Do you regret not voting?

I understand lacking faith in our current system I do as well, that is why I believe in reforming the system from the inside, you say you give a **** go run for city council, encourage your friends to become the police officers in the neighborhood, get on school boards, join community advocacy groups, we either sit around wait to be slaves again or for the system to crumble or we take an active role in it and have a voice.
Hope I don't sound insensitive. I do appreciate the struggle and effort of those before us to gain liberties they should have had in the first place. But to hear this as the driving force for people exercising their right is lost on me these days. Ancestors fought to sit and play wit folks who don't play fair. I'm not gonna continue that legacy unless I believe I can have an honest chance at winning.
@Sir San Diego my thoughts before watching that video are the same as after watching that video champ. That is..."marginal gains are better than huge losses".....or to put it in street terms...*Herm Edwards*..."you play to win the game". Something preventing your opponent (white supremacists) from scoring is a victory amongst itself.

Hillary Clinton is no champion for the black community but I don't see her as much as a threat as Trump and the setbacks he has in store for us. All you non-voting, both candidates are the same crowd folks keep making white supremacists happy by not voting. THEY like people like not so much.
I live in CA, I would vote if I had children and cared more about the local stuff but we blue here. I need to move to a swing state to make my blue ness matter.
To all those ppl who voted (for Hillary) and are angered/offended by those of us who didn't: congrats, your candidate lost. What do you want, a cookie? Do you ever stop to think, how would it have been if Hil did win? Maybe not blatanly open racism and prejudices, but perhaps the continued systemic racism and discriminations. The hidden, secret conspiracies, selling out to the highest bidder, lies upon lies screwing over Americans....that was the knock on her right? Every news freaking out about our emails and ishh. We were doomed ever since Bernie was out and if you were anything like me, you didn't care, Trump or Clinton. Both were/are going to be failures. In all honesty, Trump getting elected IMO is a good thing; as his continued idiocy and irratic behaviors will sooner than later will open up the eyes of more ppl to realize, "Whoa. We really blew it. How did we let things get this bad. We've got to do something about this..."

Oh and for those saying you should voted for [insert random alternative here] instead of Trump/Clinton, that's ridiculous. Just a waste of time and effort it DEFINITELY wouldn't matter.

[Gets of his soapbox]
Hope I don't sound insensitive. I do appreciate the struggle and effort of those before us to gain liberties they should have had in the first place. But to hear this as the driving force for people exercising their right is lost on me these days. Ancestors fought to sit and play wit folks who don't play fair. I'm not gonna continue that legacy unless I believe I can have an honest chance at winning.

This is exactly why hardy anything gets carried on in the black community. White people carry on things and objectives from generation to generation but some of you new ****** seem to have forgotten or just become to self-absorbed to think about others before you and even after you. You gotta realize....the enemy of MY enemy can be your ally when thought of and utilized properly. Learn how to play chess champ.....stop playing checkers.
One of the hardest things to do is to get people to admit that they are wrong. Messes with their pride. So I'm guessing you won't get anyone to regret anything.

They won't admit that they are wrong until it hits them personally. At this point, they don't mind seeing other people suffer and getting run over by cars on TV because they don't know those people personally, and therefore gladly use them as "just shows what this country is really like" pawns. I bet that they wouldn't offer their own mother getting killed by a white supremacist to show "what this country is really like" though.

What about all the people I know personally rotting away from a 3 strike law that was signed by a Clinton? The Clinton’s pandered to that same audience that trump riled up too!!!

When I look at the Clintons, I dont see someone who has black peoples best interest at heart. They’ve proven that with their actions.

Why should I give her my vote just cause she ain’t trump? The lesser of two evils is still EVIL!!!

The Clintons hands are dirty too...they put a lot of brothers in for profit prisons over petty charges.
For all these so called "woke" individuals out here that stayed home and didn't participate in voting on Election Day.....when you don't vote you are doing EXACTLY what the white supremacists want you to do. Go ahead and take that thought process to the grave. When you upset a white supremacist that means you are doing something right.

Are you not doing what WS want by continuing to talk down and condescend those that think diff than you? Even blaming them

They like people like you always telling the next black man their POV is worthless. Divide and conquer right?
If Hilary won

No rollbacks of civil rights.
No Sessions AG
No Devos as Sec of Education
No Carson as HUD Sec
No Bannon, Miller, and Gorka in the white house
No denial of climate change

I seriously want to know what Hilary would have done that would be just as bad or worse than what the orange clown has done in only 7 months
To all those ppl who voted (for Hillary) and are angered/offended by those of us who didn't: congrats, your candidate lost. What do you want, a cookie? Do you ever stop to think, how would it have been if Hil did win? Maybe not blatanly open racism and prejudices, but perhaps the continued systemic racism and discriminations. The hidden, secret conspiracies, selling out to the highest bidder, lies upon lies screwing over Americans....that was the knock on her right? Every news freaking out about our emails and ishh. We were doomed ever since Bernie was out and if you were anything like me, you didn't care, Trump or Clinton. Both were/are going to be failures. In all honesty, Trump getting elected IMO is a good thing; as his continued idiocy and irratic behaviors will sooner than later will open up the eyes of more ppl to realize, "Whoa. We really blew it. How did we let things get this bad. We've got to do something about this..."

Oh and for those saying you should voted for [insert random alternative here] instead of Trump/Clinton, that's ridiculous. Just a waste of time and effort it DEFINITELY wouldn't matter.

[Gets of his soapbox]

Bruh you sound dumb as hell.
If Hilary won

No rollbacks of civil rights.
No Sessions AG
No Devos as Sec of Education
No Carson as HUD Sec
No Bannon, Miller, and Gorka in the white house
No denial of climate change

I seriously want to know what Hilary would have done that would be just as bad or worse than what the orange clown has done in only 7 months

it's not just about the president it's about everything that comes with it

I never agreed with deuce king deuce king on the we should never consider voting for bernie because he didn't have as a much a chance as hillary but once bernie was out it was clear as day what had to happen and that was avoid a trump presidency

you dudes complaining about 3 strike laws( and justly so) but look at the impact trump can have on our judicial system and tell me they're both the same look at the **** he's already tried
I forgot to add that we wouldn't have Gorsuch as a Supreme Court Justice.

Gorsuch is the least of their problems.

Trump will be appointing a record number of district judges, positions they will hold for life. Why? Because in 2010 and 14, they handed the house and senate to the republicans by being too cute to show up at the polls. Those republicans blocked many Obama appointments, hoping to get the presidency. In 2016, they played the "bsats" tune again and helped the republicans **** them over once more as they got their president in the WH. Go and look at some of the judges that have already been confirmed and tell me that Hillary would've done worse.
Are you not doing what WS want by continuing to talk down and condescend those that think diff than you? Even blaming them

They like people like you always telling the next black man their POV is worthless. Divide and conquer right?

My objective is to get all of US on the same page or as many as possible. If that requires me to "talk down" on some folks as you stated then so be it. ****** gotta wake up time to hibernate. As the saying goes we are only as strong as our weakest link.......our weakest link would be all you non-voting and non-involved individuals.
If Hilary won

No rollbacks of civil rights.
No Sessions AG
No Devos as Sec of Education
No Carson as HUD Sec
No Bannon, Miller, and Gorka in the white house
No denial of climate change

I seriously want to know what Hilary would have done that would be just as bad or worse than what the orange clown has done in only 7 months

Those types of posts you're referring to have simply been cop-outs. All been a bunch of narratives pushed to give credence to why people had no problem putting Trump in office
Peep Game Peep Game

It's not a cop out it is the truth.

What would Hilary do as bad or worse than the orange clown? :nerd:

Civil rights?
Women's rights?
Foreign policy?
The presidency is not up for grabs. The president is pre selected behind closed doors long before the public is aware of the participants. Believing in this system of choice is the invisible chains bound to the land. Don't fall for the current media hype of racism bigotry and hate. It's all being set up by those in control.
I live in California. My national vote is meaningless. (2016 Electoral College votes by state below)


I decided not to participate because both candidates are liars and not good for the progress of black people. The hate was coming either way, so I have no regrets. These militia types haven't been training for nothing. They want a war. Trump, Clinton or whomever is in office and they're going to start it or try t
This is stupid reasoning and obviously you have no idea what you are talking about...there was one clear choice who would help push obamas agenda further...this mind set was toxic during the election. A bunch of people like you spewing this garbage thinking you know what you are talki about but couldn't be more wrong
The presidency is not up for grabs. The president is pre selected behind closed doors long before the public is aware of the participants. Believing in this system of choice is the invisible chains bound to the land. Don't fall for the current media hype of racism bigotry and hate. It's all being set up by those in control.


So how did you find out about this secret group of people that really pull the strings in this country?
it's not just about the president it's about everything that comes with it

This is really all there is to it. Trump himself is a buffoon and doesn’t scare me. The fact that he’s a buffoon who surrounds himself with deplorables does scare me, as those deplorables will help shape policy in our country.
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