Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Troll hard. Rep hard. High rep high ban ratio. Go big or go home.
Ethan actually parted with The Armoury now but is working with one of the Ralph Lauren divisions. Doing really dope ish, I'm sure of it.
Oh wow, really? I wonder what he's doing for them. I red that RL stopped using Caruso in Italy for their suiting and are now using Hickey Freeman. Wonder if he is working with that. 
Menswear. Beautiful marriage between classic cuts, bravado with colors without being gaudy.

I legit love your fits
This is why you should get quality footwear. These are the first dress shoes I copped in 2009. Some CKs on sale for like $40 at Macy's. I def got my money's worth though. Midsole is warping :lol:
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Casual observer chiming in: this whole menswear debate/argument sounds super silly. It's a semantics merry go round.

This thread is starting to mirror the Kanye thread in Music with the type of arguments. Everyone's just bored waiting on that new Yeezy to drop.
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Casual observer chiming in: this whole menswear debate/argument sounds super silly. It's a semantics merry go round.

This thread is starting to mirror the Kanye thread in Music with the type of arguments. Everyone's just bored waiting on that new Yeezy to drop.
It happens in any field and I was actually waiting for the Kanye reference to drop in sooner or later. To a casual observer, it def sounds asinine but if you're into this stuff, you're deeply engaged in it. Similar talks happened on all the car boards I've been on. When you zoom out to an outsiders point of view, the discussion was about offset and wheel stance. Regular folks don't even know what that is :lol:

The pro is that the thread is moving now and hasn't been stagnant.
outside from the fact that he purchased the wrong size jacket, the combo is alright

but navy trousers would've been exponentially better in my opinion
He's been catching flack for all his fits being too snug. Don't you know though? SF doesn't do navy odd trousers. 


16.99 a pop just copped every color in the store :lol:
J crew additional 60 off n student discount

There was the grey, dark blue, and the khaki colored one.
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