Do you believe in marriage?

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by eleet1

Im getting married next month. FTL or FTW? Only time will tell. But the tax benifits and hopefully be getting that govt money
. Especially since its only my income supporting my girl, our daughter, and I.
FTL...I can tell already.

Unless you're joking.

Actually its FTL right now with our situation not being married. A lot of money outta pocket on things. But once we are married we will be able to getfinancial aid and what not for school. Right now my girl is going to school while i work. But when she finishes im gonna go back to school.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by NeOSoLe

Marriage these days is harder than ever... our generation are some selfish/unfaithful people
How many animals out in the wild are monogamous? It is not in our nature to be shackled down to one person for eternity.
We are human. Thats why we don't eat our own waste and we can reason.

Human's are animals though, god.
OK scratch that, do YOU think we should stick to one person or be free to do whatever?
I don't think the same goes for everyone. What is vital for me isn't always what is vital for you. Like I said, not everyone is meant to be married...and this is of no fault to them. It's just the way it is.
I peep that. But I just can't stand for peeps to go spread their seed everywhere.
You know how many people I know with deadbeat or non-existent fathers? Its staggering. My problem is I've heard that excuse of, "we're not meant to settle down" or "I'm a man and I have needs" time and time again. It does more harm than good, especially when it falls into the wrong hands.

Interestingly enough, my opinion has very little to do with sex. I just mean in general. I get bored with a girl during a conversation, let alone 40 years ofconversations. I know I know...'the right one' and all that. I just think people have to work harder longer at marriage now.

I also think this is why older people are getting divorced now. People used to be okay with just sticking out their putrid marriages after the age of 60 orwhatever. Sticking it out was easier, you lived a shorter amount of time and the quality of life after the age of 60 was worse. Living with someone you hatewas easier when it was just living with them for 5-10 more years. Now it is longer. Now people have more energy and feel better longer after retirement. Afterretirement or when the kids have left the nest, you have more time to look at the relationship introspectively. You have more time to be annoyed or happy.
I don't believe in marriage and could care less if I had a diamond ring to prove the extent of my love in a relationship.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Damn I can't marry mytmouse.

Can't trick her by having my kids either
why not?
My post is on the 1st or 2nd page
but if you change yamind
but I'll probably end up being a pushover on this topicanyway

Let me ask though what if you with a dude, you get pregnant, and lets say yall in love. Would you want/have to get married then? or having kids and thenmarriage make no difference as long as marriage is in the future/inevitable?
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Damn I can't marry mytmouse.

Can't trick her by having my kids either
why not?
My post is on the 1st or 2nd page
but if you change ya mind
but I'll probably end up being a pushover on this topic anyway

Let me ask though what if you with a dude, you get pregnant, and lets say yall in love. Would you want/have to get married then? or having kids and then marriage make no difference as long as marriage is in the future/inevitable?
mytmouse you can marry me. Im stacked with dead presidents
Another issue with this topic is that you're asking a bunch of 20 year old "live with mymom" cats with no real world experience about a lifetime commitment.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

How many animals out in the wild are monogamous? It is not in our nature to be shackled down to one person for eternity.
How many other animals are out there surfing the net? And actually, quite a few species are monogamous. Especially in the bird world.
Originally Posted by Rawk On

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

if i'm having your kids i'm not gonna just be your baby moms or 'your girl' the rest of my life...i'm gonna be your wife...
What she said. So, yes.

This, is why so many marriages are +%%+$$ up
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Damn I can't marry mytmouse.

Can't trick her by having my kids either
why not?
My post is on the 1st or 2nd page
but if you change ya mind
but I'll probably end up being a pushover on this topic anyway

Let me ask though what if you with a dude, you get pregnant, and lets say yall in love. Would you want/have to get married then? or having kids and then marriage make no difference as long as marriage is in the future/inevitable?

in an ideal world i will get married before i have kid...but i wouldn't make him marry me cuz i have a kid but if he told me he never wanted to be marriedever i dont think i'd stick around and just be his girl with is kid...probably wouldn't even keep dating long enough to even get pregnant if i know henever wants to get i said if we're gonna be playing house i will be your wife at some point...

and most of you saying you get bored easily or a girl can't keep your attention are probably still pretty young...

This, is why so many marriages are +%%+$$ up
how so?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

It isn't necessary
i agree with this.

im currently married but i do NOT feel the same spark as i did with her when we 1st got married. Its more than likely gone. But you gotta learn to be strongand keep the marriage going.

its really unessecary (sp) imo. If you got love/bond theres no need for marriage.

Things fall apart quicker with marriage. You'll feel like you and your spouse are just roomates with a *$!+*#* ring on.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

How many animals out in the wild are monogamous? It is not in our nature to be shackled down to one person for eternity.
How many other animals are out there surfing the net? And actually, quite a few species are monogamous. Especially in the bird world.
I don't actually believe in that saying. Its just something a coworker of mine went around telling everyone, prolly because we all knowhe is cheating on his wife with another coworker.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

How many animals out in the wild are monogamous? It is not in our nature to be shackled down to one person for eternity.
How many other animals are out there surfing the net? And actually, quite a few species are monogamous. Especially in the bird world.
I don't actually believe in that saying. Its just something a coworker of mine went around telling everyone, prolly because we all know he is cheating on his wife with another coworker.

a lot of people believe this, it's such a crap justification

I thought you were one of those "I'm having your baby you're going to marry me" girls

If you marry someone just because their pregnant and you don't love them you're doing it for the wrong reason, but if the love is there go ahead

I believe our age group is going to be $+@%!% when it comes to marriage, either every dude is a player or most of the chicks are $$**%!

But there will always be someone to marry $$**%! so most shouldn't be worried
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

How many animals out in the wild are monogamous? It is not in our nature to be shackled down to one person for eternity.
How many other animals are out there surfing the net? And actually, quite a few species are monogamous. Especially in the bird world.
I don't actually believe in that saying. Its just something a coworker of mine went around telling everyone, prolly because we all know he is cheating on his wife with another coworker.

a lot of people believe this, it's such a crap justification

I don't believe so.
I believe in it...if people would stop approacing marriage with the attitude of "well if it doesn't work out we could just get a divorce"marriages would last longer...People are too casual about divorce these days and aren't willing to work through problems...
Originally Posted by myhandstank


I thought you were one of those "I'm having your baby you're going to marry me" girls

If you marry someone just because their pregnant and you don't love them you're doing it for the wrong reason, but if the love is there go ahead

I believe our age group is going to be $+@%!% when it comes to marriage, either every dude is a player or most of the chicks are $$**%!

But there will always be someone to marry $$**%! so most shouldn't be worried

love has to be involved of course...i was just saying the kids thing cuz someone said they want kids but a wife of gf are whatever to them...
I already responded, but I wanted to give a little more explanation as to why I do.

First off, yes it's true that many people do not view marriage the same and have problems with it or are totally against it. But in no way does thatdictate what I feel and what I believe to be right. I can reason and make my own educated decisions for myself. Marriage is as valuable and sacred as treat itand believe it to be. I don't let the "popular" idea or movement tell me what I should or shouldn't do.

Second, for me, marriage is something of eternal consequence and has repercussions for me and my spouse, my children, my children's children, and so on andso forth. I view it as something very sacred and something that when done on correct principles brings thegreatest happiness in life.

These days marriage and families are being attacked from all angles and downplayed, trodden under, and scorned at.

I've heard a lot of people say that we're evolving and that we're (the human race) "progressing", that marriage is"old-fashioned". What I don't understand is that in the "old days" (at least in America) we weren't in massive amounts of debt,both as a country and as individuals/families. Things were valued, whereas private things are plastered over the internet, media, and other forms ofcommunication. Children, for the most part, were raised and taught how to work hard and to value the things they had. Today, we see 16 year old kids disgustedthat their parents didn't buy them the right colored car for their's ridiculous! I'm not saying that every thing we did in the pastwas the right thing (racism, etc.), but I do think that many things that made us better people are no longer in today's society.

You see, this is why the family is the most important unit in the world! It is in the home, the family, that things are taught, where children are nurtured andraised to become productive, contributing citizens. How sad is it to see your friend's family or even your own family torn apart and hating each other?

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that for me, marriage is not only a blessing, but a necessity. It may not be easy, and it will require work. It willrequire each partner to sacrifice and compromise. Parents will lose sleep over babies, time over soccer games, and free time to tending sick ones...Butwhat's life without work, without sacrifice? It's those sacrifices that make it possible for MANY of the blessings and things we have today.

I hope I didn't offend anybody, that was definitely not my intention. I just wanted to share with you my thoughts and feelings regarding the subject athand...

I love marriage and I hope to someday be part of that awesome union with my wife!
Originally Posted by NeOSoLe

Marriage these days is harder than ever... our generation are some selfish/unfaithful people
QFT!! Plus women these days only care about the rings and the show that is the wedding ceremony. I believe that one key to a good marriage is theability to go through the trenches with your mate.

You know the saying "Fall in Love", I believe that the person you should marry is the person that is willing to fall with you.
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