Do you believe in marriage?

Marriage has been pretty cool so far. No difference, just harder to break up and more expensive. But here's hoping that I'm in the 52% of non-divorced!(unless it is necessary)
I"m married and i can say that marriage aint what it used to be. I can see the difference from my grandparents to my parents to my wife and I. Things justaren't the same anymore. I guess all things do indeed evolve with time.
Yes and I feel sorry for dude too because before then ain't a question about himself is gonna be missed.
...won't make the mistake of marrying someone I don't know.
marriage is what you make it to be. ive been married for two months now (we dated for 9 years though LOL). if you're an insecure, jealous, or possessiveperson, do everybody and society a favor...don't bother getting married. my wife and i have a very open and fun relationship based on trust and love. imade the right decision but i definitely took my time.
1st u have to ask what is your definition of marriage. SOCIETY recognizes marriage as a ceremony with a priest present and the signing of a marriagecertificate, which makes the marriage official in the eyes of the state.

but in all actuality, marriage is simply a commitment between a man and a woman. in biblical terms, when marriage is mentioned, it is always in reference to awoman subjecting herself to a man sexually. if u look at it along those lines, then sex = marriage. that means any woman u have sex with is your wife and u areobligated to them under the laws of Christ.

that is obviously very unconventional wisdom, but i tend to agree with the latter.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

but in all actuality, marriage is simply a commitment between a man and a woman. in biblical terms, when marriage is mentioned, it is always in reference to a woman subjecting herself to a man sexually. if u look at it along those lines, then sex = marriage. that means any woman u have sex with is your wife and u are obligated to them under the laws of Christ.
I definitely believe in marriage .

If two people genuinely love each other ... what's wrong with taking that step ?

There are some dudes with legit reasons why they don't believe in marriage & immature ones like 'too much commitment' .

OP you have to remember that this is NT we're talking about ... where dudes #1 priorities are staying fresh & smashing wemenz .

Marriage just isn't for some people though ... but to hate it just to hate it is dumb .
I believe in marriage if it done on your terms , if your going into it as:
1) trying to lock something down
2)because she pregnant
3) your going away

It wont work , me personally i married this woman because we have been through hell and back and through it all we still stayed together. I feel lcky cuz ifound someone who helps me with my rsie in status asi have helped here out . The bible has a a scripture about when two become one , Ecclesiastic chp 4 or ninei think and it describes weding and how t approach it
Originally Posted by FeeninLikeJodeci

Some Random Thoughts:

1. Married Men keeps h o e s and strip clubs in business...It ain't players and macks or men with 'game' going to trick off and supporting a wife they only touch 2 times a year.

It is these unhappy minivan driving @#%$*. They look down on others with 'game', but the people with 'game' couldn't do it without them.

2. If it's considered acceptable for a woman to leave a man if he loses his job, why isn't it considered acceptable for a man to leave a woman if her beauty fades (which will inevitably happen)...

3. Most people get married because of social pressure...they see all their friends doing it and don't want to feel left out, or be "outcast". If a woman isn't married by 35, people think she's a h o or there's something wrong with her. If a man isn't married, he's "immature" and hasn't grown up. If he dates younger chicks? He doesn't wanna take on responsibility and can't handle a "real" woman.

4. Married Life = Mediocrity...Building wealth/becoming successful is 10x easier when you do it solo...

The middle class lifestyle:
The Wife, the 2.5 children, the dog, the Minivan parked in the driveway, its all B S. I know people who live this life that are depressed and wished that someone would put them out of their misery. You must find your ideals in life. Do you want to strive for gREATNESS? Or are you content with mediocrity?

4. Women are emotional spenders, thats why the court system is in their favor. If you're married, your wife will have control over your finances, and if you don't give in, she'll start rationing out sex. This usually works on the Average American Male, who is $#*%% Whipped, but if it doesn't, she will threaten you to divorce, either way you're screwed...

5.. Low Status Beta Males usually get married, since they don't have options and are afraid of becoming a "lonely old man". If you were a millionaire, and had an exciting life, would you really give an Eff? Most Wealthy Dudes who do get married, do it to increase their status/power. Jay-Z probably gained so much more by getting with Beyonce, that it will offset the damage, if they get divorced.
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