Dressing Better Vol 2.0

Now you know how it feels Fella. However at this point you are trolling because your starving for a reaction from them.

meh, i guess fella.

some dude dont like my hair, it just appears they are just a bunch of anti-hipster hipsters, since a side part is popular, WE HATE SIDE PARTS, slim suits are in, WE HATE SLIM SUITS, gq is popular fashion, WE HATE GQ

is this the right vibe im getting from them?....lulz
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Never seen guys as uptight as those in that SF thread. Dudes must get legit aneurysms when they see people irl who don't meet their standards.

Who would hang out with someone like that lol
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Question for you guys since we are on the topic of SF and the fit K posted.

When is the appropriate time to use each knot?

I only learned to do the half really and have not ventured past that.

Depends on your shirt collar. Example, spread collar requires a bigger knot such as a Full Windsor.

Post pics fool!  Smh with your Lane Kiffin-esque half *** posting.  Adapt to the situation!!!!!

DYINGGGGGGGGGGG @ the Kiffin jab.
Never seen guys as uptight as those in that SF thread. Dudes must get legit aneurysms when they see people irl who don't meet their standards.

Who would hang out with someone like that lol
Some of them actually like to help and are respectful. Others go overboard, but its no different here.
Never seen guys as uptight as those in that SF thread. Dudes must get legit aneurysms when they see people irl who don't meet their standards.

Who would hang out with someone like that lol
My roommate has a friend like this and he got into a yelling fit with my girlfriends friend (a girl) over his style because she was clowning him. We literally had to tell dude to chill. The conversation turned bad when he started talking about style trends migrating over here from Europe and she said that she thinks gay guys have a bigger influence on style on what straight guys wear in the US than what Europeans are doing. **** got ugly fast but it was sooo funny to listen to
My power rack is being delivered today, gotta get some new weights now. Really hoping my size doesn't end up changing too drastically once I get back into my workout routine.
Some of them actually like to help and are respectful. Others go overboard, but its no different here.

This needs to be put on the first page here because it's the same response whenever SF comes up and it's true.....could be applied to most forums too. You have to have thick skin anywhere on the internet.
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Steezy's approach was that of a troll so they treated him as such. Even though hes not a troll

My approach to that forum was nothing more than posting a fit, so no I didn't approach that forum like a troll, stop it.

I posted a suit for which I personally happen to like, had I gone there posting a pic of me in swimming trunks you can categorize that as a troll.
My approach to that forum was nothing more than posting a fit, so no I didn't approach that forum like a troll, stop it.

I posted a suit for which I personally happen to like, had I gone there posting a pic of me in swimming trunks you can categorize that as a troll.
That thread gets derails very little, but when it gets derailed, its bad. You sir have derailed that thread. Just take the advice and move on.
I almost got rid of my Camel overcoat. Ive had it for 8 years. Its actually made by Michael Kors.

How do you decide what to get rid of?
If it fits you and in a good condition keep it. Classic coats are classic, man.

Boy I opened a can of worms last night :lol:
My power rack is being delivered today, gotta get some new weights now. Really hoping my size doesn't end up changing too drastically once I get back into my workout routine.

I'm going to be ordering one soon since i'll have some space in my house. Got a link to the one you ordered? I've been looking at a few on amazon.
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