Do not say "Adios" to a Judge

Judge is a power crazed idiot imo.

He can tell she is high as a kite and then takes it all so personally because GOD forbid a person says "adios" to him after he sarcastically says "bye" to her. Then piles on a second time after getting flipped off. Way to dish out justice based on your ego, buddy.

She had no priors and was high at the time this was happening .. let's go ahead and let her spend 30 days in jail where she might get molded into an actual criminal

Some of these judges need to get over themselves.

And yes, she was an idiot but how much of her idiocy is because she is doped up and how much is a part of her normal personality I am not sure.

I am a big law and order (not the tv show) guy but I don't think this is how our justice system should work

Also 4w your comments are truly pathetic
How in the hell id you get 4 reps for that nonsense? 
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this is court, this can destroy your whole life, if you dont take this seriously and laugh every 3 seconds and say your stuff is worth rick ross money then you deserve to be punished..

you think this chick would've learned her lesson if the judge let her go free after that adios? 

hell naw, she would've been back on the street driving on xanax bars..
Judge is a power crazed idiot imo.

He can tell she is high as a kite and then takes it all so personally because GOD forbid a person says "adios" to him after he sarcastically says "bye" to her. Then piles on a second time after getting flipped off. Way to dish out justice based on your ego, buddy.

She had no priors and was high at the time this was happening .. let's go ahead and let her spend 30 days in jail where she might get molded into an actual criminal

Some of these judges need to get over themselves.

And yes, she was an idiot but how much of her idiocy is because she is doped up and how much is a part of her normal personality I am not sure.

I am a big law and order (not the tv show) guy but I don't think this is how our justice system should work

Also 4w your comments are truly pathetic
you've never been in a real court room have you?   i have no idea what you're talking about.

the girl wasn't high.  her court appearance would have been in the morning.  they don't arraign you at 9am the morning of your arrest.  she's not getting high in police custody.  she was just acting dumb.

it's a minor charge and 30 days? it isn't even set in stone.  judge was trying to teach her a lesson about respecting authority by making her spend another night in jail for being a dumby.

they dropped the charges the next day:

the "entitled" hispanic judge shut that **** right down.  might have saved her life if rehab works...
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Im not one to disrespect a judge or cop (or be around one in the first place), but you should not be punished for expressing yourself to them.
Yet another Cuban in Miami who thinks hes a boss and thinks people should bow down to him. I think community service and paying a fine wouldve done her more good to a person who obviously doesnt give a damn. I had to do 75 hours of community service for High School requirements and it was no joke.
Yet another Cuban in Miami who thinks hes a boss and thinks people should bow down to him. I think community service and paying a fine wouldve done her more good to a person who obviously doesnt give a damn. I had to do 75 hours of community service for High School requirements and it was no joke.
she's a drug addict... a fine and comm service would have done her good?
A lot of ya'll dudes obviously don't know how court works. If you hold up your middle finger and yell F-YOU to the judge, you getting locked up if you are not even on trial and just happen to be sitting in the courtroom.

My advice is that you guys make sure ya'll get lawyers if ya'll ever have to go to court since ya'll think anything goes.

Contempt of court is essentially seen as a form of disturbance that may impede the functionality of the court. The judge may impose fines and/or jail time upon any person committing contempt of court. The person is usually let out upon his agreement to fulfill the wishes of the court.
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If you want to portray a judge as evil and power hungry, you picked the wrong one. This girl was a moron and it's not one bit surprising that the judge did that. She was making light of the situation.

flipped him off? Are you insane?

I was in court twice and both times I was super respectful. You have to be stupid not to go that route



wusup you from hialeah ?

::high five::
:lol: :smh: @ some of yall.

Its a lot of hype in here. Do I need to pull my phone out to see this chick?
Judge is a power crazed idiot imo.

He can tell she is high as a kite and then takes it all so personally because GOD forbid a person says "adios" to him after he sarcastically says "bye" to her. Then piles on a second time after getting flipped off. Way to dish out justice based on your ego, buddy.

She had no priors and was high at the time this was happening .. let's go ahead and let her spend 30 days in jail where she might get molded into an actual criminal

Some of these judges need to get over themselves.

And yes, she was an idiot but how much of her idiocy is because she is doped up and how much is a part of her normal personality I am not sure.

I am a big law and order (not the tv show) guy but I don't think this is how our justice system should work

Also 4w your comments are truly pathetic

play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Judge is a power crazed idiot imo.

He can tell she is high as a kite and then takes it all so personally because GOD forbid a person says "adios" to him after he sarcastically says "bye" to her. Then piles on a second time after getting flipped off. Way to dish out justice based on your ego, buddy.

She had no priors and was high at the time this was happening .. let's go ahead and let her spend 30 days in jail where she might get molded into an actual criminal

Some of these judges need to get over themselves.

And yes, she was an idiot but how much of her idiocy is because she is doped up and how much is a part of her normal personality I am not sure.

I am a big law and order (not the tv show) guy but I don't think this is how our justice system should work

Also 4w your comments are truly pathetic

How in the hell id you get 4 reps for that nonsense? 
This. Straight nonsense

A power crazed judge wouldn't have even let the Rick Ross comment slide. I'm surprised it didn't get real then.
I was in traffic court once for a reckless driving ticket. I was sitting all the way in the back and in the middle of the bench with frail, old people on my left and plus size models on my right. I didn't want to squeeze through either of them so, without really thinking, I hopped over the back of the bench so I could just go around and down the aisle since there was nothing behind us.

As soon as I did that, a whole bunch of commotion erupted from the judge and officers. I guess it MIGHT have looked bad, but probably just more unorthodox than anything. Judge asked me what I was thinking and I tried to explain to her that I'm a tall guy and I didn't want to squeeze through on either side, but she wasn't really having it so I just apologized.

Ended up getting charges reduced even though she was staring at me grumpily the whole time. After my lawyer and I walked out together I apologized to him too and he just said it was cool.

moral of the story: I'm siding with the judge in this video.
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This was def down here in S. Fla.

Where are the NT detectives, I need a name. If she's from Hialeah, the yambs will be easy.
Did she really say "like Rick Ross" when the judge asked how much her jewelry was worth? 
Would she have been in court had she had a prescription for those xanax?

Boggles my mind how any of you can defend a criminal who has no respect/regard for the law or herself. This is how this girl acts in public AND in defense of herself. I've been to court a number of times in my dumber youth and I never, ever disrespected the judge (and I had a few hard case judges myself). It's almost a defense mechanism that any self-respecting person gets when they're at the podium. Even if you don't agree with your charges, you still shut up and do all you can (in a respectable manner) to get that judge to see the little glimmer of good in you. This broad had no respect for herself, the judge or the judicial system she was in the midst of. Judge Judy woulda thrown her out for contempt long before she got the bird out.
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