Deadspin: Richard Sherman And The Plight Of The Conquering Negro

I'm so sick of the word class or classy in regard to sports. It's basically used because as the article says you can't be talented, arrogant and black. Who cares if someone is classy our not when playing football?

@LIONBLOOD  , you extra stale bruh, all of the athletes you used as examples are absolutely neutral, totally void of class or even a legit personality
When was the last time bad sportsmanship was this big of a story? I mean this is bigger than just the sports world (where it was already the leading topic of discussion from tv to radio to the internet). You have people that don't even follow the sport engaged.

arrogant, physically intimidating black dude yelling at an innocent pretty white woman on national TV.... that's more like a headline
So people support rape, murder, adultery and drunk driving? In what fantasy land are you living in?

And what does Ray Lewis have to do with anything? (Insert reaching gif here)

Your point seems to be that there are worse things in the world (which is so obvious even you get it). That still doesn't have anything to do with what Sherman did. 
And in what fantasy land do you live in where a rant is more pressing to the American Society then these acts.
People have persecuted this man for being excited and speaking his mind. But I guess you are cool living in that world of so called classless. So I'll let you hold that.
This should have not been an issue or media storm like it has been. There are thousands of more pressing things going on in this life then Richard Sherman..
Ray Lewis comes into play because somebody used him as an example of a "classy" player( go back and read that ridiculous comment...
At the end of my rant/soap box, get off that mans D and look around you. They want the black man to be meek, quiet and as less threatening as possible to America and this is exactly what this is an example of just like they did my mans in the college championship...
It's funny how they glossed over TWO alleged acts of rape by Ben Rothelesberger but the world is about to end because Richard Sherman a BLACK man with intellect and a BIG personality made a WHITE woman feel uncomfortable during a interview...
But you got it breh, he is classless and should be killed for having such and outlandish rant about FOOTBALL
No Fun League...
 We could write essays for hours about why it's a big story-which it isn't.

 But the fact remains, that you aren't debating what happened, you are just merely comparing it to worse actions, which is a strawman argument. The fact remains that Richard Sherman's actions were at the worst classless, and at best Corny. That's a fact, and even Sherman knows it - hence why he has apologized.

This isn't about white America being scared of an intelligent black man (which I am sure Sherman is), it's just a perfect example of why Athletes shouldn't be role models.
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What you think Malcolm would say about this?

Especially the media coverage...same thing Malcolm was talking about 50 years ago still impacts us today.
Remove that 1984 avy, I know you can't read

You false Flagging.

I think Malcolm would comment on the racial aspect, but that isn't what I'm interested in, to be honest it's obvious why it's a story. And as soon as I saw that blonde's reaction to Sherman I knew where this topic was headed. That doesn't hide the fact that my opinion of him worsened after the interview, and in the context of his story, he gets more insecure IMO as more evidence surfaces. 

No matter, how horrible any other athletes actions are who happens to be white, doesn't excuse Shermans.
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i dont see whats so hard to understand

in the context of professional sports, what he did was tasteless 

yes this should not be news and it should not be a racial issue but the fact that it unfortunately is does not take away from the fact that it was tasteless in the context of professional sports
So I'm assuming you see Crabtree as classless too, then?

To my knowledge, Crabtree kept all the trash talking in the game until he responded to Sherman's after-game antics. Him responding to it the way he did shows that he gave in to Sherman's insult but, in no way makes him as the same ******* Sherman is.
Dudes in here talking about class in a sport where dudes try to knock each other out every play.

Dudes in here talking about class in a sport where dudes try to knock each other out every play.

what does it matter what sport they are playing?

the concepts of sportsmanship are universal 
No they aren't. Its why boxers do what Sherman did all the time and no one bats an eye.
after pretty much every boxing match i have watched the two competitors embrace and pay their respects to each other, most of the trash talk comes before and during the match

same with mma
Dudes in here talking about class in a sport where dudes try to knock each other out every play.

what does it matter what sport they are playing?

the concepts of sportsmanship are universal 

No they aren't. Its why boxers do what Sherman did all the time and no one bats an eye.
after pretty much every boxing match i have watched the two competitors embrace and pay their respects to each other, most of the trash talk comes before and during the match

same with mma

If Richard Sherman does this before the game its okay?

Yeah this makes sense.
Sherm js awesome :pimp:

Hope he snags a pick 6 to end the game and goes ham in the post game interview again :pimp:
To my knowledge, Crabtree kept all the trash talking in the game until he responded to Sherman's after-game antics. Him responding to it the way he did shows that he gave in to Sherman's insult but, in no way makes him as the same ******* Sherman is.

If you watched the mic'd up segment you would know that Sherman ran up to him and said "Helluva game" and to shake his hand and Crabtree mushed him in his face. Yeah I would be salty too especially when I just dominated you the entire game and then you are gonna disrespect me like that. I wish the term "race card" never existed because from now on if there is any issue that has the possibility of being race involved you see, the same thing..."it's not a big deal, stop playing the race card." Which basically means "sit down, shut up and know your role."
Dudes in here talking about class in a sport where dudes try to knock each other out every play.

what does it matter what sport they are playing?

the concepts of sportsmanship are universal 

No they aren't. Its why boxers do what Sherman did all the time and no one bats an eye.
after pretty much every boxing match i have watched the two competitors embrace and pay their respects to each other, most of the trash talk comes before and during the match

same with mma
If Richard Sherman does this before the game its okay?

Yeah this makes sense.
yeah, athletes do it all the time to get in opponents heads and increase general interest to boost tv ratings (this is mostly boxing/mma)

but after you have already won the game and dont have to play/fight the guy anymore its time to move on
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