"Demarco Murray was having an affair with my wife" - Ex-teammate, Brennan Clay

both broads are meh. expected better from demarco

damn @ her showing no remorse tho. violin emojis :rofl:

thats cold b
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ITT: Kids act like they have life experience. Someone shows up with REAL life experience, no can add anything to it so they drop a funny cutouts of gifs.....and even accuse him of trollin? tf?
***** is cold hearted. Posted violins on his IG page when he was clearly in his feelings.... :lol:

But this is why he's in the position he's in. Dudes act a fool over the *****. I understand that was your girl and you cared for her but she showed her true colors by sleeping with your boy. They both did. Luckily he has no ties to her like children. The trick with women is that you should never care more than they do. Once you do, they're looking at you as weak. Even when you're married you still have to mind **** your girl. Either way he needs to cut her off and get a new chick. A better looking one at that.
I'm with you. ****** gets my wife pregnant, nothing's off limits.
um she by all accounts probably got pregnant before he wifed her.... seeing that she had her second kid in 2011 and they got married in 2012.... So how could he be made at a dude banging his wife, when dude didnt even get mad when a dude... a dude who she already been messed with and had a kid with smashed and got her pregnant....

I just dont understand yall logic, you date a chick and she gets pregnant... you cool with that and will marry her.... and again his fault he didnt really know her... (i mean he came to osu in 2010, so if they started dating then, she pretty much was going out with clay and giving the p to the baby daddy...) ok even if you play the scenario he met her in 2011..... then he pretty much dated a chick who was pregnant by another dude and within a few months wifed her up.... again still a sucka arsed move..

So if anything he should be mad at himself for either A. dating a chick who gets pregnant by another dude, and then decides to marry her. or B. dating a girl who is pregnant with a off/on again baby daddy... and shortly after meeting her while pregnant with another mans child, ups and marries her.
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violen emojissssssss

not going to lie.. i laughed.

she has that look tho, when you see a chick with some archy/crazy *** eyes and eyebrows, she just looks like shes dirty
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I wouldn't have done that, but I can't knock any emotional response in situations like this short of murder.

Cats in here talkin bout murderin dudes cause his ole lady was choosin. Yall need help.

Iaint never seen this many capes come out for a thottie. Sound like some peeps in here are in denial about their ole ladys history doe. Peep game

Sit down child, short of murder, meaning anything but murder. "Thottie" or not, he was married to this woman.
The trick with women is that you should never care more than they do. Once you do, they're looking at you as weak. Even when you're married you still have to mind **** your girl.

What kind of BS is this :rofl:

I love threads like this because it lets people expose themselves.

Never will I be in a relationship where mind games are what keep us together.

That's just too much work.
Bruh if you get into anything you can't walk away from when it gets sour you're doomed. That's facts to me, not even interested in debating it.
Bruh if you get into anything you can't walk away from when it gets sour you're doomed. That's facts to me, not even interested in debating it.

There's not a single marriage or career that doesn't have sour patches.

So in you opinion, never get married, never get a job.

Sound advice.
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