Do You Buy Drinks for the Females at the Bar/Clubs? Vol. No Simpin'

Originally Posted by agentspits

I hate the sense of entitlement women have these days, obviously I know where it comes from, but it's still sickening to me.

Let's take a look at the situation like this.

Say you make 10 bucks an hour, depending on the price of the drink, you potentially just spent an hour working, to buy a girl a drink.... for what?

It could be worth the investment depending on where it gets you, but I wonder what the success rate for your average guy is when it comes to buying drinks for random chicks.

There is definitely science behind buying chicks drinks, psychology is an interesting subject.

Co-Sign. I hate when random girls try to get you to buy drinks.

If its a girl I know or respect then I'd probably buy em one tho.
My homegirl tell me all the time about how she goes to the club, and gets drunk for free bc of dudes like you.
depends where i think the night will go with her...and what kind of drink she want i aint buyin her no louie shot

but p.s. i F hate those chics in the club that go out wit no money straight dependin on dudes to pay for them the whole night SMH
this reminds me of another simple but dope line from a song

"I'm a pimp don't know what ya'll think/ You got a job *@#+% buy your own drink" - Joe Budden

This is a circumstance where I think buying ALCOHOL is acceptable, I'm curious if anyone might agree with me here. And we're not talkin about in arelationship obviously. But if you're gonna chill with a girl at a house, hotel, beach, kickback, etc, do you think it's fine to buy a bottle to share?That's more of a good chance ur already smashin her, or ur gonna, so I don't see too much wrong with it, and it costs a lot less then drinks/shots at abar will cost depending on what u get.

What do you guys think about that situation?
I've bought women drinks in only two situations really.

1. I bought her a drink b/c she bought me one first. W/o me even asking or expecting her to do it. I didn't even know she was going to the bar. So, Ireturned the favor. Or where it was understood that this would be a back and forth thing.

2. I gave the chick money for a drink I wanted and told her to get whatever she wanted too b/c I did NOT feel like waiting in that long **@ line or trying tomuddle through that pack of people trying to get a drink at the bar. A good looking woman sifts thorough that line like a knife through warm butter. They getthrough there extra fast. (I already knew the chick though so it wasn't like I was gave my money to some stranger).

However I see where the OP is coming from AND I see where DC is coming from. At the end of the day, different strokes for different folks.
This is a circumstance where I think buying ALCOHOL is acceptable, I'm curious if anyone might agree with me here. And we're not talkin about in a relationship obviously. But if you're gonna chill with a girl at a house, hotel, beach, kickback, etc, do you think it's fine to buy a bottle to share? That's more of a good chance ur already smashin her, or ur gonna, so I don't see too much wrong with it, and it costs a lot less then drinks/shots at a bar will cost depending on what u get.

What do you guys think about that situation?
Without question. I think even my man DC will agree w/ this one. Unless he gon' make her go half-sies on it.
Waste of money, especially when you get turned down
If you're buying a woman drinks and you get turned down, then you got other problems to worry about bro' (Not you specifically, I'mjust saying in general)
I seen this BAD chick Saturday night i was tempted to buy a drink!
Shew KNEW she was bad, I did, EVERYONE DID. I just
...and ended up posting up. Iaint T-Pain
^^^ dom you a fool... how u gon be eyein the female all night... & all ya did was post up & stare at her...

For shame...
Originally Posted by ericberry14

^^^ dom you a fool... how u gon be eyein the female all night... & all ya did was post up & stare at her...

For shame...

You could've at least pressed your wang on her but and did the Ricky Bobby.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

^^^ dom you a fool... how u gon be eyein the female all night... & all ya did was post up & stare at her...

For shame...
Nah, I was on chill mode Saturday night I was too tired man, wasn't even feeling it. It was s group of chick right in front of me at my VIParea I just
. I wasn't drinking or nothing. I guess you could say I wasn't feeling it that night. Dudes I went with couldn't dance atall and they was all on my neck everywhere I posted up at.
. When Swag N Surf came on ur boy was
though drawing the crowd.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by ericberry14

^^^ dom you a fool... how u gon be eyein the female all night... & all ya did was post up & stare at her...

For shame...
Nah, I was on chill mode Saturday night I was too tired man, wasn't even feeling it. It was s group of chick right in front of me at my VIP area I just
. I wasn't drinking or nothing. I guess you could say I wasn't feeling it that night. Dudes I went with couldn't dance at all and they was all on my neck everywhere I posted up at.
. When Swag N Surf came on ur boy was
though drawing the crowd.

aint that the worst... tha no rhythm having dudes just follow u around all nite... just staring at you while u dance wit a chick... girls get all intimidatedcuz they jus behind u lookin at the girls wit they rape face on...

Only once and that was a long time ago. I learned that lesson quick. Me and my man were talkin to these chicks walked em to the bar. They got their drinks androlled. Never again
. Random joints get nada.

However, I will buy a girl I know a drink on like her birthday or something. That's about it. But you out to celebrate a birthday so thats just whatever.

If you are chillin at the house or any other domestic place with a chick the alcohol is definitely acceptable and maybe necessary
One time I was at the bar about to order. A gaggle of chubby chicks swarmed, really feeling themselves for no reason.

They put me on the spot, saying "it's our girl's birthday, don't you want to get the birthday girl and her friends drinks?!?"

I smiled and said, "Sure." Turned to the bartender and ordered a shot and a beer for myself, and 4 ice-waters (FREE from the TAP) for fatgirl andfriends.
buying drinks for chicks at the bar/club is overrated and it doesn't get u as far as it once did. women these days listen to nothin but beyonce and theyare on their lil independent trip so i let them buy they own drinks.

not only that, but u got some chicks that just drink for free all nite cause mad dudes buyin them drinks. then half the time, they don't have no rap forthese dudes anyway. i'd rather not get associated with "the lames who are buying me drinks" group.

my $0.02
Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

One time I was at the bar about to order. A gaggle of chubby chicks swarmed, really feeling themselves for no reason.

They put me on the spot, saying "it's our girl's birthday, don't you want to get the birthday girl and her friends drinks?!?"

I smiled and said, "Sure." Turned to the bartender and ordered a shot and a beer for myself, and 4 ice-waters (FREE from the TAP) for fatgirl and friends.

i've been to quite a few bars in Argentina and the thing is over there I get in free with a $25USD prepaid card type thing, and I always madesure I had at least small chat before offering. (I don't drink at all and only thing they had I liked was Red Bull @ $8 each)
Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

One time I was at the bar about to order. A gaggle of chubby chicks swarmed, really feeling themselves for no reason.

They put me on the spot, saying "it's our girl's birthday, don't you want to get the birthday girl and her friends drinks?!?"

I smiled and said, "Sure." Turned to the bartender and ordered a shot and a beer for myself, and 4 ice-waters (FREE from the TAP) for fatgirl and friends.
I started reading that and I was just thinking "ohhell nah, you *++!**# simp - and then I read the last part. Good stuff.
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