Bold move OP. respect.

You look like the average NTer as he ages, getting the occasional W, taking some L's, and learning how to not give any dambs. Yambs are yambs when you don't care.

...12 is rock bottom for you though. :x

Rise from now on. To the top of Mt. Yamb. You smashed a Yeti midway but keep improving.
Not gonna take the time to rate each one individually but the mode appears to be at about a 6.6/10. The mean, 4.35, is significantly lower than the mode due to the atrocity that was the last girl posted negatively skewing the overall rating.  
Not gonna take the time to rate each one individually but the mode appears to be at about a 6.6/10. The mean, 4.35, is significantly lower than the mode due to the atrocity that was the last girl posted negatively skewing the overall rating.  

Can't you just remove her as an outlier?
This wont end well at all.  Hasn't OP seen the CSI-Catfish-Carmen Sandiego type detective work?  *goes prepares popcorn*
something tells me some dude is going to be friends or connected somehow with one of these girls and go tell

what happens on NT stays on NT...
something tells me some dude is going to be friends or connected somehow with one of these girls and go tell:smh:
what happens on NT stays on NT...

I wouldn't be surprised. OP must be prepared to burn his bridges with all these girls :lol:.
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#1 and #2 got them sturdy, stable strategically anchored chins..

..nice lil lineup tho OP

In for when the fit hits the shan
id be careful about posting girls pics..some dudes have nothing better to do but to live on the computer and try to get a hold of these girls and tell em whats going on..

and we all catch a cyber bullying charge or some ish..

you know its anti bullying year or w/e...

OP is trying to get is in his or hers trap..
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