Florida Man fires 9 shots at a car killing a 17 year old because of loud music

Whatever b.s claim he wants to make dude is DEAD wrong.

You get to bustin in a gas station of all places? One wrongly aimed bullet and everybody in the place could've been blown up.
if he was acting in self defense, then why not call the cops and wait for them? spent the night at a hotel instead of his house? there's no way any sane jury member will buy any of his BS and get off, then again this is FL where Casey Anthony was found not guilty.
Where you from _ ? efff who ya know...where you from lil _? where ya grandma stay huh lil _ ? This MY city now run lil _ !!!!
is this your recreation 
No gun found in the victim's car, he spent the night at a motel, and he felt the need to fire up to eight shots into a car filled with teens.


I would say he would be instantly guilty...but this happened in FL.
Dunn told police he felt threatened by the response from the teens
Dunn told police that he reacted after having seen a gun barrel in the window of the teens’ car and after hearing a profanity-laced string of threats against him and his girlfriend while the teens motioned they were opening the door.
There were no guns found inside the teens’ car

They say "history always repeats itself" and it usually does in some form or fashion and the only thing that changes is the individuals and the time.
At one point in time in our history simply whistling,winking,gesturing or doing something that was seen as being threatening in the eye's of certain individuals was considered a harmful threat to their well-being which then usually lead to them taking action against the offender;be it physically attacking them,shooting them,a lynching or some mock trial in the justice system that always ended in the accused being found guilty on whatever bogus charges that they were accused of.No one questioned the accuser's accusation during those times,there was no investigation's and quite frankly no one wanted to hear that possible the accused was innocent and this continued to happened for a long time.

This history is there and it's a deep rooted history that isn't going to die off over-night,tomorrow or possible in our near future.But I think that African Americans,Black,whatever,espacially young black males have to realize that your seen as a threat,to alot of things,even when you exibit the most non-threatening behavior, assimilate or seen as a male with feminine ways,your still a threat to the majority.And yes hiphop,urban culture has bridged alot of gaps because it generates money but don't be fooled,it's also used against us because if you project what is put out there to the masses for entertainment purposes,your going to have a big target on your back thats just waiting for a certain situation and the right individual to come alone,whether your in the right or the wrong,to decide who,what and how their going to perceive you.That's something we don't need but as you can see it's something that goes on,whether we want it to or not and maybe its time for us to legally take up arms for the sole purpose of protection.

:nerd: No Im not implying that black males have to change what their doing so they wont be seen as a threat,actually do what your doing 110% til you die,just be aware that in certain situations the odd's are stacked against you....I hope the 17yr's family gets justice.
If he felt he defended himself and acted properly he would have waited for the cops to show up. He panicked because he knew he screwed up
The thing is, this will NOT get any kind of national media coverage. Stuff like this just doesn't matter unless it's on Fox News, and this will most definitely NEVER make it to Fox News.

RIP to the kid, I hope justice is served, but after Trayvon Martin, they'll NEVER put something like this in the spotlight because it's just way too easy for racists on tv to seem like racists on tv.

edit: Nevermind


let me know when they mention it on TV, though.
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Happened in my hometown
I remember my moms telling me about it when I was home
I've been to the exact gas station too
Sad man :smh:
Hate to put it this way, but what's gonna happen when black fathers start blowing away middle aged white men who they feel "threatened" by? 
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