Evelyn Lozada Vol. Chad Johnson winning?

How many 40 year olds you know that look like that?

Girls already be looking old and saggy by early 30s for example Kim K

She's bad to me

Yall use NT to up your standards
She's not ugly, but I don't think I woulda wifed that tho...

Everytime they preview that show, she's either arguing or fighting...

S**t cant be healthy...

Them cheekies would get clapped tho... Instantly!

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Erica is BAD

Overhyped IMO

I'd gladly take Fab and Jim's chicks over her...
Originally Posted by bay1591

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by cap1229

She would be so much hotter if she was a nicer human being.

this her attitude is $$+%$*@ terrible

her daughter is pretty and hopefully doesn't act like her mom

pretty much , girls attitudes in general can make em ugly regardless
Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Erica is BAD

Overhyped IMO

I'd gladly take Fab and Jim's chicks over her...
Emily has a great body but she always looks like she's about to cry...ALWAYS

Chrissy is nice too...has great breasts...

I dont think Erica is over hyped tho...she has a nice frame w/those huge breasts even if they are fake...they sit nice and high

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

BLADE BR0WN wrote:
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Erica is BAD

Overhyped IMO

I'd gladly take Fab and Jim's chicks over her...
Emily has a great body but she always looks like she's about to cry...ALWAYS
Chrissy is nice too...has great breasts...
I dont think Erica is over hyped tho...she has a nice frame w/those huge breasts even if they are fake...they sit nice and high


Definitely right about Emily

As far as Erica though, she's in the same boat as Evelyn to me. It's hard to take any one of them strictly on looks when they've

been exposed so much. That episode where they were talking behind the scenes to all the girls one on one, where they showed

Erica clips of herself pretty much acting like a phony &@*#^ the whole time had me in tears
Exposed the bird as a straight

fraud. Then she was crying and &@^+ "th th that's just not m m me"
if we're going on personality they all need to be left alone...

i don't see how any man can date women w/such horrible attitudes...

but looks wise Erica and Chrissy are the business...

i just can't w/Emily...i couldn't even be her friend w/the depressing %%$ Fab stories

i cant even watch that stuff anymore...all the name calling...it makes me sick that people are ok w/acting like this on tv
Chrissy is trash.

Draya looks the best...

Emily would be up there if she had more personality...then again i don't watch the show but she seems like she lets Fabolous of all people treat her bad.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Chrissy is trash.

Draya looks the best...

Emily would be up there if she had more personality...then again i don't watch the show but she seems like she lets Fabolous of all people treat her bad.

Thank you Chrissy is a master of illusion. she knows how to highlight her assets and hide her faults. "she's not that hot bro"

Now Draya would get destroyed but her face is a lil' bit funny.

Evelyn is bad and Erica Mena too
Man Draya could get my life savings, SSN#, all that. After she came on the show none of the rest of em even mattered
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I've been looking for this gif for a minute. LoooollllloThis mog Tim said she was sinister. Lmaoooo
Real spit. Lowkey, she might not even be worth the hassle of the stain. Too many cats don't pay attention to %%!$#% like this, till its too late.

That's just me. If I feel some sort of way about a broad, i wont even risk it. Toooo many birds out here for me to put myself in an uncompromising situation.
True story,
All those %@@@** are used goods. Their ovaries are useless now and they embarrass themselves on TV.

I dunno what's worse, them or the chicks who complain about the portrayal of "minority" women on TV, but watch the *#!* then call it a "guilty pleasure". We give stuff too much attention then complain when it won't go away.

That said, i don't knock her game if she found a dumb simp to wife her....these %@@@** on these shows all sleep around and money grub, if you don't know that, you're dumb.

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

draya is fine....i'd get trapped if i was an athlete

Her daughter >

Girl doesn't have an ounce of class...she's a bird wrapped up in a BMW shell. Feel sorry for Chad Johnson. Dude will prolly be filing domestic violence charges against her in a year or so.
Evelyn has a typical NYC hooray attitude. She just has the appearance of having more than the #%##%@ y'all deal with with the same attitude
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