Not sure there was even a game to win/lose, we were having an adult conversation.

But cool.

You'll have a question for every answer I give you until the point where I just have no more answers for.

On the other side uou have yet to explain your position on the other side.

I ou just keep asking questions yo validate a side you've yet yourself validate.

I've seen you do this 1000 times 😆 🤣 😂

Im hip.
On the other side uou have yet to explain your position on the other side.
Huh? What more do I need to explain?

I stated that I felt religion's purpose was to control/guilt man into doing what the powers that be wanted man to do.

I am confused what else I need to say here.
Yes and the books was written THOUSANDS of years ago.

Just look how much we progressed in the way we think in just 30 years.

Values and knowledge has grown a lot since the book was written.

Blame the people who hold on to the old ways of thinking not the old book.
Whole new can of worms lol. Ok, so part or parts are obsolete or wrong now?
Kinda went off into a single point but most religious beliefs are MAN made and berate women in general.
The Abrahamic faiths do this in particular from Moses doing battle with Hetheru/Hathor (Golden Calf), to Mohammad destroying the temples to the Goddesses, and with women being considered permanent second class citizens in Judiasm. The spiritual head of all households are firmly entrenched for men to lead, then everyone else to follow.

Those of the abrahamic belief totally wiped out any acknowledgement of the Goddess, solidly placing man on the throne to be worshipped and worshipped alone.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican and I thought that guccishades was an idiot about women...
Man I just recently had to cut off this broke *** chick. First date I took her to this authentic Mexican restaurant... she claimed she didn't eat pork or red meat, but then proceeded to order one of the most expensive dishes that came with chorizo, and she added steak and shrimp. Ok, whatever, but I'm not buying your ****in ice cream. She came over afterwards and we had a few drinks and a blunt, she had the nerve to ask me for a beer to go and I just looked at her... :stoneface:

The next date I went to her house and she was supposed to cook. Drove my *** an hour to Kentucky, thinking she was about to throw down. This ***** has the audacity to try and cook me a ****ing frozen turkey burger. I don't eat turkey substitutes, no ground turkey, turkey bacon, etc... if it's not on a sandwhich or on Thanksgiving I'm not eating it, so she made these frozen burrito things and managed to burn them. Ended up just going to Buffalo Wild Wings and bought us dinner to go. ALso had to bring my own weed and alcohol again.

The last time I saw her I invited her back over my crib. Made rib eye, baked potatoes and asparagus. Smoked, drank... smashed again, but she refused to give me head. The sex was boring so that was a wrap for me after that. Haven't spoke to her in weeks but then she started following me on instagram. I can't be ****ing with these broke *** *****es man.

I can tell that some of these dudes on here really set themselves up to fail, then always wind up blaming women for their problems.

I do not want to @ anyone in this instance, as the comment is embarrassing on its own. A person who speaks of women in this manner, really has enough issues of insecurity to deal with.
Considering that so many were taught this....I can clearly understand why so many have issues with women.

[image, unknown]

Women are the Devil's gateway
Eve bit the apple and the world's been in trouble ever since. At least that's how
one of the core myths of Judeo-Christian religion has been interpreted. Not
surprisingly that view has been heavily criticised by feminist theologians.
Here's a New Internationalist summary of the debate.

'I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent' I Timothy 2:12.
Quick exit: women get the blame.

Holy prejudice
Discrimination against women is not confined to
Christianity. The major world religions all have some
built-in bias - as these few quotations and stories show.

According to the Quran, 'Men are the maintainers (or in charge) of women. So the good women are obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. And (as to) those whose part you fear desertion, admonish them and leave them alone in their beds and chastise them. So if they obey you, seek not a way against them.' (Quran 5:34).
Many Hindu religious texts describe women as deceitful and sexually provocative by nature. The following quote from the Devi Bhagaveta (1.5.83) is typical. 'A woman is the embodiment of rashness and a mine of vices. she is an obstacle to the path of devotion, a hindrance to emancipation. she is practically a sorceress and represents vile desire.'

According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha's stepmother wished to become a nun. She expressed this wish to the Buddha several times and each time she was refused. Finally, on the advice of one of his disciples, he acquiesced. But even as he did so, the Buddha claimed that establishing a community of nuns would reduce the time in which his teaching (the dharma) would be effective from 1,000 to 500 years.

One of the morning blessings made by an Orthodox Jewish male: 'Blessed are you Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has not made me a woman.'

Don’t know about telling anyone or their true meaning of “go be a wife” but why is she posting those pics to begin with? :lol:.

truth be told, folk shouldn’t be policing or regulating what a person who’s married can and can’t post online. if she’s comfortable doin her, what’s there to question? if im questioning why my partner is posting on her IG, that’s might be a reflection of my own insecurity.
htg designs said:

Context is everything.

Verse is a metaphor for Israel ( Samaria and Jerusalem ) prostituting themselves (idol/ false God worship).
Its depicting the depravity of Jerusalem not learning from Samaria's error, but even going further into lawless practices.

For anyone who care to know the basis of the quote:
The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother. They became prostitutes in Egypt, engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their breasts were fondled and their virgin bosoms caressed. The older was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. They were mine and gave birth to sons and daughters. Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem. Ezek 23:1-4

The metaphor used is problematic.
They are still blaming women my man. The fact that women are not allowed to make their own decisions, is a problem that still exists till today.

women are used often in figurative language to mean things that aren't women, for example lady liberty, lady country , Mary Jane, H.e.r in commons i used to love her etc ... figurative language is not hate...

IMO that's ridiculous but its not just you... in a lot of modern cancel culture ideology for some reason they cannot process that a metaphor is a metaphor... and the things being compared or alluded too are not literal..

alot of times sex and marriage in the bible and the Jewish tradition are not literal - especially when it comes to nations and or God...

also the bible was written in a different language thousands of years AGO so some of the figurative language might not be readily understood especially through the lens of the radical left in modern English. This will cause you to misunderstand the meaning of things and hate what really shouldn't be hated.

its like the desire to be offended today is greater than the desire to understand....
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