December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

So we’ve seen a guy get thrown off a roof, same guy get his eye gouged out, and now a man set on fire.

WWE killing the business >>>>>> Young Bucks
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I listened to this and it made me want to re-address what I said about last night being KO's biggest match and you brought up Cena. I think last night was basically the babyface equivalent, which had him going up against the biggest star in the company who is on a big time heel run. Took everything Roman had, plus Uso in order to beat KO.

While somebody like Drew Mac is the herculean babyface, Owens is more of the "everyman" babyface like a Kofi Kingston or Daniel Bryanson. The WWE Chronicle show that came on last night was basically all about him being a dad and being relatable. A fat dude trying to do whatever he can to support his family. Like I said last night, crowd would've been going crazy for him if there was one. Maybe this is just the start for him?

I understand what you are saying about KO, I can see that viewpoint.

I will probably listen WEDS. I will report back.
Not gonna lie, I flip flop between wrestlers don’t get enough respect and wrestlers want too much respect :lol:. Roddy really pulled his pants down to show a bruise on his thigh as if he got that in a mma fight or something.

I think that’s from his hip surgery due to wrestling. He had horrible hips if I recall.

That’s how I took it.
Rip Kevin Greene
Super brawl 6

Explain these ugly *** under aged cheerleaders to me.

The split screen to catch all the madness happening was a nice touch.

Was there ever an explanation to this storyline? Why do these two teams hate each other so much? Had they crossed paths in ECW previously?

I hope these guys got paid well that night because they earned their money and Saggs looked like he didn’t want to be doing that

Konnan Segment

When did he win the US Title?

DDP vs. Johnny B. Badd

Why are they still feuding? They already had a great match like two PPV’s ago. Johnny got the girl already. What’s the point? On top of it Johnny won again.

Harlem Heat vs. Sting & Luger

Stevie must have just finished a cycle because he looked BROLIC at this event. Even made Luger look small.

I really love how HH used to follow through with their strikes and add that emphasis on power. They were so good at doing this.

Konnan vs. One Man Gang

Konnan is just too good for this bum. OMG getting too many title chances in 96.

Strap matches

Pillman confusing the hell out of everyone.

Sullivan and Arn actually Gad a decent match going until Flair came out of nowhere to act as peace keeper.

I like the whole getting in bed with the Devil motto for the 4 Horsemen’ plan.

WTH was Flair doing at the end of that segment he’s screaming at some fans in the front rows with the mic.

The Giant looked like he was about to catch a heart attack saying so many words. Dude was struggling for oxygen.

Mad saliva all over the place

Luger & Sting vs Road Warriors

Lugers antics to delay the start of the match on par with his storyline so far. When are we going to find out what the hell is up with him? This has been going on for so long.

Hawk was botching and all around sloppy to start off. I still get surprised every time they say Animal weighed 305 he didn’t look it.

Bunch of slugging just for it to end up in a count out.

Randy Savage invoqing the mega powers

Surprised Macho went up to the top of the cage. That was pretty risky for someone so banged up.

Laughing at the ref pullin Ric by the hair to pry him off the figure 4.

Woman’s screams were OD.

We did not have to see Ric’s full bare *** but at least it led to Macho swinging wildly at the ref.

Good ending to the match. I wasn’t expecting Miss Elizabeth to turn but Flair ALWAYS gets the girl.

Giant vs. Hulk Hogan

Everyone is just tired by this point. I’m sitting on my couch not doing anything and I’m tired by this point.

Who the **** was the Loch Ness Monster?
Just when it seems like the Hurt Business is getting that push, they start planting the "cracks in the armor" seeds..Vince can't just let anything cook..Dude is always opening the oven and poking the food..
Just when it seems like the Hurt Business is getting that push, they start planting the "cracks in the armor" seeds..Vince can't just let anything cook..Dude is always opening the oven and poking the food..
Hurt Business is how Evolution would’ve been booked in 2020
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