does the report button even work? how useful is it?

ima start reportin
Originally Posted by finnns2003

^ there's a lot worse on other sites. i understand not wanting kids to see some stuff, but really, what kid would you want discussing stuff here anyways? life is too short to take time out of your day to act like a hall monitor, and that's a mature response from an 'older nt'er'...
but why should he have to put up with the crap that's on NT...that shouldn't be on NT?
I have no problem with anyone doing stuff to clean up their own community

call him a snitch or whatever... that's just names... I'm glad to have people like him on board.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by finnns2003

^ there's a lot worse on other sites. i understand not wanting kids to see some stuff, but really, what kid would you want discussing stuff here anyways? life is too short to take time out of your day to act like a hall monitor, and that's a mature response from an 'older nt'er'...
but why should he have to put up with the crap that's on NT...that shouldn't be on NT?
I have no problem with anyone doing stuff to clean up their own community

call him a snitch or whatever... that's just names... I'm glad to have people like him on board.
true, i'm speaking from the perspective of "it could be a lot worse". 1 or 2 things overlooked by the mods and people arecomplaining. like i said, there's a lot worse out there. and i'm sure you'd agree.
Then you would agree that someone should have reported you when you were posting various female NTer's pics in previous PYP's?

I'd like to see the OP answer Pablo's question.
Originally Posted by acosta2

a lotta lame cats came out to voice their 'opinions' about something that didn't concern them. typical.

as for dude putting up my profile info, i worked at a hospital when i first signed up here, and my position was an 'Escort' or patient transport. therefore i would jokingly refer to myself as a male escort to people. fall back.

but really though dirty/jrose/whoever else, how are dudes able to get away with so much on here these days?! i understand ya'll not being able to monitor every thread at every moment, but i mean damn, some stuff is just ridiculous, this thread included.
what are you trying to achieve? serious question? if you wanna make a change go be a volunteer cop
Oh, the snitch button works.

Most of my bans/suspensions are the result of someone lurking in the shadows and hitting that report button.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Then you would agree that someone should have reported you when you were posting various female NTer's pics in previous PYP's?
I'd like to see the OP answer Pablo's question.

they were taken down by any female who requested it. i even went back n took em all down myself a lil while after.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Looks like we got a new candidate for moderator...

nah, not interested in that. i'm fine with simply reporting violators.
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