayvon Martin, they'll NEVER put something like this in the spotlight because it's just way too easy for racists on tv to seem like racists on tv.

edit: Nevermind


let me know when they mention it on TV, though.
It's the exact opposite though. This will probably get mad coverage on all stations, because like the Trayvon and JENA 6 and other race related stories, it's easy ratings.

Money > *
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He edited out his comment, but I agree. If we're going to sensationalize these old white men killing black children for an easy headline, then we need to do the same with blacks killing blacks.

Because who's killing more black children? Elderly white men or black children themselves?

RIP to guy slain tho
agreed we should have the same reactions for all senseless killing

if the same media ****** such as Al sharpton and ect would

do the same thing for black on black crime dudes schedule would be filled
I like rap music and even I hate people playing their music loud. I could never on my grumpiest of days tell someone to turn their music down though. This guy though knew the outcome he wanted.
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I hope he's murdered in prison. If he has offspring lock em up for life too. Or just execute them. These old racist and and their entire lineage need to be exterminated if they've got the courage to cause harm on others because of their hatred. >D
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RIP to the kid
I think its funny you guys fail to see why these stories get more coverage and cause more outrage. If you really can't see the difference and wanna compare this to "Chiraq" you lack critical thinking ability and should go read some books
That was honestly one of the most disgusting posts I've ever read on an internet forum.  I've been lurking around for a while and this made me finally create an account just to respond.

The details aren't all out there and you're accusing this man of things he hasn't been convicted of?  Let the legal system do its job. I want to hear what happened from all the parties who were there and I want to know what evidence was collected at the scene before judgment gets made. 

This country is not perfect but that does not excuse anyone of encouraging violent behavior towards innocent people that had nothing to do with the murder.
I think its funny you guys fail to see why these stories get more coverage and cause more outrage. If you really can't see the difference and wanna compare this to "Chiraq" you lack critical thinking ability and should go read some books
Instead of saying we should "go read some books", please explain why these types of stories deserve more attention than the murders that happen everyday in certain areas of the nation
He edited out his comment, but I agree. If we're going to sensationalize these old white men killing black children for an easy headline, then we need to do the same with blacks killing blacks.​

Because who's killing more black children? Elderly white men or black children themselves?​

RIP to guy slain tho​


Instead of saying we should "go read some books", please explain why these types of stories deserve more attention than the murders that happen everyday in certain areas of the nation​

Black on black crime is usually domestic violence, gang activity, drug related, a robbery or some type of neighborhood beef. You can't do nothing about those type of things. They will happen. You police certain areas but its gonna happen. Also when there's gang violence or robberies you can pinpoint the reason for the violence. Its senseless but you know why. Person A wants Person B's shoes. Person A doesn't like Person B. Its young black men killing young black men. Old black men arent going around shooting "aggressive" teens

Old white men killing a black teens is outrageous because theres no reason for it. When do these 2 demographics even conflict? Why is a old white man feeling the need to shoot a black teen is the question? Walking in his neighborhood? Playing loud music at a public gas station? Are these reasons to pull a gun? So ask yourself something is going on in the head of these old white men correct? They either feel so endangered around young black men or they simply hate them so much they would murder.

In any major city crime is gonna happen. Chicago, Detriot, DC, etc. You really think it can be stopped?

But lets go to the suburbs or rural areas where a black kid gets murdered by a old white man. Is that something normal? Anything that happens out of the ordinary in the suburbs is a story. Theres less crime there!

That doesn't seem different to you? You don't think its something to talk about? You are smarter than that man.
That was honestly one of the most disgusting posts I've ever read on an internet forum.  I've been lurking around for a while and this made me finally create an account just to respond.

The details aren't all out there and you're accusing this man of things he hasn't been convicted of?  Let the legal system do its job. I want to hear what happened from all the parties who were there and I want to know what evidence was collected at the scene before judgment gets made. 

This country is not perfect but that does not excuse anyone of encouraging violent behavior towards innocent people that had nothing to do with the murder.

It's funny cause I read the types of comments you are referring to all the time on here, of course the shoe is on the other foot in most cases. Glad you choose to clarify that it was this particular comment that left you so outraged you created an account. You know, as opposed to the pages of identical comments in any thread even remotely mentioning a crime committed by a minority.
sad world we live in 

how can someone be unable to empathize with their fellow men , imagine how the kids' parents feel

the saddest part of it all is that  you have blacks in here arguing  over why this shoudl be covered or not ,i wonder if some of you would be arguing if that  was your family member/associate that kicked the bucket
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Seriously, when is the violence going to stop? You can take all weapons from man, but war would never stop, man would use his hands and legs until they couldn't move anymore.

this. I can see how he might be threatened.
Loud music at a gas station w/ bad altercation (as seen in the movies) will not end well. Guy had a "kill or be killed" mindstate.

& yes I can understand this, but this isn't a movie. It's real life. Please don't tell me race had nothing to do with this.

Until the world is grey, no one will ever be safe.

Just grey.
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I can def see a group of teenagers bumping music
I can def see them hurling insults to the guy who was probably giving them the mean grimmace for a while
I can see this guy possibly being a racist
I can see the teens possibly having a gun because of the gun laws in florida
So i'll wait for more evidence
Seriously, when is the violence going to stop? You can take all weapons from man, but war would never stop, man would use his hands and legs until they couldn't move anymore.
& yes I can understand this, but this isn't a movie. It's real life. Please don't tell me race had nothing to do with this.
Until the world is grey, no one will ever be safe.
Just grey.
Even then we will still argue over petty differences. There will always be war, big or small...
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