
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Kobe slander continues to grow within this thread smh

We're not blaming it all on Kobe.

Well, some people are.

But most of us aren't. For the most part, all we're saying is that Kobe's long contested jumpers don't help our cause. If they go in? Cool. But they havent been going in lately, and they're just ruining the flow of the game.

He's not the reason we suck... its our coaching, our system, and our team all together. But he's not helping right now with SOME of his shots.

Doesn't mean its all his fault.
I think they should watch


A silly movie to lift the spirits of the every so tense Laker personnel.



In honor of Jim Buss and his failed experiment...
Im still stickin by my word.
#24 does not deserve to be among the ranks of Magic. Kareem. Worthy. Baylor. West. Chamberlain. Goodrich.

When the name Kobe comes up nowadays it does not have the same mystique as those players.
He was a good player. Contributed alot to the game.
But he is NOT a Laker legend.
Still a fan though. Buy his shoes, gear and everything.
He just aint what people make him out to be.
Or that Kobe overrated thread pretty much "closed" me.
Which it did.
We're not blaming it all on Kobe.

Well, some people are.

But most of us aren't. For the most part, all we're saying is that Kobe's long contested jumpers don't help our cause. If they go in? Cool. But they havent been going in lately, and they're just ruining the flow of the game.

He's not the reason we suck... its our coaching, our system, and our team all together. But he's not helping right now with SOME of his shots.

Doesn't mean its all his fault.

How many times does he do that when the shot clock is not running out and the play is not broken?
[quote name="sumrndmdude"]I'm a Kobe stan, but dude needs to calm down with the jacking...I don't know if that's an issue with him or just bad coaching. I saw at least 5 plays where dude shot a fadeaway jumper with a defender on him while Steve Nash was open for three on the wing or corner. That's just bad basketball...
You say you're a Kobe stan. For how long? :lol: Because what you're complaining about regarding him, he ain't just start doing that, my dude. :lol:[quote name="L2B"] I've been a Kobe/Lakers fan for years...and I 100% Agree.

A lot of bad shots on his part man...a lot. And he's my favorite player.
But he gets blame too.

Like i said on page 568, everyones to blame for this mess...everyone.[/quote]Everyone except CP. :smh:


I don't think he fits on that Nets squad either..

And no way would they trade Dwight to the Nets straight up..

And even then probably could find better than any 3 team trade Billy King wishes to make.

Your trippin essential. He'd fit right in with the Nets. They play half court basketball, share the ball. They have shooters, even if D-Will isn't shooting well this season, he's still doing an amazing job of sharing the ball and being a leader. That's what Dwight needs, he'd be much better in BK.

Dwight and Pau don't mix but even moreso, Kobe and Dwight don't mix. Especially when Nash doesn't control the ball.

Thing is things are get worse and worse, day by day (even tho it seems it can't get any worse). Lakers have to seriously consider trading Dwight, it's not good management if they don't. If the Nets are serious enough and can get a third team what other option do the Lakers have? You can't gamble, things are serious now. Thing is, would Brooklyn even want to make that trade right now, with the way they're playing. Billy King wouldn't pressing it but Prokorov would.
I went into it in depth on Dwight before.. Did so again tonight (on twitter). Don't feel like doing it again.
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Didn't think I'd see it here.. Should have known you'd post it here


My order of reaction



*Never want to see it again*
How could anybody who watches this team play blame one player for this horrible season?

Every player on this team has not played up to their standards (sans maybe Clark)

Nash - Got injured early on and now looks frail and is making an absurd amount of mistakes for a player of his caliber, not only that he won't shoot the ball.
Pau - Also been injured throughout the year, and his motor seems to be slowing down. He's also been taken away from his strength (the low post game).
MWP - Looking afar he's been doing well this year, however his trigger happy self has at times been hard to watch
Dwight - It goes without saying he's not only been a massive disappointing on the court, but also off it. A once certainty of him coming back to LA is all but gone, and now many people argue they don't even want him back, especially if this is the Dwight we are getting.
Kobe - Although he's been shooting better than previous years, his defense has been horrible! He's playing hero ball often (and many times due to necessity) and it hasn't panned out.

Jamison - One of the bigger busts on this team, what happened to all that slashing and crazy shots he used to have? We got stuck with the every so often missed three from him.
Meeks - Hasn't really had a chance to shine, but he's been inconsistent with his shot, and his defense leaves much to desire.
Duhon - At best a 3rd pg on this team, he's been forced into a backup position, and he's not been able to really produce at a high level. Plus he shoots 80ft three pointers...
Morris - By far the worst player on this Lakers team. He's supposed to be a defensive guy, who can't do anything but somewhat pester other opponents. He can't shoot, can't run the break, and over dribbles.
Clark - He's been good.
Sacre - Obviously not ready for this.
Blake - Forever injured, and even when he's healthy its a tossup if he's going to play well.

Now coaching...which is by far the main reason why this team isn't going anywhere.

D'antoni is a bum, he can't teach defense, and has no back up plan to offense. If the pick and roll doesn't work, well we are out of luck.
He's just an incompetent coach who happened to be lucky that Jim Buss is an idiot and holds grudges.

Looking over all this it is asinine to blame one person. It's not Kobe's fault, its not Pau's fault, its not Nash's fault, its not Dwight's fault. If you do want to blame one person in my opinion you either got to blame Mike D'antoni for his stubbornness or Jim Buss for not doing the smart and right thing and hiring Phil Jackson.
Originally Posted by sumrndmdude  
I'm a Kobe stan, but dude needs to calm down with the jacking...I don't know if that's an issue with him or just bad coaching. I saw at least 5 plays where dude shot a fadeaway jumper with a defender on him while Steve Nash was open for three on the wing or corner. That's just bad basketball...
You say you're a Kobe stan. For how long?
Because what you're complaining about regarding him, he ain't just start doing that, my dude.
He did that before because of personel,I don't mind Kobe passing up passes to Smush Parker and Kwame Brown. But dude you've got steve nash on the wing for an open jumper after you drew a double/triple team. Just pass it! The frustrating part is that we know he can, but ain't nobody on the Lakers staff checking his ego at this point in his career...and that's on Jim Buss. SHOULD HAVE RETAINED BRIAN SHAW in some capacity,hell bring back fish!

Kobe is going all Kill Bill   when he really should be playing like Samurai 7.
How many times does he do that when the shot clock is not running out and the play is not broken?
THIS. i mean most of the time when he is takes those 3's from h3ll, it's because everyone is just standing around or there is no real plays being ran,  its just a bunch of  motion or screen and rolls that end up being a bad possession anyway  
Don't look essential :lol:


You get two young SG's in Brooks and Heyward. Both have an upside to them, Hayward can flat out shoot. Not to mention Al Jefferson whose a guaranteed double-double and a scrappy player. He'd be a free agent and the Lakers would choose to to keep him (if he works out)

Would Ya'll do this? Or rather have Lopez and Hump?
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Although Lopez is better than Sexual Favors and Kanter, I don't think the Jazz would do it. Plus, trading away Hayward is a no-no.
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Although Lopez is better than Sexual Favors and Kanter, I don't think the Jazz would do it. Plus, trading away Hayward is a no-no.

Why wouldn't the Jazz want Brook? They'd need a scoring big. Is Heyward that much of a No-No?

Kind of fair for L.A. tho huh? LA would be much better, spread out, and scrappier
Why wouldn't the Jazz want Brook? They'd need a scoring big. Is Heyward that much of a No-No?

Contract and they want Kanter and Favors to play more minutes.. Keep Milsap or Jefferson and Adding another Big does exactly the opposite.

And Heyward is a definite no-no
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