
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You need to grow up. This thread has been the same FOR YEARS.
Anti Kwame, Anti Smush, Anti Luke, Brian Cook, Mitch, Sasha, Farmar, Jim Buss, and on and on and on it goes.
We are supposed to be THE LAKERS. Not some average team, THE LAKERS.
I, and we, DEMAND perfection, excellence. I expect it, and so should you.
Pat Riley, Phil Jackson. That's what we want, that's who we should demand. It's always been that way.
When Phil was here, who in this thread DAILY came thru and told everyone to calm the hell down, it's cool, no worries about losing by 30 to the Rockets. It was me. And I would say, Phil will guide us thru.
It's ok we lost to Lebron, again, Phil will guide us thru.
Every day, year after year, I would do that. Because I believed in Phil.
I do not believe in our leader now, and I'm callin it out. That's how it works in here. We find our target, and we strike. We want the best owner, best GM, best coach, best players, best bench, down to the ******g towel boy. It's what I DEMAND.
Quit your God damn cryin cuz I'm pickin on your coach. Don't like it, I'm very sorry, hit me on ignore then. I'll be ok. I didn't ***** and whine every damn time I had to read about Sasha, or Kwame, or Smush for years and years, why you in here full of tears now?
It's a problem, I'm speakin on it. Sorry that offends you, I truly am. But I'm pretty sure the 50 something Fire Mike Brown sigs seem to thknk similar to me, so why are we all wrong, and you're right?
Like I said, if you don't like what I have to say, I get it, ignore me, and we'll all be fine. But I'm not keeping quiet just to make you feel better, so I can watch you blame someone else when our team gets ****** up and I'm just sittin here like "cool". Naw. That ain't me. Not what I'm about.

Grow up???
A grown man doesnt complain about the same problem and inject negativity on a situation.
A grown man accepts, adapts, and has faith in an organization as a whole. Not whine about coach young in his career and compare him to possibly the best coach ever.
How do you expect him to get better as a coach if you are ready to crucify him for every mistake he makes.

From your posts I can tell your intelligent and you're opinions dont just come out the side of you're neck, they have merit.
But you cant command perfection on a man that cant work towards that. I mean you make it seem like he does absolutely nothing right. That's the only part that makes me wonder
about the MB haters.

And im not right/wrong about anything, just show some objectivity for once instead of spreading hate. NEWS FLASH: he is your coach, deal with it.
Try and build the man up instead of tearing him down. Thats the only message I am trying to get across. We are all die hard Lakers fans hoping for the same
goal. And guess what I think MB does incredibly stupid things as much as you. I just choose not to nitpick knowing how hard developing your skills as a head coach
can be and hope for the evolution sooner than later. If he takes steps back at the end of this year, of course I think he should be gone. But whats the point of calling for his head
in the beginning of his SECOND season.

No worries though I'm done, continue slaying him. Being the head coach of this team is a heavy burden.
I get your point, but look at our roster, you think we have time to watch him grow? We aren't a rebuilding team like OKC growing with Brooks, we are a vet team with a running clock. Two COMPLETELY different situations. I, you, and our team don't have time for him to learn on the job, as I said, we are THE LAKERS, not a coaching program.
I don't expect Brown to be fired until after the season, because the team is going to figure out how to play together at some point this regular season and put together a 50+ win season. It's only going to be in the playoffs when Brown is exposed again and we get embarrassed that Mitch and Jim will make the move. I have a feeling that the pressure will be there simply given the possibility of Dwight still walking away (which, granted, I acknowledge is slim, given the amount of money he would be leaving on the table).
I get your point, but look at our roster, you think we have time to watch him grow? We aren't a rebuilding team like OKC growing with Brooks, we are a vet team with a running clock. Two COMPLETELY different situations. I, you, and our team don't have time for him to learn on the job, as I said, we are THE LAKERS, not a coaching program.

No I get where you are coming from completely bro. Well then we should blame Mitch & JB instead of MB himself.
They are the ones that pull the strings, if anybody is to blame it would be the boys at the top for putting him in this position.
But no one would DARE come at mitchGOD, ya know what I mean. The easy target is Mr. Potato Head.
Oh no, I'm pretty pissed at Buss and Mitch for this hire. :lol: I honestly don't know what could have been said/shown in that interview that made them think he's worth anything. He damn sure hasn't shown anything. Last year was a waste, so maybe Mitch decided to go all in for Kobe and just make damn sure the roster was full so even Mike couldn't mess up, but remember folks, PLEASE remember, Lebron was in a contract year under Mike, and left, to take LESS MONEY.

Now we have Dwight, in Mike's hands. If that don't make ya'll shiver, then I don't know what to do for you. :wow:

It's bigger than just this season guys. Kobe/Nash/Pau, they only have so much time. Dwight, he could see something he don't like, and leave money on the table just as Lebron did.

We don't have the time to just say, "well, let's give him a chance and hopefully he'll learn on the job pretty quick"

The Heat could do that with Spo. They are younger.
OKC could do that with Brooks. They are younger.

We don't have that kind of time. |I
CP you're my dude but i dont get what "growing up" has to do with people not enjoying the same complaints day in and day out.
You expect perfection from your Lakers? Cool.

Thats respectable, thats your way of living your life.

But not everyone in the world expects PERFECTION from every human being on Planet Earth.
People have flaws, people arent always as smart as everyone else. People are not PERFECT.

Its just not fair of you to demand so much perfection from your sports teams when you aren't perfect yourself.
None of us are.

Its fine that you expect a perfect coach, a perfect bench, a perfect to come into the thread and constantly complain because we aren't perfect takes a toll on those who have a more patient and understanding outlook on life.

Not all of us panic so fast as you. Not everyone cares about losing 3 games in a row in an 82 game season.
I respect your views, you should learn to respect some of ours.

The thing is, we understand you...but you seem to have to prove your point to us every single day.
We are telling you flat out WE SEE YOUR POINT. We understand. We get it.

You're response is basically telling us to shut up and ignore you if we don't like your posts.
Its just frustrating when you treat the fans who dont expect so much PERFECTION like they are not as good of a fan as you.

We're all good fans, whether we wanna complain everyday or we dont. We all want a championship, we all want a better coach, we all want a better team.

We're really on the same page.

The only problem is you treat some people like they aren't as "grown up" as you, or that they aren't REAL LAKER FANS.

Its just kinda insulting, because whether we make sarcastic remarks about the Mike Brown treatment or not...whether we complain about the complaining or not... we never directly INSULT you or talk to you in a demeaning way. We dont make you feel like your LESS of a fan than us.

I think thats what gets under some peoples skin a lot more than your hate for mike brown.
If you know that people dont want to hear the complaints 8x a day, then why are you doing it? You're really getting enjoyment out of it? Like i dont understand why you have the urge to do something you know most people dont wanna hear...Just because you can? I dont know man, i just dont get it.
If people told me LTB dude stop all the hate on Derek Fisher, you dont have to mention it in every post... I dont see how I would continue to purposely talk about Derek Fisher, knowing that all my Laker bros are starting to be frustrated by it. I dont know man...maybe im weird or somethin, but I personally dont choose to do things that I know people around me wont like.

Who knows tho, everyones i said not everyone approaches everything the same.

Like I said man, come back a few years thru ALL Laker threads, and I will show you EVERY DAY yelling about

Sasha, Farmar, Kwame, Luke, Buss, Mitch, Cook, Smush, LO, Pau, etc etc etc etc etc etc. (oh ****, I completely forgot about Fisher!!!!!!! lol)

EVERY, day.

I don't remember all you coming thru yelling and screaming about it, so not sure why ya'll do now.

Every, single, day. Don't tell me I'm wrong, I was there, I lived it. Every day was those guys getting WHUPPED by Laker fans. But talk bad about Mike, and suddenly I'm horrible human being. Maybe if I talk about Leandro Barbosa every single day it'll be ok. :lol:
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Quit your God damn cryin cuz I'm pickin on your coach. Don't like it, I'm very sorry, hit me on ignore then. I'll be ok. I didn't ***** and whine every damn time I had to read about Sasha, or Kwame, or Smush for years and years, why you in here full of tears now?

It's a problem, I'm speakin on it. Sorry that offends you, I truly am. But I'm pretty sure the 50 something Fire Mike Brown sigs seem to thknk similar to me, so why are we all wrong, and you're right?

C'mon know NOBODY here is Pro-Mike Brown. Some of us just choose to tolerate him (in this thread) for the sake of not being redundant and irritating. You've made fair points regarding Mike Brown. I think the rotation criticism is valid. I've also stated that if he can't win it ALL with this roster, then there's no reason for him to coach the Lakers anymore. But do we have to voice our frustration every page of this thread? Last year, I was adamant about TFMB to write some letters to front office if they needed to vent that much. Don't ***** at fellow Laker fans...we're all in this together. But actually complain to those who can do something about it.

Of course, as Laker fans, I know we must find something to complain about. We have to. It's our nature being fans of a near perfect franchise. However...every page tho? Where you're basically preaching to the choir? I bet you if every single person in this thread jumped on the TFMB, you'd still complain? For what? The sake of being heard? ****, we see the same things you do.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I always liked Sasha.

And Kwame.

And Smush.

This is payback. :lol:

I've also stated that if he can't win it ALL with this roster, then there's no reason for him to coach the Lakers anymore.

So we'll waste another season with a guy that we all clearly see isn't worth it, and this is ok with you? We'll just "wait and see".

Ok. :smh:
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So... Any word on the details for Cox? i.e. channel? I assume its going to be a part of the basic plan, but it hasn't been said officially yet
You need to grow up. This thread has been the same FOR YEARS.
Anti Kwame, Anti Smush, Anti Luke, Brian Cook, Mitch, Sasha, Farmar, Jim Buss, and on and on and on it goes.
We are supposed to be THE LAKERS. Not some average team, THE LAKERS.
I, and we, DEMAND perfection, excellence. I expect it, and so should you.
Pat Riley, Phil Jackson. That's what we want, that's who we should demand. It's always been that way.
When Phil was here, who in this thread DAILY came thru and told everyone to calm the hell down, it's cool, no worries about losing by 30 to the Rockets. It was me. And I would say, Phil will guide us thru.
It's ok we lost to Lebron, again, Phil will guide us thru.
Every day, year after year, I would do that. Because I believed in Phil.
I do not believe in our leader now, and I'm callin it out. That's how it works in here. We find our target, and we strike. We want the best owner, best GM, best coach, best players, best bench, down to the ******g towel boy. It's what I DEMAND.
Quit your God damn cryin cuz I'm pickin on your coach. Don't like it, I'm very sorry, hit me on ignore then. I'll be ok. I didn't ***** and whine every damn time I had to read about Sasha, or Kwame, or Smush for years and years, why you in here full of tears now?
It's a problem, I'm speakin on it. Sorry that offends you, I truly am. But I'm pretty sure the 50 something Fire Mike Brown sigs seem to thknk similar to me, so why are we all wrong, and you're right?
Like I said, if you don't like what I have to say, I get it, ignore me, and we'll all be fine. But I'm not keeping quiet just to make you feel better, so I can watch you blame someone else when our team gets ****** up and I'm just sittin here like "cool". Naw. That ain't me. Not what I'm about.

100% on this. Hey, I never panicked when we were getting destroyed by the Rockets, Cavs on Christmas and etc because we had Phil. I only panicked twice under Phil, against Boston in the 2008 finals and down 0-3 against the Mavs. But if your players know you get nervous and Pau of all people are saying you sometimes get nervous then you should be out of here. Plus, Mike Brown's rotations are pathetic. Even the whole TWC broadcast team were questioning him putting Kobe back late in the game and as to why Meeks hasn't played in a blowout affair. That's bad.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I always liked Sasha.
And Kwame.
And Smush.
This is payback. :lol:
So we'll waste another season with a guy that we all clearly see isn't worth it, and this is ok with you? We'll just "wait and see".
Ok. :smh:

1. It's not my choice. I'm not paying our coach's salary so they may keep him even longer.

2. I really believed last year we didn't have the talent to win it all and that our bench was too much of a liability. This year. No excuses. So far, we've been a flat out failure and if we could grab a better coach, by all means.

3. I also believe as fans, *****ing at one another does nothing to get us closer to #17. If you feel that strongly, let's (as in let us all) draft a letter and send to Front Office. Surely, that has to be better than going at one another's throats just to vent. Let's actually do something that may render tangible results. You with me? All we'd have to do is copy and paste a few of your posts lol....stupid easy.
Laker bros, the thing that worries me the most is the Nash & Kobe injuries :\

Kobe on that flat tire going all out & Nash with that fracture worries me because these injuries will most likely be year long nagging ones.

He will NOT be back in a week, if you guys no anything about fractures they take longer than that to feel no pain. Even after 4 weeks
it will linger, doesnt help that he is 38. I would keep him out at least 6 weeks to save him for the rest of the year.

And we all no Kobe. He wont stop, so he will be dealing with that flat tire for the rest of this year. I just hope it doesnt catch up with him
in the post season.

It sucks because we wont be able to get any real continuity for the entire team with Nash out (which I think is where our real problem lies).
I have so much hope for this season because our problems are cosmetic more than anything, not talent :D
When we get our team chemistry down its gonna be OVER. Trust me boys. We still have a ways to go. But our problems are really chemistry,
comfortability, & personnel. These are all fixable through regular season play.

The only problem is getting everybody on the court at the same time for an extended stretch. Our only downfall will be injuries.
We are gonna go through some more rough patches lol, but the problems I see have me excited more than anything.

Nash's health going forward is definitely my primary concern. If he breaks down this season I have no hope of him being able to play significant time in the next two.
The Nash injuy is my biggest concern.

Seems like he will be out more than 1 week. They had Dr. Klapper on the radio and he was saying that it might be up to a month before Nash will return to play.
All we'd have to do is copy and paste a few of your posts lol....stupid easy.

:lol: You have my full permission to copy all those on to a piece of paper and submit them, I am all for that. Just make sure you credit me if they actually listen. (which they won't, Lucy the designated letter opener will shred it 2 seconds after it comes out of the envelope :lol: )
The Nash injuy is my biggest concern.
Seems like he will be out more than 1 week. They had Dr. Klapper on the radio and he was saying that it might be up to a month before Nash will return to play.

They re-downgraded it to 7-10 days.

So let's be safe and say 14
Kenyon Martin. I think we should pick him up.

I wish we just got Kenyon and Barbosa when we were looking at it in July/August

Kenyon would be ok... But honestly I don't see why he'd be needed anymore.. He would only be taking minutes from Jordan Hill..
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