Dressing Better Vol 2.0

^^^wear the blazer on the plane if it doesn't fit.

Planes usually have a compartment to hang garment bags as well. Put your entire outfit in a garment bag and give it to a flight attendant to put it away for you. Look up your airline's policy on garment bags.

That's how I travel with suits.

talking about these.

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You can't go wrong for $40. My only complaint is they're not very comfortable but sizing up .5 and throwing in an insole solves that. Chucks have been my go-to shoe for years.
J.Z. Richards from Nordstrom. $39

Oh I know about the fit, I have a pair of blue high top ones, I saw the white at a store in NYC highs $55 lows $50
@nikeairforce1 thanks for that info. I have to fly with my wedding attire, that definitely helps out.
after watching inception for the 100 times and the daniel craig bond films i cant wait to see the outfits in the great gatsby. 
Honestly, those little scrapes are bound to happen. My advice is to rub the shoe down with a cloth to get excess polish off, brush, apply conditioner/cleaner (saddle soap will work if it's all you have), then polish. Just cleaned/polished my burgundy AE's the other day and that process cleared that right up.


Oh, I know. New to the polishing thing, but I just picked up a brush and some applicators and figured I give it a shot. :wow:

My two in store polish options are brown and cordovan (kiwi brand). Should I go with the lighter options to try to blend the spots in? Not expecting it to look perfect, but the last thing I want is for the spots to get darker than the surrounding areas from absorbing more of the polish. One last question. Would you put more in the front where it needs cleaning the most and then work the rest to back of the shoe, or is there no difference? Thanks!
I would use cordovan and do an even coat all over. I bet one to two coats will cover up everything you want it to.
I can vouch for them.

Very form fitting and slim.. I have the same exact one just in different colors.

Yeah, Golden Bear quality is nice. I bought one for a friend last year.

To anyone interested I suggest sizing up one. It's not gonna be a baggy fit but enough to throw a layering piece under.

How does this look on me I ordered it off eBay in HS but could never fit it until now. Ralph Lauren joint.

Sleeves look too short and the lapel looks to be bowing a bit which means its too tight. The pic is not the best for judging to start out with tho so take it with a grain of salt.
The sleeves felt short but the actual jacket wasn't tight in my body so it could be the pic. I'd probably just wear it at the office but not on some get fresh tip
I don't see the bowing of the lapel but I agree the sleeves are a little short, you can prob get away with it though.

Suggestion: If you're gonna ask how something fits, use a timer. Holding a phone or camera and taking a pic throws everything off.

More importantly, congrats again on the weight loss. Really impressive.
got that unconstructed linen ludlow sportcoat. might have to return it. not feeling it as much as i thought i would. its a little longer than i would like.
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