DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Wow, DC/WB must really be on something to just keep on trucking like this.

I would've scrapped all these bums planned to do movies.

This whole I don't blame Snyder at all thing is crazy to me. This steady mental gymnastics to avoid blame coming his way is crazy.
So you would have scrapped the whole DCEU?
To repeat myself "I would've scrapped all these bums planned to do movies." Not the DCEU, the bums currently in charge. Same approach I'd do over at FOX with Singer directing the X-Men movies and Kinberg writing/producing them.

For what purpose?
To make and ensure better movies were made that would be more successful by bringing in ppl I feel were better suited to do that.

As of right now since JL is already underway filming, Snyder would not be returning to start.

The DC is a potential gold mine for WB, why wouldnt they keep going? Because you didn't like BVS you want to say " ___ it! ", that doesn't make any sense. 
I never said to scrap DC movies so I gotta take that as you misinterpreting what I said.

But you bring up something that pretty much fosters these bad movies to keep being made. For a lot of these movies there is a "potential gold mine" but to just say keep going with the ppl we have and maybe we'll actually fulfill that potential is FOOLISH.

It's not just cuz I didn't like BvS. It's cuz a BvS movie should've easily made over 1 billion, it should've easily been loved by all most. Seriously, BvS should've been having a similar run to Star Wars: The Force Awakens (not the same but similar in just breaking records). It's Batman versus Superman.


Should've done what Avengers did. Mind you in comparison Avengers notoriety pales in comparison to a Batman and Superman movie that introduces Wonder Woman which is setting up a Justice League movie. Yet it still under performed and ppl are just hand waving that saying at least they set up the universe :x :lol: :smh: Kinda shows how ppl are spoiled at the moment by so many of these movies.

And when it comes to Zack Snyder, some people ( yourself included ) are so emotional in their hatred of him that you come of as objectively biased.
I don't have an emotional bias towards Snyder. I have a quality bias. I don't think he's that good of a director.

When I think of Zack Snyder directing a property I'm looking forward to my reaction isn't hatred, it's disappointment.

I know it'd be easier for you if I was just some raving anti-Snyder hater spewing vitriol about him with every post but all my opinions are well reasoned and are rooted in making good films. I can't take you seriously here if you're just gonna dismiss my posts as Snyder hate for the sake of Snyder hate. Might as well just ignore my posts from here on out.

Yes, zack snyder has faults with his movies. But how much of the blame can you objectively place on him for your displeasure of BVS?
A Lot.
He is the director of the movie, so he is the captain of this ship. But if your going to place blame, then it needs to be consistent. If you say that the movie has editing problems, then the blame needs to go to the editors.
Perhaps you're not reading my posts?

Also do you seriously think the director is not in the editing room with the editor? Watching the raw cuts, 1st finished version, 2nd version after getting notes over and over from producers? That's part of the director's job in post production. It doesn't just stop when filming stops. Snyder has say on how the movie is edited as well. Most good directors work with the editor in the room if they can.

You think Spielberg directs a movie, then his job stops the last day of filming? You think he just waits for the editor to show him the movie he spent his time directing and he takes it as is? That's MADNESS.

If you say that the movie had bad pacing, again the blame needs to go to the editors. If you say that there were story/script problems, then the blame needs to go to the screenwriters.
Again read my posts, I dreaded Goyer writing this. Was happy with his removal but come to find out Terrio was only brought in to not change much of Goyer's script but to subtract some things and the things he allegedly took out I actually liked by Goyer. This script was bad just from a scene to scene aspect.

The thing is though, the director should be aware of this before filming. You're talking like Snyder didn't read the script until the day before shooting and then said oh well this is what we're stuck with :lol: That's not how this works. The director has the authority to make changes to the script or ask for the whole thing or parts to be re-written. The problem is he thought it was good and went with it.

I think your problem is you're acting like this is Zack Snyder's first movie. You're looking to make excuses for him like every movie is his first and he doesn't know the deal now. You want to share blame constantly.

If a director has a string of bad movies at what point do they become a bad director? Never? Are we gonna constantly say Oh M. Night didn't get the right writer for this movie, oh he didn't get the best editor to make the movie flow better, oh he had a bad sound team on this flick. At what point do the excuses end?

The only reason I can see trumping Snyder's bad decisions when it comes to writing and editing is if he was overruled by a producer or all of them when it came down to how the movie was scripted and edited. Cuz those are his bosses technically who represent the demands of the studio and he has to answer to the studio if the process of all of this takes too much time and costs even more money.

See where i'm going with this? You speak as if zack edited and wrote the movie, along with directing it. There are a lot of cooks in the kitchen, so to speak. 
Listen man, I think you need a better understanding of what goes in to making a film, who is in charge of what, and who gets final say on creative decisions, and business decisions.

I speak as if Snyder has had a string of bad movies. Just going off the last one, the reasons I didn't like MOS exist in BvS it's just BvS has even more things to dislike about it.

the director tells the editors what to do, a directors job is to give his team a clear understanding of what his vision is

so either

A: zach snider is unable to effectively communicate what he wants to the editors, meaning he's a bad director and is to blame for this travesty of a movie


B: zach snider's vision sucks and the editors just did what they were told to do so again, zach snider is to blame for this travesty of a movie
Smh, travesty? :rofl: The hate is real in here. If this is " snider's vision " then why is WB pushing the ultimate ( director's cut ) cut of BVS, and even considering releasing it theatrically?
Cuz they're trying to dip in to what Deadpool succeeded with by being a great rated R comic book movie :lol:

Thought that was clear.

End of the day a studio like this doesn't care if the movie is good, just that it makes a lot of money. WB isn't Miramax or the Weinstein Company.
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the director tells the editors what to do, a directors job is to give his team a clear understanding of what his vision is

so either 

A: zach snider is unable to effectively communicate what he wants to the editors, meaning he's a bad director and is to blame for this travesty of a movie


B: zach snider's vision sucks and the editors just did what they were told to do so again, zach snider is to blame for this travesty of a movie
Smh, travesty?
The hate is real in here. If this is " snider's vision " then why is WB pushing the ultimate ( director's cut ) cut of BVS, and even considering releasing it theatrically? 
the same reason coke puts out coke zero when people stop buying as much diet coke 
coke zero tastes nastier than diet coke. I used to be strictly coke zero but smartened up and just drank regular coke.
was just watching this because of something I read in another thread that reminded me of it.. for those who haven't seen it, you need to watch.. for those who have, you need to watch again in light of this movie

Forbes: ‘Science Says SUPERMAN Should Be Black’

Should Superman's skin actually be black?

According evolutionary biologist and science journalist J.V. Chamary, it should. Utilizing scientific facts combined with explanations about Superman's sun-powered abilities in 2013’s Man of Steel, Chamary has written an article for Forbes saying the Kryptonian should have dark skin.

That doesn't mean African-American, mind you. On Krypton, there's no "Africa" or "America" anyway. And he isn't talking about race. What Chamary is arguing is that science suggest Superman's skin color would be darker instead of lighter. And if science alone was casting the next Superman film, science would pick someone with darker skin.

Diversity is always a discussion when superhero movies are cast. At the time most popular Marvel and DC superheroes were first invented, the idea of trying to promote diversity wasn't even on creators' radar. But that's different now. And Chamary rightly points out that, if Warner or DC wanted to change Superman to a character with darker skin, they'd have a pretty good argument for doing so by just using science as the explanation.

The basic idea is this: If Superman collects energy into his cells from sunlight, why would his skin be pale? If Krypton had gone through an evolutionary process, and Kryptonians evolved into beings who could absorb yellow light, wouldn't the best pigment color for absorbing solar radiation be black?

Chamary hypothesizes that Superman's cells are similar to the photosynthetic species on Earth. On Earth, cells that collect sunlight for energy do so through photosynthesis — plants and other organisms use light to make carbohydrates from CO2 and water. If Superman's cells utilized a similar process, Chamary says, he probably uses light to synthesize molecules that can store large amounts of energy.

The article points out that when Jor-El sent his son to Earth, he purposely chose a planet that orbited a "main sequence yellow star" — the sequence, Chamary says, that generates massive amounts of light energy.

But on Krypton, the sun was actually red — a relatively inactive star. Chamary cites an article in Scientific American to conclude that a photosynthetic species living on a world orbiting a "red sun" would need dark pigments to harvest light.

Chamary continues this idea by theorizing that superpowers evolved on Krypton through a process of natural selection, but that Superman's ancestors lost their powers when their star turned red. As a result, their Kryptonian bodies just continued absorbing the red sun's light as an energy source for "ordinary metabolism." (Of course, as an aside, couldn't an argument be made for Kryptonian skin continuing to evolve into several different shades when this sun-soaking ability became less necessary for the species' survival?)

The article rightly points out that there is already a black Superman in comic books — highlighting Calvin Ellis of Earth 23 but fails to mention Val-Zod, the Superman currently starring in Earth 2: Society. And Chamary also mentions how the race of Nick Fury was changed, and how ethnicity is sometimes altered when comic book companies relaunch their continuity.

So next time Warner Bros. decides to reboot Superman for the big screen (after the current slate of films starring Henry Cavill) Chamary is hoping they’ll make the “brave” decision to make him black, to be more scientifically realistic.


Science :smokin

Can't wait for the racist I'm-not-racist pseudoscience rebuttal.

4 hours?! of what?!!?

Let me find out Snyder and/or the studio butchered this movie on the cutting room floor.
It's kinda sad that the conflict between Bats' and Supes' makes more sense in the porn parody than the actual movie it was based on. All that was missing was Hans' score. :lol:
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