
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

This guy :lol:
just watched the highlights... haven't been that pumped up in a while. great comeback. damn! :wow: :smokin
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I can see that inbound play where Kobe got the EASY dunk on Shaqtin a Fool tonite, all 5 guys on the wrong side of the free throw line protecting the wrong basket.
Miracle in NO.
The Raptors are a scrappy bunch and have nothing to lose.
They should be able to steal one at Staples tomorrow.

Sunday, the Lakers lose on national TV again to the Bulls.
Noah will outrebound and be able to guard and box out Dwight easily.
Back to .500? Enjoy it for the next 24 hrs. It wont last long.
[quote name="geoff2005"]were the coaches unaware also?

what were the lakers saying? these guys are dumb as fck lets try this out... im mind blown[/quote]Please be mindful that words like 'fck' or 'fuq' are considered profanity. Thanks.
so, you guys think Kobe will sign for ~ 10 mil after next year?
I'm interested in how things will play out because I have a feeling Kobe wants to play for 3 more seasons and get the scoring record.

With the new CBA, offering him the max along w/ Dwight would put us in a bad salary-cap situation.
It'll be a tough decision, for sure. Kobe is playing at an outstanding level, but the fact remains that he's 35 and should be on the precipice of putting up mediocre numbers by his standards. I don't think there's anyway the Lakers give him a max contract, but I could see him being paid more than his value going into those final years.
10-12 mill for 3 years...I could see that being Kobe's last contract. But even then, I actually believe him when he says he's done after next year.
Imagine if he doesn't slow down though.
Imagine if he keeps playing at the pace he's playing ALL THE WAY through NEXT season too.

Even though he'll be 36, what an extremely AWKWARD and WEIRD situation for the Lakers.
I mean think about it...what would you do? He's 36...18 seasons in... you "Think" he'll be done, so logic says offer him something decent but not over the top.
He's a laker legend, He's gotten you 5 rings. He's the face of the franchise. You know you cant low ball the guy, but at the same time Father Time has to get everyone at some point.

Or so you think...

But really...everything dude is doing on the court is the opposite of OLD and DONE, and he's still playing like a top3/top5 player at age 36.
Imagine if he still scoring 42 and 12 assists in games next season, showing no signs of fatigue or age :rofl:

What kind of contract offer is the right offer? considering no one else will be on the books and you still have to build for the future. :wow:

I dont know man...I wouldnt wanna be Mitch after next season if Kobe keeps playing the way he is.
You have to think that deep down the lakers front office hopes that during next season, without costing the team too many L's, Kobe starts to slow down and show is age so that any potential negotiation is easier for them :lol:

You dont wanna disrespect the guy, but at the same time you dont wanna ruin your chances of rebuilding properly. I know its a long ways away, but itll certainly be an interesting summer of 2014 if kobe keeps playing the way he was last night.
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I guess I come from a different view point from you guys, because I couldn't give a **** less about Kobe's "status" as a Laker. All I care about are championships.

If he went on to play for another team and we were able to be better off for it through having more money/signing a better player to fit our situation, I'm 100% for that. The Lakers before any one player.
All I'm saying, is there's a difference between 30 million,17 mil, 12-15 million and 10-12 million.
Kobe, barring injury, will end up 3rd on the all time scoring list at the end of next year. He'll be behind Kareem by ~ 4k.
He's definitely gunna go for it, we're talking immortality here. (Even tho Durant will have a chance to break it in the future.)

I don't think Kobe would put on another jersey but what do I know.
It's just the question of if he's willing to do his organization a solid and taking a Timmy/KG contract.
Granted, Spurs/Celtics don't make as much $ as the Lakers, but the Lakers have to stay under the tax or right around it.
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Just dawned on me...

Kobe can be VERY effective for more than the 2-3 year window if he keeps playing the way he's playing right now. 42 points on 21 shots w/ 12 assists is a freaking PHENOMENAL game, and not to be expected every night, but the MINDSET that goes into that sort of game... he can play w/ that mindset MUCH more than 2-3 years.

Look at Kidd. At his age, he still has the passing ability. He's just not a creative scorer, and isn't NEARLY as athletic as Kobe. Now imagine Kobe at 40, playing w/ this EXTREMELY balanced attack for 5 years. He'd be 40, and still be an extremely lethal weapon, because we ALLLL know his shot ain't going nowhere, and he will... he WILL... maintain a peak level of conditioning.

The team-oriented, balanced attack + high level of conditioning + his creative scoring ability = extending career beyond just 2-3 years.

People who play late in their careers maintain effectiveness by developing something new. THIS... might be his something new. If you told me 5 years ago Kobe had 42, I'd've rolled my eyes, automatically presumed he had like 3-5 assists, and probably like 30 shots, maybe even 35.

But 42 on 21... W/ 12 DIMES... that's a problem for the league, and I swear, if he realizes that... I will be his biggest, most annoying fan on here. B'LEEDAT.
Miracle in NO.
The Raptors are a scrappy bunch and have nothing to lose.
They should be able to steal one at Staples tomorrow.

Sunday, the Lakers lose on national TV again to the Bulls.
Noah will outrebound and be able to guard and box out Dwight easily.
Back to .500? Enjoy it for the next 24 hrs. It wont last long.

i see what you did there
With 42 and 12 Kobe became the 2nd oldest player in league history to score 40+ and 10+ dimes in one game. Remember when all the records he broke were "youngest to x, y and z"? Really speaks to longevity of his excellence. And I just realized I've been watching him ball for almost 2 decades now from a 9 year old kid to a 25 year old *** muh******. Im legit gonna shed some grown man tears when he hangs it up.
If you told me after the Mavs sweep that Kobe would ever have 42 and 12 in a game I wouldn't have believed you. He looked absolutely done at that point. Hard to believe he's having one of his best seasons at this age and with this much mileage, I definitely didn't think he'd need to with our roster but it obviously didn't shake out that way lol.
IMO Kobe isn't signing for no less than 14-15 mil a season.... However that year if Dwight comes back we'll have him under contract...... I highly believe Nash isn't going to play beyond next season.

so that would leave us with Dwight at 20-22 a seaon and roughly around 40-45 mil to play with in the offseason... They can still sign another superstar to pair with Dwight... get a few role players in & i'm assuming they would have Kobe's bird rights meaning they could go over the cap to sign him back. Sign him too a 2 yr deal for for that 14-15 and your in the hunt for a championship for those two years along with... having cap space again in two years.
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