embarrassing moments vol. i can't even play that off...

took a massive dump in the girls lockeroom my freshman year of HS. I got lost and confused the two empty lockerooms. never got caught. long story. Stillcan't believe nobody seen me in there, it was a blessing for real
Originally Posted by donpoppa

i went to my friends graduation lunch and his parents kept the tab open and said go all out. by 3pm i had like 2 steaks a few beers and like 7 shots. afterwards somehow i made it to my job because i needed to pickup my check. i passed out in the back of the store after throwing up. the whole time i was suppose to meet up with my girl and she was worried because i didnt answer her calls. one of my coworkers answered my phone and told her. i just remember being waken up by her pouring water on my face and going off on me. my boss has pictures of it all from me throwing up to being passed out in the back to my girl pouring water on me.

Halloween Day in 3rd grade. We would always wear our halloween customes to school and I was Wolverine that year. So Im walking home after school with my boyand all of sudden the urge to pee hits me. Run home, get inside and realize that nobody gets home til later and cant take off my costume since its a one pieceand the zipper is in the back. Struggling trying to unzip, I pee myself and start crying. Mom gets home and washes my costume with the quickness so I can stillgo trick or treating
9th grade PE was posted outside with my lil crowd and some dudes were throwin the football around a good distance away from us.
idk i wasnt payin attention to them at all so im there standing then i hear someone yelling"watchout!" so we all turn around and look
and the balls comin our way but not close enough to get us so the ball hits the floor a good distance from us and somehow bounces all the
way to the center of my face..knocks off my glasses and everything... so im there pickin up my glasses and everyone around is srarin at me laughin

10th grade just got outta school so everyone rushes for the bus to get the first one and not have to wait for the second one.
So the bus gets there and mad heads rush the front door and i can already tell im gonna be one of the last ones. the bus is pretty packed as it is
but there i go taking a step in and as soon as i do the driver closes the door and starts driving. (keep in mind he cant see the door cuz the bus is that full)
so there i am with one foot in the bus and the rest of my body outside the bus bangin on the door for him to stop but it took somebody from the
inside to tell him that my foot was stuck

so he stops opens the door and i take my foot out and walk 2 blocks to the stop b4 that one so i dont have to stay there with everyone who just saw that.
ive never fainted before
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

i was in the 10th grade at the barbershop gettin a cut when i started feelin all hot and uncomfortable next thing i know i hit the ground hard and her voices all around me then i feel people pouring water on my face my mom screaming omg and dudes around me tryna wake me up. ambulance comes and takes me to the hospital i guess i passed out but the most %+%@*% up thing about it is im in the emergency with half my hair cut. so i had to wait till i got outta school the next day to go finish my cut. It was hot as hell and me wearin a beanie. not to mention dude got paid twice once before i passed out and again when i came back the next day talking bout it aint his fault he couldnt finish

Wow that's creep as hell.

Originally Posted by youngmoney

i always fainted in middle school, no idea why but it was embarrasing...

Being unplugged from the matrix ftl

But yea.one day during silent sustained reading I was in class and my pencil fell and it rolled just out of reach. Instead of getting up I tried to extend myleg out to kick it towards me and as im doing this I slip out of the seat a little and let out a huge rip

Another, me and my dude just got back from selling some sneakers to some dude on iss, his moms picked us up and as im getting out of the car my knife falls outin front of her
Last week i was talking to this girl i was trying to get at. I was about to ask her for that number then out of no where my nose started to bleed i was
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

was walking down the hallway the other day, a bunch of shorties sitting outside of a classroom looking and whispering. hit em with the headnod and half smile like, 'yeah, i know you see me.' kept walking past them...don't even know where i was going but i ended up at a fire exit at the end of the hall. i was looking for a bathroom or a water fountain that i could walk to nearby to make it seem like i was on my way there...but there was nothing. i walked back past them again and they just looked at me with that 'smh' look.

couple days later, we were taking a test in class and i leaned back in my seat to grab my calculator out the backpack, which was like a foot behind my chair. i should've just got out the seat but i tried to be slick...leaned back in the chair and fell all the way back. i somehow rolled all the way off the chair somehow and ended up face down on the ground. i looked up and saw some cute broad just laughing at me...i tried to laugh it off and go to the bathroom but it was an inescapable L. i'm about to get h1n1 in hopes that by the time i return, no one will remember.
You were trying to hard to be fly
Why the hell you wantH1N1?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Another, me and my dude just got back from selling some sneakers to some dude on iss, his moms picked us up and as im getting out of the car my knife falls out in front of her

what did she say?
one time back in elementry i was on the swings
and i had on this gucci jumpsuit
and i tried to jump off the swing and i leaned back too far
my pants got caught and not only did i fall off the swing backwards
my cheeks were hangin out i had to get up so fast
i was pissed the rest of the month even teachers were talkin about it
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Another, me and my dude just got back from selling some sneakers to some dude on iss, his moms picked us up and as im getting out of the car my knife falls out in front of her

what did she say?

She looked at it, then continued to walk into the crib
Course I had to go in as well..awkward as hell.
I shatted on myself in the 2nd grade, substitute teacher came next to me and was like: "(snif,snif) did you do something??" and my grandmother had tocome pick me up from school.
Originally Posted by Leebuttahz

I shatted on myself in the 2nd grade, substitute teacher came next to me and was like: "(snif,snif) did you do something??" and my grandmother had to come pick me up from school.
lmao at these fainting stories... ive never fainted..

but anyways back in 7th grade some fool *** dropped a bunch of markers on the floor and never picked them up. Im walkin to the front of the class (yea,everyone one seen me)then BAM... i slipped on a marker and fell straight on my back. that !**% looked like it was out of a movie. I was air born...couldn'tplay it off at all... i get up limpin and stuff.. im jus like damn.. i look over to the girl i was checkin at the time and shes just laughin... im justlike
Ok I forgot about this one. Back in 03 i was stationed in Hawaii. I got sent to a class in New Orleans for three weeks. Well i get there and there was a chickin my class who was pretty cool. She was like "I have a cute friend that I would like to set you up with". I was like fa sho lets get it. Well me andthe chick go out to Bennigans and we are having a few drinks and everything is going fine when out of nowhere she throws up on the table on her plate. Well Ididnt freak out or anything i just asked for something to clean it up. I go wash up and the girl says she wants to go home. We get to her crib and i walk herto the door. We approach the door and she grabs me and tries to kiss me. i give her the
and try to pull away. She asks me if I want to go inside and i was likenaw i gotta wake up early. She looks at me like
and then goes in thehouse. I dipset and deleted her number. On a lighter note i ended up smashing the chick from my class instead.
Originally Posted by chris steez

Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by dopestop

Originally Posted by youngmoney

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by youngmoney

i always fainted in middle school, no idea why but it was embarrasing...
are you diabetic? i've never fainted before.

no i am not. i havent fainted since 8th grade but between like 5th and 8th i fainted like 5 times



Imagine fainting at the most random times.

In the lunch room, FOOD FIGHT!, dude faints
POP QUIZ! faints
Fainting before a pop quiz sounds
In High School...I felll UPWARDS on the stairs....with half of my English class trailin behind me.
- Getting catapulted off a toboggan

- Busting my !#% in the snow in the middle of a fight...then because my pants were soaked I had to wear my gym shorts the rest of the day..including on thewalk home. It was 30 somethin degree weather...and I was walkin home in gym shorts. Looked like I was turning white I was so ashy.
Mad people laughintoo.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

- Getting catapulted off a toboggan

- Busting my !#% in the snow in the middle of a fight...then because my pants were soaked I had to wear my gym shorts the rest of the day..including on the walk home. It was 30 somethin degree weather...and I was walkin home in gym shorts. Looked like I was turning white I was so ashy.
Mad people laughin too.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by dopestop

Originally Posted by youngmoney

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by youngmoney

i always fainted in middle school, no idea why but it was embarrasing...
are you diabetic? i've never fainted before.

no i am not. i havent fainted since 8th grade but between like 5th and 8th i fainted like 5 times



Imagine fainting at the most random times.

in the middle of a lay-up during basketball in pe
Mine was...

-I got crapped on by a bird while I was serving in a tennis match in high school

Out of the funniest ones I've just witnessed though:

-I was visiting my friend in her dorm, this was about a few days into the school year...We get off the elevator, and a dude was chillin in the lobby, lookingdirectly at the elevator door and he says "Hiiiii!!" and my friend responds with "Heyy!!!" all enthusiastically and then her voice trailedoff as she realized "....
you're not talking to us becauseyou're on a phone
....*starts walking faster toward thedoor*" and I go "What a loser! You know he wasn't talking to you, right?!
" right when we pass the guy and ALL his friends tried hiding their laughsbut they were all because we didn't even know the guy.

- I guess another embarassing moment of mine was when I was shopping with my friend at Home Depot...we got really bored and tired of looking for supplies soshe decides to act mentally challenged and limpy while following me through as I was browsing. Eventually I got fed up and grabbed a stick and threatened towhack her, just as that happened an old lady was passing by and my friend took the opportunity to say "but mom saasaaasaaaid you can't beat mee nomoooarrrrr! *curls up*" Old lady gives me a really dirty look as I stood there all
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Mine was...

-I got crapped on by a bird while I was serving in a tennis match in high school

Out of the funniest ones I've just witnessed though:

-I was visiting my friend in her dorm, this was about a few days into the school year...We get off the elevator, and a dude was chillin in the lobby, looking directly at the elevator door and he says "Hiiiii!!" and my friend responds with "Heyy!!!" all enthusiastically and then her voice trailed off as she realized "....
you're not talking to us because you're on a phone
....*starts walking faster toward the door*" and I go "What a loser! You know he wasn't talking to you, right?!
" right when we pass the guy and ALL his friends tried hiding their laughs but they were all because we didn't even know the guy.

- I guess another embarassing moment of mine was when I was shopping with my friend at Home Depot...we got really bored and tired of looking for supplies so she decides to act mentally challenged and limpy while following me through as I was browsing. Eventually I got fed up and grabbed a stick and threatened to whack her, just as that happened an old lady was passing by and my friend took the opportunity to say "but mom saasaaasaaaid you can't beat mee no moooarrrrr! *curls up*" Old lady gives me a really dirty look as I stood there all

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

- I guess another embarassing moment of mine was when I was shopping with my friend at Home Depot...we got really bored and tired of looking for supplies so she decides to act mentally challenged and limpy while following me through as I was browsing. Eventually I got fed up and grabbed a stick and threatened to whack her, just as that happened an old lady was passing by and my friend took the opportunity to say "but mom saasaaasaaaid you can't beat mee no moooarrrrr! *curls up*" Old lady gives me a really dirty look as I stood there all
back in 6th grade.....i went to school mad sick ending up throwing up in my art class
also in 6th grade, i went to school sick again, i'm chilling in lunch and then i eat suttin right quick and i end up throwing up in the lunch room witheverybody looking at me
Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

i was in the 10th grade at the barbershop gettin a cut when i started feelin all hot and uncomfortable next thing i know i hit the ground hard and her voices
all around me then i feel people pouring water on my face my mom screaming omg and dudes around me tryna wake me up. ambulance comes and takes me to the
hospital i guess i passed out but the most %+%@*% up thing about it is im in the emergency with half my hair cut. so i had to wait till i got outta school the
next day to go finish my cut. It was hot as hell and me wearin a beanie. not to mention dude got paid twice once before i passed out and again when i came back the next day talking bout it aint his fault he couldnt finish


Ultra FAIL

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by KingRamey

Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

i was in the 10th grade at the barbershop gettin a cut when i started feelin all hot and uncomfortable next thing i know i hit the ground hard and her voices
all around me then i feel people pouring water on my face my mom screaming omg and dudes around me tryna wake me up. ambulance comes and takes me to the
hospital i guess i passed out but the most %+%@*% up thing about it is im in the emergency with half my hair cut. so i had to wait till i got outta school the
next day to go finish my cut. It was hot as hell and me wearin a beanie. not to mention dude got paid twice once before i passed out and again when i came back the next day talking bout it aint his fault he couldnt finish


Ultra FAIL

that's trifling
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