embarrassing moments vol. i can't even play that off...

@ all these stories of falling in front of girls.
Originally Posted by dt24

Just the other day in class I stood up to get my test from the teacher who was standing at the front of the class. As I stood up the chair behind me tipped backwards and landed directly on the bare toes (she was wearing sandals) of the girl sitting behind me. She let out a "owwwww" and suddenly all eyes were on me. Embarassing to say the least.
that hurts.
when i was in 3rd grade me n sum friends were runnin down the street to catch the bus and i tripped on the curb n did a semi flip in front of 2 bus loads ofkids...smh

then i was in 6th grade leavin social studies and this lame @## @#$%^ pantzd me rite in the middle of the friggin hallway and i had on tighty#%%$$@'s...then i ran back in the room cryin of embarassment like a lil @#$%&.....SMMFH!
i was in the 10th grade at the barbershop gettin a cut when i started feelin all hot and uncomfortable next thing i know i hit the ground hard and her voicesall around me then i feel people pouring water on my face my mom screaming omg and dudes around me tryna wake me up. ambulance comes and takes me to thehospital i guess i passed out but the most %+%@*% up thing about it is im in the emergency with half my hair cut. so i had to wait till i got outta school thenext day to go finish my cut. It was hot as hell and me wearin a beanie. not to mention dude got paid twice once before i passed out and again when i came backthe next day talking bout it aint his fault he couldnt finish
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

i was in the 10th grade at the barbershop gettin a cut when i started feelin all hot and uncomfortable next thing i know i hit the ground hard and her voices all around me then i feel people pouring water on my face my mom screaming omg and dudes around me tryna wake me up. ambulance comes and takes me to the hospital i guess i passed out but the most %+%@*% up thing about it is im in the emergency with half my hair cut. so i had to wait till i got outta school the next day to go finish my cut. It was hot as hell and me wearin a beanie. not to mention dude got paid twice once before i passed out and again when i came back the next day talking bout it aint his fault he couldnt finish

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

i was in the 10th grade at the barbershop gettin a cut when i started feelin all hot and uncomfortable next thing i know i hit the ground hard and her voices all around me then i feel people pouring water on my face my mom screaming omg and dudes around me tryna wake me up. ambulance comes and takes me to the hospital i guess i passed out but the most %+%@*% up thing about it is im in the emergency with half my hair cut. so i had to wait till i got outta school the next day to go finish my cut. It was hot as hell and me wearin a beanie. not to mention dude got paid twice once before i passed out and again when i came back the next day talking bout it aint his fault he couldnt finish

Damn....that's straight grimey
Nothing that embarrasing has happened to me yet.

Howver, I do remember seeing somethng embarrassing. I was at the barbershop and all of sudden I hear a bunch of nickles quarter sounds.
The dude was paying 10 bucks in damn cents! I thought that was pretty embarrasing.
i remember back in HS i was walking to my bus and i saw my friend ahead of me so i ran up and hit her on the head with my folder only to realize that it wasntmy friend
It happens to the best of us. I was coming up some stairs with this guy I'm kinda into and i fall on my FACE... then like 5 minutes later im walking andkinda kick my foot up and my flat goes flying down the sidewalk... I just laugh it off like whatever but OMG so embarrassing. Same guy I went to put his armaround my neck while we were walking and i hit myself in the face with his elbow. LMAO
It's to the point where I cant even be around him without embarassing thehell out of myself...
Damn, a lot of dudes in here are fainters

I got dehydrated one night on the town and I was with a friend in a bar full of cops and firefighters, nearly fainted but made it outside in time. I got askedif I'd had my drink spiked or taken any drugs
@some of these

I fell when getting out of my car once. I was with some chick goin to get some food. I get to the spot, I park, open the door and as I getout my lace somehow gets caught under the seat. I fall back, hit my head on the door and fell…im there in pain on the floor saying in myhead F M L and she's there laughing hysterically..she never forgets to mention that day
back in 3rd grade I had the BGs and tried to slip one by, but it did work out as planned and ripped one loud enough for most of the class to hear

thinking on my feet, I quickly blamed the girl in front of me and believed it, but then she cired
I havent had a truly embarassing moment yet ::knock on wood::

The closest I've come is tripping a lil on uneven sidewalks on campus..damn flip flops.

I've been blessed
So i went out with a girl to get some Pho at a spot

As we sat down, ordered, and proceeded to demolish the bowl, i felt my seat burning up....but i thought it was just the Pho and the hot sauce working down mysystem

As the conversation progressed i could not for my life, paid attention to anything she said because my seat was literally on fire....i was sweatingexcessively....

The girl noticed my tomato-juiced face and asked if i was ok. I told her i probably have gotten a cold.

So she said lets end the day early here so i can go home and rest.

I agreed and got up to pay

As i walked up to the counter i heard her giggling....and pointed to my shorts....They were all oily and red

I was
not knowing why....upon walking back to my seat to inspectfor further detail

Apparently some bastard left a packet of hot sauce on my seat and like an idiot i did not check before and during the incident....

Worst part is driving home with that mess still on, on top of a pile of napkins....30 minutes away
i went to my friends graduation lunch and his parents kept the tab open and said go all out. by 3pm i had like 2 steaks a few beers and like 7 shots.afterwards somehow i made it to my job because i needed to pickup my check. i passed out in the back of the store after throwing up. the whole time i wassuppose to meet up with my girl and she was worried because i didnt answer her calls. one of my coworkers answered my phone and told her. i just remember beingwaken up by her pouring water on my face and going off on me. my boss has pictures of it all from me throwing up to being passed out in the back to my girlpouring water on me.
took a couple L's 1st day of school in 6th grade.

1) threw up all over myself once I turned the corner and saw an
amountof peope in the hallway
2) At the end of the day, I finally found the bus I'm supposed to be on. As I approach the bus the driver starts to pull up a couple feet. I thought I wasabout to get left and started yelling as I grabbed the door and tried to jump on the bus before the door closes. The driver instantly stops and gives me the
and says "wait I was only pulling up some." Got on thebus and everybody was


Originally Posted by GetYaShinebox

back in 3rd grade I had the BGs and tried to slip one by, but it did work out as planned and ripped one loud enough for most of the class to hear

thinking on my feet, I quickly blamed the girl in front of me and believed it, but then she cired
lol betta her get blamed than u
i threw up walking up the stairs once for some reason, on the positive i didnt have to take finals that day lol and i remember one time my friend said xbox3sissy on accident and that $%% was hilarious
Originally Posted by donpoppa

my boss has pictures of it all from me throwing up to being passed out in the back to my girl pouring water on me.
thats a cool boss right there.. you would think he would fire you for throwing upat work ...
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i threw up walking up the stairs once for some reason, on the positive i didnt have to take finals that day lol and i remember one time my friend said xbox 3sissy on accident and that $%% was hilarious
That reminds me of the time I felt like !%## and wanted to puke really bad for some reason in eighth grade so I quickly asked to go to thebathroom and puked immediately in the nearest staircase

I did my thing and went back to class, hopefully I went to the bathroom beforehand but I don't remember
Man, the most embarassing moment of my life was when i was @ target around 5 to 6 years ago and i was getting ready to check out in line.
The cashier had already closed her register down and then she opened it back up and when i went to the register i was being sarcastic and i tried to do it witha little bit of charm as a joke however it did not work. I said, "So you didnt want to check me out?" and smiled then she took that as me trying toholla at her and she said, "Huh??" Then i said, "Oh, i was talking about the items the items that i am purchasing smh."

That was then followed by, "Have a nice day." I was like, "You too." and walked away lol..

Also, when i worked at DSW i sneezed and a large amount of mucus came out of my noise. The lady gave me hand sanitizer and tissue, she treated me like i wasone of her own and i appreciate that alot however her daughter had a smile on her face until that incident happened. She looked like she was ready to cry whenshe saw that lol.
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