
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Anyone got a clip of Kobe saying no to Mike Brown's substitution? :lol:

This. I was at the game and was watching this entire situation play out. Had Ebanks, Mike Brown, and even the referee laughing :lol:
It's one of those situations where even if we go to the finals and sweep the Heat to win the finals, everyone who hates MB now will still hate MB. Everyone who wants him fired now, will still want him fired if we win the finals.
He doesn't look good, I know that...I think Ska and I have both admitted that.
But sometimes its too obvious that no matter what he does, or doesn't do, there will be lots of crying and complaining about him...Every, Single, Day...
Anyways, I'm not a fan of what happened in the 4th quarter, but at the same time it's not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be.
We got the W, everyones healthy...
Lets just move the hell on.


complain about mike brown playing everyone big minutes. kobe demands to stay in the game. :rolleyes

im not happy with what he did in the 4th either, but i can understand why. already 0-3, imagine what laker land would would look like if we had lost that lead and went down 0-4. :x :lol:

im not even a mike brown fan. im just tired of being negative. every. single. game. there's a lot of positives to look at, and id rather focus in on those than be a negative nancy *shrug*

*edit for grammar
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I understand not sitting Kobe because he doesn't listen but if Metta is playing like garbage sit him down please.
Hell, I even forgot about that mess. Mike Brown tells Kobe to come out, and Kobe says no. What does coach do?


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep, that's the coach I want running my franchise. You bet it is.

We're doomed as long as Mike Brown is the coach of the Lakers. Positives my ***. What positives? We beat Detroit, at home. And looked like a bunch of idiots doing it.

The losing team took their starters out before we did. :lol:

Go get your 50 wins coach, make that resume look real good, fans love that ****. No one could do better than you.
Hell, I even forgot about that mess. Mike Brown tells Kobe to come out, and Kobe says no. What does coach do?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yep, that's the coach I want running my franchise. You bet it is.
We're doomed as long as Mike Brown is the coach of the Lakers. Positives my ***. What positives? We beat Detroit, at home. And looked like a bunch of idiots doing it.
The losing team took their starters out before we did. :lol:
Go get your 50 wins coach, make that resume look real good, fans love that ****. No one could do better than you.

And when that happened they said Shaq did the same thing to Phil

Hell, I even forgot about that mess. Mike Brown tells Kobe to come out, and Kobe says no. What does coach do?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yep, that's the coach I want running my franchise. You bet it is.
We're doomed as long as Mike Brown is the coach of the Lakers. Positives my ***. What positives? We beat Detroit, at home. And looked like a bunch of idiots doing it.
The losing team took their starters out before we did. :lol:
Go get your 50 wins coach, make that resume look real good, fans love that ****. No one could do better than you.

And when that happened they said Shaq did the same thing to Phil

Did Phil laugh? :lol:

Think Phil might have talked to Shaq about it later?

Think Brown did anything?

Are they the same now, is that why we're bringing Phil's situation to defend Mike? We resorting to that?
Mike Brown job is safe. For now lol. You could tell by the look on his face during the interview that he was relieved from all the pressure over the past couple weeks
Hey guys have you heard how bad of a coach Mike Brown is? Have you heard how stupid he is?

Oh that's right, of course you have because its being posted on every single page throughout the thread.

My bad, stupid question. Carry on.
It's going to be brought up on every page of this thread until he's gone, you're going to have to get used to it.
CP you make this thread unenjoyable at times complaining about MB every damn day.
Its obvious you just plain dont like him and never will no matter what.

Everyone in here knows that Essential HATES Steve Blake, but at least he had a compliment on his play yesterday.

Like we get it. You hate him, he is stupid, cant coach, and will be the downfall of this team
and you would happily drink the sweat from Phil's jock after he hunts moose in montana.


But for people to nitpick about putting the starters in after a blowout is actually sad at this point.
Kobe was talking straight to fans like you when he said shut up. Straight up.

There's no point in talking about anything else til he's out. Everything else is a waste of time.

Our coach is sweating out wins in game 4 of the season.

There's not one single other thing to talk about, it's all related to what he does, and how he uses it. Our bench sucks? Well how can they improve when they get pulled out the game up 24? :lol: Starters look tired? No ****. Need to upgrade players? Why? He won't use them properly.

In the end, it's all gonna come down to how the coach of this team handles the minutes/rotations/bench, etc. So what else should we be talking about?

How great it was to beat Detroit? How awesome it felt to be the laughingstock of the NBA with 80% HOFers in our starting lineup? How much I miss Del Harris compared to this crap? :lol:

Until he's gone, this is going to be the topic. Nothing else to talk about. Sorry.
Hey, when he made adjustments in games last year, I came in and said so. And I will when I see him do something right. I have no problem with that. I've said point blank, I hope and pray he proves me wrong. Hope to God he does. Sorry that it upsets you.
^^^See what I mean its the same ol same ol. Im out.

You need to grow up. This thread has been the same FOR YEARS.

Anti Kwame, Anti Smush, Anti Luke, Brian Cook, Mitch, Sasha, Farmar, Jim Buss, and on and on and on it goes.

We are supposed to be THE LAKERS. Not some average team, THE LAKERS.

I, and we, DEMAND perfection, excellence. I expect it, and so should you.

Pat Riley, Phil Jackson. That's what we want, that's who we should demand. It's always been that way.

When Phil was here, who in this thread DAILY came thru and told everyone to calm the hell down, it's cool, no worries about losing by 30 to the Rockets. It was me. And I would say, Phil will guide us thru.
It's ok we lost to Lebron, again, Phil will guide us thru.

Every day, year after year, I would do that. Because I believed in Phil.

I do not believe in our leader now, and I'm callin it out. That's how it works in here. We find our target, and we strike. We want the best owner, best GM, best coach, best players, best bench, down to the ******g towel boy. It's what I DEMAND.

Quit your God damn cryin cuz I'm pickin on your coach. Don't like it, I'm very sorry, hit me on ignore then. I'll be ok. I didn't ***** and whine every damn time I had to read about Sasha, or Kwame, or Smush for years and years, why you in here full of tears now?

It's a problem, I'm speakin on it. Sorry that offends you, I truly am. But I'm pretty sure the 50 something Fire Mike Brown sigs seem to thknk similar to me, so why are we all wrong, and you're right?

Like I said, if you don't like what I have to say, I get it, ignore me, and we'll all be fine. But I'm not keeping quiet just to make you feel better, so I can watch you blame someone else when our team gets ****** up and I'm just sittin here like "cool". Naw. That ain't me. Not what I'm about.
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