Do you believe in marriage?

Women want that security....they've been raised to this marriage is the ultimate status they can reach relationship wise...FALSE

the highest status you can reach is total commitment and happiness....marriage doesnt guarantee either

not to mention if said commitment is broken, watch how fast all that love disappears in a court of law when the laws are already predispositioned againstmales. no thanks
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Women want that security....they've been raised to this marriage is the ultimate status they can reach relationship wise...FALSE

the highest status you can reach is total commitment and happiness....marriage doesnt guarantee either

not to mention if said commitment is broken, watch how fast all that love disappears in a court of law when the laws are already predispositioned against males. no thanks

what about common law marriage or whatever its called when you've been living together are seen as married?

and if you have total commitment and happiness why not get married?
It depends.
Right now Im with the person I love.
And she's prob 1000times mores sexier than anything else out there.
So I would not have no prob spending the rest of my life with her.
But marriage these days is thrown around like crazy....
becasue people are marrying for the wrong reasons like money, lust, or fame.
because then it becomes a contract....and once contracts are in...i, personally, reserve the right for a prenup...a lotta females disagree with me on that...
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

CWrite78 wrote:
aside from the benefits you get as a married couple (gov stuff).. what do you really gain if you have a paper to prove whether you're married or not? love should be there with or without a marriage certificate.
a commitment...

any two people can live together but marriage is a lifetime commitment...of course people are getting divorced like crazy but i'm not worried about what other people are doing...

if i'm having your kids i'm not gonna just be your baby moms or 'your girl' the rest of my life...i'm gonna be your wife...

i never got this.. the title dont matter.. its all the same thing

See J (if you don't mind) this is why there is always an all out war in the gay marriage threads lol. But its different for a lot of people because theyview marriage as a lifelong bond before God. So their is added importance with spiritual folk.

The sanctity of marriage is alive and well. Don't let the couple who give up, cheating spouses, individuals who make poor decisions and etc dictate whatmarriage truly is. Honestly speaking from the heart. I believe if more people kept the OG meaning of marriage and God at heart, the divorce rate would be muchlower to known. Thats my opinion though.

But for the people who down marriage, why down something where there are people who truly value it. People that want it for the right reasons and not just abadge or bragging rights. Yes its a major risk, but why live in fear and why let the mistakes and downfalls of others keep you from something so great?
because then it becomes a contract....and once contracts are in...i, personally, reserve the right for a prenup...a lotta females disagree with me on that...

I was the same way Mag. Marriage is supposed to be for giving you're all in every aspect. You can't hold back man. I know what you'reparents went through sucked but don't hold yourself back.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

CWrite78 wrote:
aside from the benefits you get as a married couple (gov stuff).. what do you really gain if you have a paper to prove whether you're married or not? love should be there with or without a marriage certificate.
a commitment...

any two people can live together but marriage is a lifetime commitment...of course people are getting divorced like crazy but i'm not worried about what other people are doing...

if i'm having your kids i'm not gonna just be your baby moms or 'your girl' the rest of my life...i'm gonna be your wife...

i never got this.. the title dont matter.. its all the same thing

See J (if you don't mind) this is why there is always an all out war in the gay marriage threads lol. But its different for a lot of people because they view marriage as a lifelong bond before God. So their is added importance with spiritual folk.

The sanctity of marriage is alive and well. Don't let the couple who give up, cheating spouses, individuals who make poor decisions and etc dictate what marriage truly is. Honestly speaking from the heart. I believe if more people kept the OG meaning of marriage and God at heart, the divorce rate would be much lower to known. Thats my opinion though.

But for the people who down marriage, why down something where there are people who truly value it. People that want it for the right reasons and not just a badge or bragging rights. Yes its a major risk, but why live in fear and why let the mistakes and downfalls of others keep you from something so great?

i hate when people use that arguement against marriage...people fail at stuff everyday but that doesn't stop you from pursuing your dream or whatever it isyou want to do so why would marriage be any different...
I always hated the term "believe" when it comes to marriage, the fact that the word "believe" denotes a pedestal placed on marriage whichwe already do here in America.

What marriage has become I want no part in. All I want is my one kid, and if a woman falls in love with me in the process it will be a plus.
because when you can potentially lose your own flesh/blood +money+home+have liens put on your account it makes you cautious...

plus...i think relationships work best when both parties have that "spark" both know you aint going anywhere anytime soon youdont life is so spontaneous right now...stuff is always happening for me....i have an extremely short attention span so if i were to even considera female for marriage she'd need to excite me more than my work does...

not saying i dont like a fling....but i have yet to meet a female who made me feel the way I did when I saw our first check being written out to us in person.till then, i'll do me.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

CWrite78 wrote:
aside from the benefits you get as a married couple (gov stuff).. what do you really gain if you have a paper to prove whether you're married or not? love should be there with or without a marriage certificate.
a commitment...

any two people can live together but marriage is a lifetime commitment...of course people are getting divorced like crazy but i'm not worried about what other people are doing...

if i'm having your kids i'm not gonna just be your baby moms or 'your girl' the rest of my life...i'm gonna be your wife...

i never got this.. the title dont matter.. its all the same thing

See J (if you don't mind) this is why there is always an all out war in the gay marriage threads lol. But its different for a lot of people because they view marriage as a lifelong bond before God. So their is added importance with spiritual folk.

The sanctity of marriage is alive and well. Don't let the couple who give up, cheating spouses, individuals who make poor decisions and etc dictate what marriage truly is. Honestly speaking from the heart. I believe if more people kept the OG meaning of marriage and God at heart, the divorce rate would be much lower to known. Thats my opinion though.

But for the people who down marriage, why down something where there are people who truly value it. People that want it for the right reasons and not just a badge or bragging rights. Yes its a major risk, but why live in fear and why let the mistakes and downfalls of others keep you from something so great?

i hate when people use that arguement against marriage...people fail at stuff everyday but that doesn't stop you from pursuing your dream or whatever it is you want to do so why would marriage be any different...

They're scared. If its just a word or a meaningless tradition then whats to be afraid of? Why live a life of being single or as just someone GF/BF? Why nottake it all the way

And don't forget its not just some regular "I love and we gon be together for awhile". This is "I love you, I always will, I work throughthick and til death do us part". And don't forget about the act its a spiritual bond of two souls before God (If you subscribe to that).
Once again something meanigful has to be disregarded because of the doings of man.
Nobody said Marriage would be easy. But if you do it right and commit to the person you truly love
its not a problem at all. Just as you have people who divorce within 24 hours. You have people who have been together
for over 50 years.
Marriage is not the prob. The prob is with the people marrying.
ehh mytmouse sounds like you just need the status and title to feel good about yourself.

you say you dont care what other people are doing / think but your worried about being known as a wife vs girl meanwhile that has no meaning between the two ofyou. if you went with some cliche "this is my everything" it doens't matter if its a wife or girlfriend. true love shouldn't nothing changeyou're commited or you're not whether you get a certificate / ceremony or not that doesn't change anything. not attacking you or anything.

anywho if you know your girl needs a ceremony and a ring to prove the relationship is a real one
.. and will make her happy, you'll do it anywho. word to he's just notthat into you.

do i believe in marriage, i think people who are against it raise valid points but not enough for me to blindly follow societies rules and what girls arewaiting for
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

ehh mytmouse sounds like you just need the status and title to feel good about yourself.

you say you dont care what other people are doing / think but your worried about being known as a wife vs girl meanwhile that has no meaning between the two of you. if you went with some cliche "this is my everything" it doens't matter if its a wife or girlfriend. true love shouldn't nothing change you're commited or you're not whether you get a certificate / ceremony or not that doesn't change anything. not attacking you or anything.

anywho if you know your girl needs a ceremony and a ring to prove the relationship is a real one
.. and will make her happy, you'll do it anywho. word to he's just not that into you.

do i believe in marriage, i think people who are against it raise valid points but not enough for me to blindly follow societies rules and what girls are waiting for

i feel you...but like i said...what about if/when we have children...they will all have the same last name and i'm over here with a different name...saywhat you want about it just being a certificate but we all know BM and my girl don't hold the same the end of the day you're justshakin up with some kids...
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

ehh mytmouse sounds like you just need the status and title to feel good about yourself.

you say you dont care what other people are doing / think but your worried about being known as a wife vs girl meanwhile that has no meaning between the two of you. if you went with some cliche "this is my everything" it doens't matter if its a wife or girlfriend. true love shouldn't nothing change you're commited or you're not whether you get a certificate / ceremony or not that doesn't change anything. not attacking you or anything.

anywho if you know your girl needs a ceremony and a ring to prove the relationship is a real one
.. and will make her happy, you'll do it anywho. word to he's just not that into you.

do i believe in marriage, i think people who are against it raise valid points but not enough for me to blindly follow societies rules and what girls are waiting for
Once again I believe in marriage but you made a good point.
It is so much about material these days. Im mean you basically have to have a savings account to please some of these chicks
with a "decent" wedding.
Wedding counsler are you serious? I thought this was a commit of love...something that doesnt include money.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

ehh mytmouse sounds like you just need the status and title to feel good about yourself.

you say you dont care what other people are doing / think but your worried about being known as a wife vs girl meanwhile that has no meaning between the two of you. if you went with some cliche "this is my everything" it doens't matter if its a wife or girlfriend. true love shouldn't nothing change you're commited or you're not whether you get a certificate / ceremony or not that doesn't change anything. not attacking you or anything.

anywho if you know your girl needs a ceremony and a ring to prove the relationship is a real one
.. and will make her happy, you'll do it anywho. word to he's just not that into you.

do i believe in marriage, i think people who are against it raise valid points but not enough for me to blindly follow societies rules and what girls are waiting for
Once again I believe in marriage but you made a good point.
It is so much about material these days. Im mean you basically have to have a savings account to please some of these chicks
with a "decent" wedding.
Wedding counsler are you serious? I thought this was a commit of love...something that doesnt include money.

a wedding counseler isn't just about money...

normally if you get married in a church and recieve counseling through them its about communication, MONEY, trust and what ever else you have to deal with in amarriage...

and lets not act like money isn't important going into a marriage and during...

Marriage isn't like a spoon of rice that you can spit back out if it gets too hot.
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