ESPN's Steve Phillips taking it to the 22 year old ESPN staffers, gets suspended

Deadspin is about to air out some very dirty laundry...
Out of all the girls at ESPN, you chose that one?

i bet the cleaning ladies look better than that hog
If I hear some +@$@ about Mike Golic/Greenberg, Ima die
....them dudesalways talking about they're wives on the show. I cant say I wouldnt be amused if it turned out they was bussin down interns in Bristol....

as for Steve....


Jesus f'ing Christ...
ESPN Horndog Dossier: Erik Kuselias

Who? Right. Exactly. But Mr. Kuselias, as tiny an orb as he may be in the ESPN galaxy, has solidified his reputation as "the biggest $%@#%$#!$ in the place," according to multiple sources. But what about that sex-harassment thing?
Yes, according to sources, Mr. Kuselias became a little too friendly with a female ESPN employee at a recent Super Bowl, where he drunkenly blurted out to her, "I would like to ___ you." The woman, skeeved by his advances, declined. She notified HR and, according to a source, Kuselias was suspended. The HR person allegedly told the woman, "I'm not supposed to tell you this...but he's been warned before." Really?

Kuselias, by the way, was married at the time (shocker) but apparently is no longer because...

His wife hired a private investigator and found out he was having an ongoing relationship with ESPN personality Stephania Bell. Who again? Anyway, those two were doing it. Mrs. Kuselias wasn't too happy about it.

However! It appears that the Kuselias are trying to work things out at this time, I'm told. Good for them.

Awaiting comment from ESPN....

Send an email to A.J. Daulerio, the author of this post, at [email protected].
Oh man, that makes perfect sense. I used to hear that dude on the radio like early Saturday mornings and he always had her on the show. I never even heard ofthat girl til his show, now I know why.
Someone has to have the vid link of Berman tryin to get at that chick on the set? Borderline hilarity
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