does the report button even work? how useful is it?

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones


I know you gon report me for gettin at you, [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]ol' Randall lookin boy[/color]. 'CHU GON DO ABOUT IT?


I'm just playin. I love you dfly. A lot. A lot a lot. I want nothing more than to caress you at night. If you quote this, you're a sissy.


Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

Nah, they really don't seem to pay attention to those "reports." An Admin told me himself.
Which administrator? As far as I'm concerned I check them.

I've never used the report button in my life. Its not that serious to be reporting dudes on here. Do you and let everybody else do them.
Originally Posted by chatta718

Nah this tread is bugged out...dudes are openly snitching like its cool...I'm bout to go back to lurkin...ppl like u dudes make me not wanna post at all as long as the language aint foul..but dudes are str8 foul...
No you not..
[h1]Rat[/h1][h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]
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This article is about rats. For pet rats, see Fancy rat. For other uses, see Rat (disambiguation).
[table][tr][th=""] Rats
Fossil range: Early Pleistocene - Recent[/th] [/tr][tr][td]

The common Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""] Scientific classification[/th] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]Kingdom:[/td] [td]Animalia
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Phylum:[/td] [td]Chordata
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Class:[/td] [td]Mammalia
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Order:[/td] [td]Rodentia
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Superfamily:[/td] [td]Muroidea
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Family:[/td] [td]Muridae
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Subfamily:[/td] [td]Murinae
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Genus:[/td] [td]Rattus
Fischer de Waldheim, 1803[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]Species[/th] [/tr][tr][td]
50 species; see text
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]Synonyms[/th] [/tr][tr][td]
Stenomys Thomas, 1910
[/td] [/tr][/table]
Rats are various medium sized, long-tailed rodents of the superfamily Muroidea. "True rats" are members of the genusRattus, the most important of which to humans are the blackrat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, Rattusnorvegicus. Many members of other rodent genera and families are also called rats and share many characteristics with true rats.

Rats are typically distinguished from mice by their size; rats aregenerally large muroid rodents, while mice are generally small muroidrodents. The muroid family is very large and complex, and the common terms rat and mouse are not taxonomically specific. Generally, when someone discovers a large muroid, its common name includes the term rat, while if it is small, the name includes the termmouse - scientifically, the terms are not confined to members of the Rattus and Mus genera. Compare the taxonomic classification of the Pack rat and Cotton mouse.


Originally Posted by I R Andre

I only report people I wanna see get banned. I remember when I reported Nike Star Jay for flaming and he got banned and I lol'd.

a lotta lame cats came out to voice their 'opinions' about something that didn't concern them. typical.

as for dude putting up my profile info, i worked at a hospital when i first signed up here, and my position was an 'Escort' or patient transport.therefore i would jokingly refer to myself as a male escort to people. fall back.

but really though dirty/jrose/whoever else, how are dudes able to get away with so much on here these days?! i understand ya'll not being able to monitorevery thread at every moment, but i mean damn, some stuff is just ridiculous, this thread included.
^ there's a lot worse on other sites. i understand not wanting kids to see some stuff, but really, what kid would you want discussing stuff here anyways?life is too short to take time out of your day to act like a hall monitor, and that's a mature response from an 'older nt'er'...
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