Do you share a bed with ya boy on trips to save costs

you are 20+ in college though

we would go to the bowl game each year and drive wherever it was and put like 5-6 people in a room because it's all we could afford. Should I have just stayed home then and missed out on some of the best experiences of my life?

Age is not a factor to me; the overwhelming majority of this country is living paycheck to paycheck so whatever corner people cut to take a vacation isn't my place to judge because it's better than no vacation IMO.
Honestly, this is probably the realest post in this thread. When you put it this way, I can't help but agree. Who am I to stand on some heteronormative high ground, blessed with enough cash on hand to request separate beds?

The majority of people not out their splurging and poppin' bottles deserve to enjoy their vacation, too. Sharing a bed is a small price to pay for a break from the daily grind. Respect.
You still stuck on that college crap?...I get it you were a college student, in college private space becomes a non factor anyways, specially if you dorm, it's not something I'm arguing, from the jump I've been speaking on behalf of adults with jobs penny pinching.
A vacation from school is obviously a completely different thing than a vacation from work, we need to understand and know the difference....I'm not gonna work the whole year, save up a few dollars to go away and be stressed about space and comfort the one time of the year when I shouldn't be worries about anything.
The question was 'do you share a bed with your boy on trips to save costs.'

No, for me as a 28 year old man with a full time job that's unacceptable.:lol:

If you're a college student and your vacation consists of getting ****faced and sleeping for a few hours in a hotel room, do you.

Really depends on what stage you're in.
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Exactly. This thread was never about college. Its about adults with jobs and expendable income.
You speaking of two families with kids sharing a house, KIDS....every time ya post ya sound even more silly...did your mom and her friend sleep in the same bed too?...say it was your dads instead of your moms and they said, ok kids, we going to bed and dudes hopped in the same bed....cut it out, this argument is ridiculous.

I dont go on a vacation to ball out, I can use groupon, living social to budget and save on other things, but lodging is not something ill compromise, not as an adult...chill...and I'm not going into a club outside of my state if I don't have enough money to cover for myself, clubs are expensive, if you wanna have a good time in a club, you'll need to bring money.

I sound silly :lol:

you are clearly homophobic; you act like if my dad and buddy shared a room they were closing the door and lighting candles

people do what they need to do to make ends meet at the end of the day
Rather be with people who are partying on a budget than people who aren't on a budget, but are self-absorbed
Hear yourself "party on a budget" wth does that even mean

Nobody saying to go out and pop bottles, but son if you out there scrambling for singles to buy a drink or passing around a drink between 3 dudes while going back to a room where 6 dudes must find a way to accommodate themselves, that sounds is that even a good time?...I can party on a "budget" without having to hop on a plane to a different state....justify it how ya want, I don't really care.
Not sure if srs.  You can "party on a budget," but you don't know what it means? 
  Do your thing then.  And who said anything about sharing drinks?  Do you not understand what "budgeting" is?   What college did you attend?  I'm honestly curious...
Some of y'all seem way too keen on the prospect of sharing beds. Throwing around the word homophobe because someone would dare to dream of having personal space while vacationing. Maybe we should start sharing hospital beds as well. There's nothing gay about it so it should be cool right? Think of all the money you could save!!!
There should be a homophobic fear factor. It should be called homophobic factor.

This thread premise could be one of the challenges.

Some of the other challenges could be taking a piss in a urinal while another dude takes a piss in the urinal right next to you.

Having to maintain eye contact with a dude that's eating a banana.

Being on some crammed bleachers and see who can stay on the bleachers the longest while having their thighs up against another dude's thighs.

The show captures their reactions and awards the most unhomophobic homophobic dude.

inb4 my idea gets stolen and made into an actual show that makes millions.
Only time I had to do this dude looked over and apologized by saying that he only wanted to see if the rumors about black people were true....
Some of you dudes act way too masculine for your own good. If it came down to it I'm laying own my side facing the opposite way.

Assuming some of y'all played sports in high school, did you guys wait til everyone was done taking a shower to take yours?
That's different. Dude's weren't sharing the same shower head.
I won't even sit on a bed if another dude is on it
P.S. THIS is homophobia. A reference for those just freely using the word.
Werd when did this turn into a broke college kids sharing beds on spring break discussion?...

And IDGAD how hard times are if my dad is sleeping with my best friends dad instead of me, I should question it, regardless if candles lit or not or door closed or open, and that's not being homophobic..
I don't get why Steezy always needs to hammer home his facts opinions once he gets going in a thread; Steezy and Ninjahood are so different but so alike

the situation is clearly subjective but who cares what the next man does with their money? You do you and they do they
It all comes down to individual standards.

If I'm doing something, I'm going all in. I got no time for budgeting.

That's not a shot, so please don't take offense.:lol:

This topic is all about perspective, and as you age that changes.
It all comes down to individual standards.

If I'm doing something, I'm going all in. I got no time for budgeting.

That's not a shot, so please don't take offense.:lol:

This topic is all about perspective, and as you age that changes.

pretty much this. its different for everyone. some are comfortable with it, some want their space. its understandable.

too many times on this forum dudes try to push their opinions on others.
I don't get why Steezy always needs to hammer home his facts opinions once he gets going in a thread; Steezy and Ninjahood are so different but so alike

the situation is clearly subjective but who cares what the next man does with their money? You do you and they do they

The irony!...

Fam you been going back to back with me on this same topic, you are just like me standing on the opposite field, trying to impose YOUR opinion on mines...GTHOH....

Yes this topic is subjective and dependent on age groups...period...a vacation to a grown man with a job has a complete different meaning than what it means to a frat boy.
You are arguing as if it's a fact to be unacceptable while I'm clearly stating it's an opinion

Let the next man choose their own fate

If two straight dudes are in Vegas sharing a bed to save money more power to them, my night of drinking beer and watching football with my friends goes unaffected regardless of two dudes sharing a bed
Couple of bucks? Nah. Sneak into a gym/shower? :lol: Nah, THAT means you shouldn't be on vacation.

Prison? That's a huge over exaggeration.

Of course it's an exaggeration, but if you must fit 10 people in one room you shouldn't be on Vacay either, that is insane man.....1 toilet, 1 shower, all those clothes and luggage, the smell, did housekeeping not tip off management?...I'm sure 10 people to a room is not allowed in ANY hotel...
Sometimesthat's what makes a vacation fun and you get lots of funny stories. Also no offense but most guys don't need to much time to get ready to go out
I feel you should do what is comfortable between you and your boys.

If money is a concern and there is a mutually understandable agreement between you and your boys for something then it's all good.

Age and income are only a factor if you make it a compared to others with those same factors.

Stop worrying about what others think....if the goal is to have fun while remaining in your limits then you need to understand that those two things walk a very fine line.
Classic NT where we take every side of an opposing argument to he extreme!

I understand where dudes are coming from who say they personally need their own space to sprawl out. That's 100% understandable. Zero eyebrows raised at that. I've stated my personal opinion on that so thats that. But the whole 'going on vacation vs staying home' thing doesn't automatically apply.

A lot of us are at that age where we're invited to bachelor parties, weddings, annual reunions with your college buddies back on campus for a game, etc. so while theyre weekends away, i wouldnt call them vacations. These things add up, and your friends are counting on you to be there to experience these events with them. If you can be there but it means cramming an extra cat in a room, its a no brainer to me (even if it means some drunk *** friend of yours has to crash on one side of one of the two queen size beds).

Now as for what OP said the situation was, I'd either split the Queen size with my sister or have my sis and my homie share a bed before I'm splitting the bed with my homie. I think that's just normal heterosexual male instinct.
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I dont understand why some of you guys are forcing this whole "it's ok for grown dudes to sleep in the same bed" argument. It just doesn't need to be done.

When I visited my guy in college a couple years back and stayed in his room, I didn't ask to sleep in his bed with him. Be serious here
I dont understand why some of you guys are forcing this whole "it's ok for grown dudes to sleep in the same bed" argument. It just doesn't need to be done.

When I visited my guy in college a couple years back and stayed in his room, I didn't ask to sleep in his bed with him. Be serious here

Neither would I. Hell no. Someone's bed and a hotel bed are different to me. No dude is sleeping in my bed and I'm not even thinking about sleeping in one of my homies bed. Give me a few blankets and a pillow, I'm on the floor/chair/couch/etc.
Ima let ya cook then, nothing else to say, I personally wouldn't do it...vacation time is dear for me and I plan accordingly, honestly if you have a job you are not going on vacations 4-5 weddings, bachelor getaways, etc a there goes that, so the 1-2 times I'm away I should have enough money to pay for my own bed and so should my friends at this age....anything else discussed here is going wayyyyyy off track, with club spending, frat getaways, spring breaks, etc...the topic was about grown men sharing a bed to save money...some think is ok, others don't, what else is there to say?
Neither would I. Hell no. Someone's bed and a hotel bed are different to me. No dude is sleeping in my bed and I'm not even thinking about sleeping in one of my homies bed. Give me a few blankets and a pillow, I'm on the floor/chair/couch/etc.

Not to continue, but is like to know what the difference is?...
Not to continue, but is like to know what the difference is?...

Ya know, I thought about that while I typed it and couldn't put my finger on it. Not really sure. I don't know if its cause everyone is chipping in on a room, or what. I just know the thought of crashing in my homie's bed at their place has never crossed my mind, and if they ever tried at my place id be like G T F O H. Again, not sure why just the way it's been for me.
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