
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

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  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

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  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

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  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

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Despite Kobe Bryant shooting at a career-high level, Howard has mocked Bryant's shooting stats behind his back when he hasn't shot well, leaving Lakers teammates feeling awfully uncomfortable.

Whoa. Really? I totally missed that one. Thanks for the article PMatic. Solid and alarmingly truthful read. Dwight has to grow up first. We can accept him being a shell, but jesus dude...act like the man you look like.
[quote name="DubA169"]how do you know it's kobe tweeting and not some intern[/quote]Lettuce be cereal... ... ...


... ... ... it's Kobe. :lol:
Whoa. Really? I totally missed that one. Thanks for the article PMatic. Solid and alarmingly truthful read. Dwight has to grow up first. We can accept him being a shell, but jesus dude...act like the man you look like.


Drama in Lakerland continues.
[quote name="AG 47"]
Despite Kobe Bryant shooting at a career-high level, Howard has mocked Bryant's shooting stats behind his back when he hasn't shot well, leaving Lakers teammates feeling awfully uncomfortable.
Whoa. Really? I totally missed that one. Thanks for the article PMatic. Solid and alarmingly truthful read. Dwight has to grow up first. We can accept him being a shell, but jesus dude...act like the man you look like.[/quote]Hmmmm... ... ... hadn't read the article before. Definitely will now. So another star center is complaining about Kobe shooting too much?

Fancy. The hell. Out of THAT. :lol:

If pink is the new black, then it seems that "Why listen to him? He gets stripped too much" is the new "Why listen to him? He's fat & lazy."

ANYTHING other than "Actually, good point." :lol:
But Ska, I'm not as concerned as Dwight having a problem with Kobe's shots/shot selection as I am at the notion of Dwight mocking him behind his back. Not only is that cowardly, but the level of immaturity is disappointing to say the least. This guy is supposed to be our franchise player within the next 2-3 years. Scary thought at the moment. That doesn't bother you? It's understandable, as a teammate, to be upset at Kobe's shots when he's attempts one of them circus *** bricks, biut I'd respect Dwight a ton more if he voiced those concerns directly to Kobe. You to man style.
Just read the article. If it is even 2% true, I want Dwight out now. I was right about my initial questions in Orlando about him tearing up the next team's locker room, and he'll do it to whatever team he goes to after us as well.

He will never win a championship, not the way he is right now. The 1 Finals appearance he has will be the pinnacle of his career if he keeps his antics up.

Yes, I'm frustrated as hell with Kobe Bryant, and I have made that no secret over the years, but it would be false of me to say that we can't win a championship if he stays the way he is. Because he obviously has stayed the way he is, and we won 5 chips, in 7 tries. But Dwight? I can absolutely say with all confidence that he will never win a championship with the way he is right now.

And we're a championship franchise, so I want him out of here. I wasn't completely sold on him from the beginning, and I said so, but now I'm done with him. One of the things I have always said about Kobe, amongst all my criticism, has been that he works insanely hard. In short: Dwight doesn't.

I either want Phil in right now, or Dwight out.
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[quote name="AG 47"]But Ska, I'm not as concerned as Dwight having a problem with Kobe's shots/shot selection as I am at the notion of Dwight mocking him behind his back.[/quote]Could not possibly agree with you more.
I understand it's easy to become cynical and sour when the team is doing poorly. But you also show your true colors during adversity. This shouldn't shock me the way it is...after all...we saw Dwight lie and attempt to be buddy buddy with SVG after trying to get him fired in one of the most awkward interviews I've ever seen. I was talking with a buddy last night about how Dwight simply wants to have fun and the idea of moving him to grab Tyson Chandler and pieces. I laughed it off (I mean...this is Dwight, right?), but the more I think about it....I don't even think New York would do it. :lol:

Aside from that, how committed has Dwight been to working on his game? It's been said before that SVG was the one who constantly nagged and pushed Dwight to become the player he is (or was pre-back injury). I want to believe Dwight will become another Great Laker, but I have my doubts. Serious doubts.
As a basketball fan, I really hope the Lakers get it together. I want to see a Kobe/Bron finals at least once. It would be a shame if this never happened.
Just way cheaper.

So? Jim buss needs to put his pride aside and understand that he is only a small piece of the laker organization. Isnt winning the main priority? By signing dantoni he showed that it is not. Just wait till all the players voice their displeasure and the only thing they can do is get rid of him cause he is not willing to adjust his style of play to the players on the roster. Ive said it from the start that he was a bad hire.
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