embarrassing moments vol. i can't even play that off...

- in middle school, i went to a fashion show smelling like moldy laundry my boys made fun of me the whole entire time. fail 1

- in middle school, i got kicked in the balls at the water fountain and got hauled off in a wheelchair, that sucked bad.

- 2 weeks ago it was rainy and i thought it would be cool to run and jump over a puddle as i was running into a pizza place. i hopped out of the car
ran, jumped, slipped and slid into the window of the pizza place and it made the loudest noise ever and EVERYONE saw that !+!!, lol. all i could do was
laugh extra hard, my penny's and my shirt was done for.
At a bar with my (then) girl. Was by the dancefloor, and it was wet cause people stay spillin their drinks. Caught a lil slippery spot with my shoe.....BELLYFLOPPED on the dance floor. My body bounced. I layed horizontal to the grimy floor. Mad people saw. Def. #1 embarrassment for me.
I remember in summer camp being at the pool and tried to do this beast cherry bomb into the pool, but as I stepped up to the end of the diving board I slippedlanded on the diving board and barrel rolled off the into the pool....but as I came up thinkin I was gonna get laughed a people thought I did it on purpose cuzI use to do mad stupid stuff...

another time maybe around a year ago I was leavin my girls house in the mourning to catch a bus to work...it was winter and had snowed and Danes the day beforebut I wasn't paying attention so I ran out the front door in a rush to catch thr bus down the block...as I turned from closing the door I ran down thestairs and hit a patch of ice on the last step and slid out into the street...I got up mad quick thinkin no1 seen until I looked up the street and realizedsome kid watched the whole thing and was laughing hysterically

also a few years ago I stole some kids tiny pink bike and was riding down a hill...I'm rolling past my friends who were standing by a library at the timeme being an idiot tried to do a wheelie to show off and as the front lifted up the wheel came off and rolled down the hill and as soon as the front of the bikehit the street I flew off into an intersection and layed there while a car almost hit me...I got up and looked over at my friends and they were all

got a fe more but I'll share later if the thread is still alive
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I havent had a truly embarassing moment yet ::knock on wood::

The closest I've come is tripping a lil on uneven sidewalks on campus..damn flip flops.

I've been blessed
I almost busted my +*! walking through the set the other day.

I think my most embarrassing (2 r's?) was back in 6th grade when I didnt do this huge project. Day of, I get up in front of the class and start bsing myway through this book I hadn't read when suddenly I see my teacher looking at me, with this face
. At this point I started crying hysterically and blaming it on my arm(which was in a sling at the time) and asked to be excused.
The teacherbought it, nobody else did
I was in 7th or 6th grade, we were outside after school, i take this girls bookbag and try to jet, im lookin back and as soon i turn around *blackness* i wokeup like 30 mins later, apparently i ran into a steal pole and passed out
still have the scar to prove it
Originally Posted by the coolness

Originally Posted by AJChick23

I havent had a truly embarassing moment yet ::knock on wood::

The closest I've come is tripping a lil on uneven sidewalks on campus..damn flip flops.

I've been blessed
I almost busted my +*! walking through the set the other day.

I think my most embarrassing (2 r's?) was back in 6th grade when I didnt do this huge project. Day of, I get up in front of the class and start bsing my way through this book I hadn't read when suddenly I see my teacher looking at me, with this face
. At this point I started crying hysterically and blaming it on my arm (which was in a sling at the time) and asked to be excused.
The teacher bought it, nobody else did
lol as busy as it is there between classes..that woulda been embarrasing.
and I wish I was in your class.
..I woulda called you out "HES FAKING!"
Originally Posted by mdwst9

when i was in 3rd grade me n sum friends were runnin down the street to catch the bus and i tripped on the curb n did a semi flip in front of 2 bus loads of kids...smh

then i was in 6th grade leavin social studies and this lame @## @#$%^ pantzd me rite in the middle of the friggin hallway and i had on tighty #%%$$@'s...then i ran back in the room cryin of embarassment like a lil @#$%&.....SMMFH!
My first time ever smoking out of a bong... horrible experience. I had already consumed a ton of alcohol that night. A few games of beer pong, a few shots, afew shotgunned beers... I was okay for the night. An acquaintance of mine breaks out his brand new 3 foot long glass bong and told me to hit it. Having nevertried a bong before, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I took all 3 feet of smoke and coughed my brains out. I then felt like I melted into thecouch and everything started slowing down. I could not comprehend time any longer. Everything broke up into frames like a comic book. I honestly thought Iwould be the first person to die from smoking weed and I would be all over the news. Eventually, I start to feel like throwing up and I somehow managed tohobble my way to the bathroom. I threw up for two hours and my friends shot a video of it. I stopped throwing up and stumbled my way out into the living roomwhere I collapsed on the ground and grabbed some random guy by the ankles. I woke up the next morning and found myself in my dorm but my pants were nowhere tobe found.

Easily the most broken and embarrassed I've been.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

was walking down the hallway the other day, a bunch of shorties sitting outside of a classroom looking and whispering. hit em with the headnod and half smile like, 'yeah, i know you see me.' kept walking past them...don't even know where i was going but i ended up at a fire exit at the end of the hall. i was looking for a bathroom or a water fountain that i could walk to nearby to make it seem like i was on my way there...but there was nothing. i walked back past them again and they just looked at me with that 'smh' look.

couple days later, we were taking a test in class and i leaned back in my seat to grab my calculator out the backpack, which was like a foot behind my chair. i should've just got out the seat but i tried to be slick...leaned back in the chair and fell all the way back. i somehow rolled all the way off the chair somehow and ended up face down on the ground. i looked up and saw some cute broad just laughing at me...i tried to laugh it off and go to the bathroom but it was an inescapable L. i'm about to get h1n1 in hopes that by the time i return, no one will remember.

I'm going to regret saying this (lord knows the one friend I told doesn't let me live it down) but there was this time that my g/f and I were at a clubon State St. in Santa Barbara, and we were out with a friend and her friends. So my g/f and I are standing there with our drinks talking to one of the guys inthe group. Can't recall what my g/f had, but I had a Corona. (On a side note, I can recall the lighting and the palm tree right next to me perfectly. Thatshows you how vividly embarrassing this memory is.
) Anyway, dude istalking to us and then he asks me something like "So, you like Corona huh?" So I say something like "Yeah, I like it straight up. No lime."
As soon as the words left my lips I was like "WHAT THE H$%!K DID I JUST SAY?!?!"

All I can think of now to fully express that is Ryan Reynolds when he does the eye roll/self-disgust thingy; I don't know how to exactly describe it.
Originally Posted by randyoss

I'm going to regret saying this (lord knows the one friend I told doesn't let me live it down) but there was this time that my g/f and I were at a club on State St. in Santa Barbara, and we were out with a friend and her friends. So my g/f and I are standing there with our drinks talking to one of the guys in the group. Can't recall what my g/f had, but I had a Corona. (On a side note, I can recall the lighting and the palm tree right next to me perfectly. That shows you how vividly embarrassing this memory is.
) Anyway, dude is talking to us and then he asks me something like "So, you like Corona huh?" So I say something like "Yeah, I like it straight up. No lime."
As soon as the words left my lips I was like "WHAT THE H$%!K DID I JUST SAY?!?!"

All I can think of now to fully express that is Ryan Reynolds when he does the eye roll/self-disgust thingy; I don't know how to exactly describe it.
i broke my leg in half playing basketball in a church league game infront of 3 friends. then a few days later before i had surgery and my bone was stillsomewhat sticking out of my leg i was at burgerking during lunch at school and my crutch slipped on a the wet floor and i had to catch my self with my brokenleg that was in a boot. i let out a loud crying yelp like a dog when you step on their tail. even the people working at bk were laughing at me.
My top 2

1.Back in the 4th grade i unbuttoned my shirt completely by mistake in front of the whole class .

2.I threw up in front of this guy i was meeting for the 1st time. He still brings that shizz up whenever we talk it's like he constantly has to remind me.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

My first time ever smoking out of a bong... horrible experience. I had already consumed a ton of alcohol that night. A few games of beer pong, a few shots, a few shotgunned beers... I was okay for the night. An acquaintance of mine breaks out his brand new 3 foot long glass bong and told me to hit it. Having never tried a bong before, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I took all 3 feet of smoke and coughed my brains out. I then felt like I melted into the couch and everything started slowing down. I could not comprehend time any longer. Everything broke up into frames like a comic book. I honestly thought I would be the first person to die from smoking weed and I would be all over the news. Eventually, I start to feel like throwing up and I somehow managed to hobble my way to the bathroom. I threw up for two hours and my friends shot a video of it. I stopped throwing up and stumbled my way out into the living room where I collapsed on the ground and grabbed some random guy by the ankles. I woke up the next morning and found myself in my dorm but my pants were nowhere to be found.

Easily the most broken and embarrassed I've been.
don't be ashamed same thing happened to me, my friendand I decided to go over this high school baseball dugout by our house to go smoke weed at about 12 at night, it was my first time inhaling, All I know is thatI took WAY WAY too many hits and the back of my head started getting this pounding sensation, I tell my friend "dude I think I need to back to my house,I'm not feeling too good", he says "dude you'll be alright" but then I started blacking out real bad and I decide to just walk home butright when I get up to start walking I blackout real bad and I start stumbling all over the place, dude is just laughing at me then he sees that I'm supershook lol and gets all concerned, I tell him I'll be alright, right when I make it to my house, I go in my room and everything slowed down and then ithappened, craziest feeling ever I WAS STANDING STRAIGHT UP BUT I COULDN'T GET ANY WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH, COULDN'T MOVE MY BODY BUT I COULD THINK, ALL ICOULD THINK IS, "HOLY $++!%$# SHYYT, I SMOKED MYSELF ******ED"
,but then I broke out of it after about 30 secs of not being able to move then I got cotton mouth super bad, still stumbling all over the place and allI could think was "wow this is a crazy feeling, i'm bout to be all over the news explaining what happened too me"
, then I go to sleep, wake up call my friend and all he could do is laugh

But I'm pretty sure that what happened was that I had a severe panic attack, worst feeling I've ever had in my life
- 5thgrade had this long play in the auditorium, long story short had the runs and *$!#@#% in my pants about 4 ft away from the toilet. My mistake for runningto the bathroom smfh. Recess came and I heard my buddy Jasons and Levi's voice and they was like "yo...I think someone *$!#@#% there pants." allI said was "hey dude it's me, it was an accident. Call mr. Roundtree I want to go home." Jason and levi goes get help and 7 Mins later half thedudes in my class who I play kickball with are in the bathroom seeing what's up and talking me thru the stall. Teacher finally took me to the office wetpants and all waiting for moms to get me. In HS some dudes I went to elementary with still asked "hey didn't you %%#@ your pants in 5th grade?"
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

My first time ever smoking out of a bong... horrible experience. I had already consumed a ton of alcohol that night. A few games of beer pong, a few shots, a few shotgunned beers... I was okay for the night. An acquaintance of mine breaks out his brand new 3 foot long glass bong and told me to hit it. Having never tried a bong before, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I took all 3 feet of smoke and coughed my brains out. I then felt like I melted into the couch and everything started slowing down. I could not comprehend time any longer. Everything broke up into frames like a comic book. I honestly thought I would be the first person to die from smoking weed and I would be all over the news. Eventually, I start to feel like throwing up and I somehow managed to hobble my way to the bathroom. I threw up for two hours and my friends shot a video of it. I stopped throwing up and stumbled my way out into the living room where I collapsed on the ground and grabbed some random guy by the ankles. I woke up the next morning and found myself in my dorm but my pants were nowhere to be found.

Easily the most broken and embarrassed I've been.


then drink.
Originally Posted by idalvysxdeath

My top 2

1.Back in the 4th grade i unbuttoned my shirt completely by mistake in front of the whole class .
pics of that happening now?

but i never really had any embarrassing moments that i can recall right now
senior year, we skipped on fcat days & went to the beach. practically every south florida high school's jr/sr with a ride (or access to one) was @south beach that day. so we find a spot on the sand & as soon as we start laying down towels, a group of guys start playing football several feet away. @this point, i already know what's gonna happen so i start quasi-panicking & telling my ppl to find somewhere else to set up shop. they give me the
face (& rightfully so, considering every visible spot on that beachwas crawling with high school kids/terrified tourists) so i !#+% and just laid out (tanning ftw). i ko'd a few minutes later & was rudely awaken to afootball on the side of the head. i woke up to those %!%$$#$ running up to get the ball & apologizing profusely "omg are you ok? are you hurt?blahblahblah" and my friends are all dying of laughter. i was mortified.. and pissed because i KNEW that *%%% was gonna happen..
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

senior year, we skipped on fcat days & went to the beach. practically every south florida high school's jr/sr with a ride (or access to one) was @ south beach that day. so we find a spot on the sand & as soon as we start laying down towels, a group of guys start playing football several feet away. @ this point, i already know what's gonna happen so i start quasi-panicking & telling my ppl to find somewhere else to set up shop. they give me the
face (& rightfully so, considering every visible spot on that beach was crawling with high school kids/terrified tourists) so i !#+% and just laid out (tanning ftw). i ko'd a few minutes later & was rudely awaken to a football on the side of the head. i woke up to those %!%$$#$ running up to get the ball & apologizing profusely "omg are you ok? are you hurt? blahblahblah" and my friends are all dying of laughter. i was mortified.. and pissed because i KNEW that *%%% was gonna happen..
Guilty. Those FCAT days or BAT testing days were perfectfor going to the beach though
Originally Posted by the coolness

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

senior year, we skipped on fcat days & went to the beach. practically every south florida high school's jr/sr with a ride (or access to one) was @ south beach that day. so we find a spot on the sand & as soon as we start laying down towels, a group of guys start playing football several feet away. @ this point, i already know what's gonna happen so i start quasi-panicking & telling my ppl to find somewhere else to set up shop. they give me the
face (& rightfully so, considering every visible spot on that beach was crawling with high school kids/terrified tourists) so i !#+% and just laid out (tanning ftw). i ko'd a few minutes later & was rudely awaken to a football on the side of the head. i woke up to those %!%$$#$ running up to get the ball & apologizing profusely "omg are you ok? are you hurt? blahblahblah" and my friends are all dying of laughter. i was mortified.. and pissed because i KNEW that *%%% was gonna happen..
Guilty. Those FCAT days or BAT testing days were perfect for going to the beach though

Those are def appreciated and are dearly missed.
Originally Posted by Alan Garner

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

My first time ever smoking out of a bong... horrible experience. I had already consumed a ton of alcohol that night. A few games of beer pong, a few shots, a few shotgunned beers... I was okay for the night. An acquaintance of mine breaks out his brand new 3 foot long glass bong and told me to hit it. Having never tried a bong before, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I took all 3 feet of smoke and coughed my brains out. I then felt like I melted into the couch and everything started slowing down. I could not comprehend time any longer. Everything broke up into frames like a comic book. I honestly thought I would be the first person to die from smoking weed and I would be all over the news. Eventually, I start to feel like throwing up and I somehow managed to hobble my way to the bathroom. I threw up for two hours and my friends shot a video of it. I stopped throwing up and stumbled my way out into the living room where I collapsed on the ground and grabbed some random guy by the ankles. I woke up the next morning and found myself in my dorm but my pants were nowhere to be found.

Easily the most broken and embarrassed I've been.
don't be ashamed same thing happened to me, my friend and I decided to go over this high school baseball dugout by our house to go smoke weed at about 12 at night, it was my first time inhaling, All I know is that I took WAY WAY too many hits and the back of my head started getting this pounding sensation, I tell my friend "dude I think I need to back to my house, I'm not feeling too good", he says "dude you'll be alright" but then I started blacking out real bad and I decide to just walk home but right when I get up to start walking I blackout real bad and I start stumbling all over the place, dude is just laughing at me then he sees that I'm super shook lol and gets all concerned, I tell him I'll be alright, right when I make it to my house, I go in my room and everything slowed down and then it happened, craziest feeling ever I WAS STANDING STRAIGHT UP BUT I COULDN'T GET ANY WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH, COULDN'T MOVE MY BODY BUT I COULD THINK, ALL I COULD THINK IS, "HOLY $++!%$# SHYYT, I SMOKED MYSELF ******ED"
,but then I broke out of it after about 30 secs of not being able to move then I got cotton mouth super bad, still stumbling all over the place and all I could think was "wow this is a crazy feeling, i'm bout to be all over the news explaining what happened too me"
, then I go to sleep, wake up call my friend and all he could do is laugh

But I'm pretty sure that what happened was that I had a severe panic attack, worst feeling I've ever had in my life
Duuuuuuuuuuuudeee, i know how what you mean when you're having a panic attack. First time I hit my friends bubbler, I was killing the wholepacked bowl cause I didn't know any better
. After about like 4times hitting it I felt like I was gonna puke... that +@** was the worst. But, at least i was in my house when it happened.. I knocked out for a good 20 minsthen I woke up feeling aiight
My class was taking a field trip to a college campus, and we were on the bus for hours. Plus we were in the middle of no where and I was in the very back ofthe bus. I felt the peeing sensation creep up on me slowly and I thought I could hold it until we stopped but I couldn't. It had reached the point to whereI was numb down there and some started leaking so I decided to whip it out and Pee in the Vente sized starbucks cup I had brought. I had no choice! So anyway,the mission was a success until the bus driver hit a bump and it spilled all over my pants. It was the most embarrasing day of my life. I walked around thatcollege campus the whole day with piss on my pants. It was senior year in highschool too. Smh.
I got pants one time in HS in front of alot of people, and now I wear a belt to make sure it doesn't happen again!
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

i was in the 10th grade at the barbershop gettin a cut when i started feelin all hot and uncomfortable next thing i know i hit the ground hard and her voices all around me then i feel people pouring water on my face my mom screaming omg and dudes around me tryna wake me up. ambulance comes and takes me to the hospital i guess i passed out but the most %+%@*% up thing about it is im in the emergency with half my hair cut. so i had to wait till i got outta school the next day to go finish my cut. It was hot as hell and me wearin a beanie. not to mention dude got paid twice once before i passed out and again when i came back the next day talking bout it aint his fault he couldnt finish

went to the fair (10th grade) was ridin rides, waitin on a girl. She wants to get on some as well...the previous 5 or so rides took they toll on me. Threw upon the ride with the girl next to me....embarrasing as S!!!.

No car, so i had to wait on moms to come get me
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