something tells me some dude is going to be friends or connected somehow with one of these girls and go tell:smh:
what happens on NT stays on NT...

Ain't that the truth, haters gon hate. Probably already done, some thirsty dude has already found the girls and fb messaged this thread, sad part #12 only responds and said NTer thinks he gonna get them #12 yambs but NTer realizes he doesn't talk to girls and drops the ball and gets no yambs at the end. Said NTer reports OP to the mods and gets heckled by rest of NTers for snitching and getting the thread locked. Sad thing, this had a good chance of happening (not sure if I'm srs)

This is a humble brag that's pretty humble

Nothing over 6 here , Atta boy
Ain't that the truth, haters gon hate. Probably already done, some thirsty dude has already found the girls and fb messaged this thread, sad part #12 only responds and said NTer thinks he gonna get them #12 yambs but NTer realizes he doesn't talk to girls and drops the ball and gets no yambs at the end. Said NTer reports OP to the mods and gets heckled by rest of NTers for snitching and getting the thread locked. Sad thing, this had a good chance of happening (not sure if I'm srs)
A mod already posted in here so I think it's clear for now
8 has a pie face, small ****, and a narrow asss, da fuq outta here with this pointless gassing. All yall fools seeing is a pose and mellow lighting.

5.5 at tops
Upon request, here is the story of 12:

Had one too many shots and was wasted almost to the point of being blacked out at the bar. My friend's big brother introduced me to this girl that he knows. She instantly wanted the D and bought me a drink. With my beer goggles heavily intact, mixed with the dark lighting of the bar I actually thought she was decent. 30 minutes later we took a taxi back to her place (don't worry she paid). Got the yambs and she gives me a ride back to the bar. I walk back in and proceed to dap all of my boys thinking I had just killed the game. Woke up the next morning and looked her up on facebook then almost threw up all over my laptop lol that's basically the just of it.
Why is nt fascinated with persian woman? Her face is ehh her body is :x

You're trying too hard here, son.

I saw this Persian chick in Tyson's the other day that blows that #8 out of the water. Same petite body but the backside was sticking out like a pair of beachballs.

OP, did you hit these girls multiple times or were these all 1-night stands?
 Repped...definitely foul, but I had to rep anyway.

I live in LA, no way I could do this. Not trynna post somebody's sister or mother.
Could picture myself drinkin too much and ending up backseat bangin #12


"P---- aint got no face"- my old head
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Did you smash the one on the left or the right for number 3?

Na I'm just messing with you but buns are buns and some of the broads up there aren't bad at all
I applaud your boldness OP...

I could never do this for three reasons:

1. Small world.

2. NT snitches.

3. Not enough bandwidth :tongue:
I just updated the thread with 2 more girls that were missing from the list. In my opinion number 14 trumps number 8 and is hands down the winner but that's just me. Might not be the best pic of her though. Chick on the left
i commend you for smashing 12 chicks OP.. 

for me it was always quality over quantity tho..and i usually mess with em for a while since they'd be good peeps too and they'd have their ish together..

ive had mad flicks of girls sending me sexy pics to my phone n all that..

would post but i know yall would get a hold of em and then theyd know it was me that posted em..

some of yall are pretty sad to be honest getting a hold of these chicks telling em whats going on in here..
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