EL CHAPO escapes from prison

The reason why I failed Spanish.

But they say English is the hardest language to learn
Americans really don't know how fortunate they are to speak English as a native language.

It is the official language of business and trade worldwide.

Its hard to see it from inside the USA  but I've lived in and visited over 30 countries and that's some people I've met through my travels life goal is to learn our language. 
Why this dude gotta scape a few weeks before I go to Mexico for the first time :\
Here's a shoe term

huarache = Spanish for sandal which is also a "chancla"

Cam didn't say "Cancletas with jeans on"
Huarache ain't a Spanish word.  It's Purépecha, which is why it's pronounced as wuh-rah-chee

I'm not an expert on this (or the Spanish language really) but in those Uto-Aztecan languages "hu" is a "wuh" sound.  Unlike in Spanish where "hu" is a "wey" sound.  Like huevos, or hueso. 
This story is wild, everybody gets a taste. Do they actually blame the prison guards though? I mean it's like they won the lotto, you know they all got paid.
donald trump ******** his pants after some dude claiming to be el chapo's son sent him a threatening tweet 
Most of those guys don't even know correct Spanish.

Same goes with a huge percentage of Brazlians they don't even speak proper Portuguese

Argentina, Colombia and Peru speak the cleanest Spanish closest to the actual Spain dialect
wait so mexicans dont speak correct spanish?

im so confused
and donald trump is doing that **** so jeb bush will come in with his mexican wife and speaking spanish. Looking like the best choice because trump..

and if he gets elected , that **** is like a dynasty
I wonder what my ***** chapo is doin right now. Prolly underground somewhere cruisin on a rail car wit a bad chick sippin bucchanes bout to get some revenge and some feria.
I wonder what my ***** chapo is doin right now. Prolly underground somewhere cruisin on a rail car wit a bad chick sippin bucchanes bout to get some revenge and some feria.

Dude prbly in a nice beach house in Brazil by now. Making moves on the phone. Bunch of bad broads chilling in his bed
Sippin on some tequila
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I want El Chapo's autograph. He's a criminal legend.
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Most of those guys don't even know correct Spanish.
Same goes with a huge percentage of Brazlians they don't even speak proper Portuguese

Argentina, Colombia and Peru speak the cleanest Spanish closest to the actual Spain dialect

wait so mexicans dont speak correct spanish?

im so confused :lol: :smh:

The actual Spain dialect sounds NOTHING like Argentina, Colombia or Peru, or anywhere in South America for that matter :lol:
Hmm....im Colombia, we don't speak like no spaniards...we speak a clean Spanish with strong pronunciation of words, but our accent is very distinct and completely different than Spains....same goes for all other Latin American country, we all have our own accents....I love how we all speak the same language but we can still tell where we all from just from our accent, is this the same with other languages?...
:lol: yeah but half the words might not even mean the same thing you think they do. That slang is what throws it all off from country to country.

My boy who works for me is Colombian but he speaks perfect English.
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