Not a bad lineup OP.  Sometimes you gotta take what you can get, can't fault you for #12.  I hope no one tries to be "that" guy and put OP on blast with the girls...
With the pics provided and given they're not all balanced as far as it being face pics or face and body pics I'm only feeling 8. Maybe 5. No hate.

Obvious Bragginton though. Also need to diversify your portfolio.
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Don't really have standards I'll pretty much smash anything. Don't even know why i'm doing this it's just for lulz. Below is a pic of every girl that i've slept with in my short 21 years on this earth. 3 of them aren't pictured cause I don't have any pics of them.  Rate them for yourself on a scale of 1-10. Be as harsh or critical as you want, believe me I know these girls aren't dimes lol. Ok without further ado..... ]

3. View media item 178341

So there you have it NT, fire away! 

Who's that on the left? Idk but I feel like he must of been a douche, I know random as hell
I can't even front those chicks are hotter then any girl I ever smashed, I'm still not even mad good work sir, however let us not put these woman on blast as I hope your mother or sisters haven't accrued a body count of these proportions. If they let you smash, respect it enough to leave it at that!
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8 is the best, as already stated plenty of times.
OP, the American way is to smash upwards, you didn't do that here, but at least you're smashing.
Bravo, I applaud you.
In order of each girl













 not looking so hot.

Grats on getting your **** wet though
Don't really have standards I'll pretty much smash anything. Don't even know why i'm doing this it's just for lulz. Below is a pic of every girl that i've slept with in my short 21 years on this earth. 3 of them aren't pictured cause I don't have any pics of them.  Rate them for yourself on a scale of 1-10. Be as harsh or critical as you want, believe me I know these girls aren't dimes lol. Ok without further ado..... 

1.(right) View media item 178339

Id see wassup wit shorty on the left

4. View media item 178343

Nice. Solid 7

5. View media item 178385

Nose kinda big but her smile would get me. If body is right, wood smash

8. View media item 178366

Def winner of the bunch. Currently stalking :nerd: :nerd: lol.
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