Do you believe in marriage?

I think a lot of people have their theories mixed up about what marriage really entails and implies, which is fine, because everyone has their own views orbeliefs if you will, about marriage, making up a mixture of perceptions. It all depends on past experiences, how you were raised, learning from others, yadayada...

I'm reading a lot of "they just want the piece of paper," or the status deal. That's straight up mularkey for those that understand thesethings aren't even really supplemental in the hard wiring of what marriage should be. It's the ultimate expression of love and commitment to your"significant other." It displays a special bond that can only be filled by that "significant other," that instills you a sense of securitybinded not my a contract, but by an undying love for your spouse.

There's just too many ways that people can say that marriage itself is bs. Rightfully so, really. So many people do get into marriage for the wrong reasonsor for not really knowing what love is (getting hitched too young). These aren't the old days, and I really think our generation takes much longer tomature due to a myriad of exposure to certain aspects of life that wasn't necessarily mainstream in the 50's.

For me, seeing what my parents had went through on top of observing some good friends' parents whose marriages were successful, gives me something tostrive for and I realize that my maturity along with my readiness for marriage won't come until early to mid 30's. It's the new 20 right?

I wrote more than I wanted...Now I look like a hopeless romantic.
The thought of ya wife leaving or swinging with other people is scary Lol

just cause she wants to "have fun" ...which alot of married people do

I aint even know that world ..CRAZY

just do it with the right one is all i can say

my parents been together for like 20 years

and they still even married yet'

if they can do it sure i can LOl
Sure. I figured what the hell

It's completely unnecessary though, but legal wise it makes certain things easier.
Yup, I want that traditional FAMILY thing. Husband, Wife, kids, dog, cat.

Hell, you can even throw in the white picket fence.
I've been married two years now. I'm 26. There are ups and downs but ultimately Idon't regret anything that I may have "missed". I think couples get married for the wrong reasons, and a lot of women fall in love with the ideaof being married, but once it hits them that it's for life then it kind of messes things up.

The same can be said for dudes that are in a relationship, supposedly serious, that have sidejawns the whole time they date their woman. Thinking that you can magically turn off the cheat button is habadashery[emoji]8482[/emoji]. If you're not ready, then just sayit. I've always had good self control so even though there are the temptations, I know that in the end, that little 80/20 rule that Tyler Perry made up in"Why Did I Get Married" is so damn true.

Not to mention the tax credit is

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I think a lot of people have their theories mixed up about what marriage really entails and implies, which is fine, because everyone has their own views or beliefs if you will, about marriage, making up a mixture of perceptions. It all depends on past experiences, how you were raised, learning from others, yada yada...

I'm reading a lot of "they just want the piece of paper," or the status deal. That's straight up mularkey for those that understand these things aren't even really supplemental in the hard wiring of what marriage should be. It's the ultimate expression of love and commitment to your "significant other." It displays a special bond that can only be filled by that "significant other," that instills you a sense of security binded not my a contract, but by an undying love for your spouse.

There's just too many ways that people can say that marriage itself is bs. Rightfully so, really. So many people do get into marriage for the wrong reasons or for not really knowing what love is (getting hitched too young). These aren't the old days, and I really think our generation takes much longer to mature due to a myriad of exposure to certain aspects of life that wasn't necessarily mainstream in the 50's.

For me, seeing what my parents had went through on top of observing some good friends' parents whose marriages were successful, gives me something to strive for and I realize that my maturity along with my readiness for marriage won't come until early to mid 30's. It's the new 20 right?

I wrote more than I wanted...Now I look like a hopeless romantic.

nice reply
Ya cant be a player ur whole life. It'll get old and plus, i want to be a father one day and pass my jordans on to my son/daughter
Some Random Thoughts:

1. Married Men keeps h o e s and strip clubs in business...It ain't players and macks or men with 'game' going to trick off and supporting a wifethey only touch 2 times a year.

It is these unhappy minivan driving @#%$*. They look down on others with 'game', but the people with 'game' couldn't do it without them.

2. If it's considered acceptable for a woman to leave a man if he loses his job, why isn't it considered acceptable for a man to leave a woman if herbeauty fades (which will inevitably happen)...

3. Most people get married because of social pressure...they see all their friends doing it and don't want to feel left out, or be "outcast". Ifa woman isn't married by 35, people think she's a h o or there's something wrong with her. If a man isn't married, he's"immature" and hasn't grown up. If he dates younger chicks? He doesn't wanna take on responsibility and can't handle a "real"woman.

4. Married Life = Mediocrity...Building wealth/becoming successful is 10x easier when you do it solo...

The middle class lifestyle:
The Wife, the 2.5 children, the dog, the Minivan parked in the driveway, its all B S. I know people who live this life that are depressed and wished thatsomeone would put them out of their misery. You must find your ideals in life. Do you want to strive for gREATNESS? Or are you content with mediocrity?

4. Women are emotional spenders, thats why the court system is in their favor. If you're married, your wife will have control over your finances, and ifyou don't give in, she'll start rationing out sex. This usually works on the Average American Male, who is $#*%% Whipped, but if it doesn't, shewill threaten you to divorce, either way you're screwed...

5.. Low Status Beta Males usually get married, since they don't have options and are afraid of becoming a "lonely old man". If you were amillionaire, and had an exciting life, would you really give an Eff? Most Wealthy Dudes who do get married, do it to increase their status/power. Jay-Zprobably gained so much more by getting with Beyonce, that it will offset the damage, if they get divorced.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

CWrite78 wrote:
aside from the benefits you get as a married couple (gov stuff).. what do you really gain if you have a paper to prove whether you're married or not? love should be there with or without a marriage certificate.
a commitment...

any two people can live together but marriage is a lifetime commitment...of course people are getting divorced like crazy but i'm not worried about what other people are doing...

if i'm having your kids i'm not gonna just be your baby moms or 'your girl' the rest of my life...i'm gonna be your wife...

i never got this.. the title dont matter.. its all the same thing

yes it does and no its not...people gettin to comfortable with bein a baby moms...not me...

what about the whole family having the same last name? my guy and kids have the same name and i'm here like

it's just a name.. wouldnt make you an less of a family.
4. Married Life = Mediocrity...Building wealth/becoming successful is 10x easier when you do it solo...
my biggest thing is finding a mate who's your match when itcomes to's my biggest marry a chick and then get my pockets hit in court.
If you're married, your wife will have control over your finances, and if you don't give in, she'll start rationing out sex. This usually works on the Average American Male, who is $#*%% Whipped, but if it doesn't, she will threaten you to divorce, either way you're screwed...
Originally Posted by FeeninLikeJodeci

Some Random Thoughts:

1. Married Men keeps h o e s and strip clubs in business...It ain't players and macks or men with 'game' going to trick off and supporting a wife they only touch 2 times a year.

It is these unhappy minivan driving @#%$*. They look down on others with 'game', but the people with 'game' couldn't do it without them.

2. If it's considered acceptable for a woman to leave a man if he loses his job, why isn't it considered acceptable for a man to leave a woman if her beauty fades (which will inevitably happen)...

3. Most people get married because of social pressure...they see all their friends doing it and don't want to feel left out, or be "outcast". If a woman isn't married by 35, people think she's a h o or there's something wrong with her. If a man isn't married, he's "immature" and hasn't grown up. If he dates younger chicks? He doesn't wanna take on responsibility and can't handle a "real" woman.

4. Married Life = Mediocrity...Building wealth/becoming successful is 10x easier when you do it solo...

The middle class lifestyle:
The Wife, the 2.5 children, the dog, the Minivan parked in the driveway, its all B S. I know people who live this life that are depressed and wished that someone would put them out of their misery. You must find your ideals in life. Do you want to strive for gREATNESS? Or are you content with mediocrity?

4. Women are emotional spenders, thats why the court system is in their favor. If you're married, your wife will have control over your finances, and if you don't give in, she'll start rationing out sex. This usually works on the Average American Male, who is $#*%% Whipped, but if it doesn't, she will threaten you to divorce, either way you're screwed...

5.. Low Status Beta Males usually get married, since they don't have options and are afraid of becoming a "lonely old man". If you were a millionaire, and had an exciting life, would you really give an Eff? Most Wealthy Dudes who do get married, do it to increase their status/power. Jay-Z probably gained so much more by getting with Beyonce, that it will offset the damage, if they get divorced.

You had me until here
This brings me to the thought of marriage. Quite frankly, I don't see the point of that entire ensemble. Okay, you go through a ceremony, take pictures and sign a few documents.. Exactly what weight does that hold? These days, marriage really doesn't mean $@!* anyway as people don't even uphold their vows. I'd tell her that I believe love (which we all know is intangible) should be the bond which holds us together. She would be like my "wife", but with without a paper of ownership. Now someone may ask themselves "did this man really just suggest marriage is a form of ownership?" Indeed I did and here's my justification.

Back in the day, you had your owner and you had your slave. Slaves would try to run away and seek freedom or even run to another plantation because the conditions may have been a bit better (more food, better sleeping conditions etc). Marriage is something like the legal, less harsh way (and no one forces you into it). Here's the comparison to that theory I just provided. You have your "owner" (usually a man, but in some cases a female) and that bond that ties you two together are those papers (like when slaves are sold). Now, when things don't go as expected and your spouse decides to leave, he or she is generally looking to start life over again (freedom) or looking for another mate (better conditions). I feel that marriage (and the pressures it comes with) causes these actions to take place. and of course, resentment among other things start to build.

My thoughts.

I appreciate marriage. It has wonderful benefits and a good marriage (doesn't even have to be your own) is something to cherish and appreciate. Here'sthe rub. I think human evolution and the evolution of medicine has made marriage harder to sustain. We live entirely too long to consider marriage a feasibleoption for everyone. We live 30-40 years longer than we did 100 years ago. That's a crazy stat. I am not saying that it is impossible, but asking to holdsomeone's attention and be the object of every one of their desires for THAT long will only get harder and harder. I see marriage as almost a casualty ofthe evolution of humans and medicine.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

My thoughts.

I appreciate marriage. It has wonderful benefits and a good marriage (doesn't even have to be your own) is something to cherish and appreciate. Here's the rub. I think human evolution and the evolution of medicine has made marriage harder to sustain. We live entirely too long to consider marriage a feasible option for everyone. We live 30-40 years longer than we did 100 years ago. That's a crazy stat. I am not saying that it is impossible, but asking to hold someone's attention and be the object of every one of their desires for THAT long will only get harder and harder. I see marriage as almost a casualty of the evolution of humans and medicine.
This explained a lot to me. Thank you.
nah son has a point,

when you do it solo (in my case, my company), we answer to no one but ourselves. You gotta keep business/personal relationships separate. I get approached bychicks who wanna "model" or "sing" all the time....and 9/10, if i wasnt doing what I do (lifestyle mkting, event planning etc) I wouldnteven get approached by half these chicks.I know a hustler when i see one.

in our relationships (particularly my business partner/best friend who's a female), our biggest and latest concern is people who wanna talk to us for whatwe can do for them. I'm not gonna be the one working my *#$ off whille some chick eats off me. My barber said some real !%# one day...he said "Womenwill be with you on a timetable. If you aint on her terms within her timetable, watch how things get."....that was one of the realest things I'veheard in my life.
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