DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Well no film includes everything they shot on the extras. It's not worth the trouble and money to have an extra 30+ minutes of footage color graded, vfx'd and sound mixed just to appear on a special features disc.

Using TFA as an example again, the deleted scenes are canonical (iirc this is true with Marvel's films too) so they had to keep that in mind when choosing what to add on DVD. You can't include a scene on there where Kylo basically implies he knows Rey when Rian Johnson is planning on included that same beat in his film.

The studio lets you shoot practically whatever you want nowadays since these films are filmed digitally and you have to get as much coverage as possible so that attributes to why you end up with so much extra **** when it's time to edit the film. You have extended takes of scenes, improvised takes, B-Roll, etc... The 4 hour cuts of these movies would be unwatchable to the majority of y'all because they're super rough. They act mostly as a way for the studio to see directly what exactly they paid for since most execs don't watch the dailies and frankly, don't even read the scripts.

TLDR: 4 hour cut - proof of investment for the studio
3 hour and 5 minute cut - Snyder's "vision"
Theatrical version - studio's cut

And that pretty much applies to all CBMs in some ways

Basically-- Studio watches the first cut, sends notes, film gets recut, test screenings, studio sends more notes, reshoots, cut again, then finished
Excellent analysis!! Daredevil is a prime example. Directors cut was a much better movie.

Also, went back for a 4th time last night after work. It was almost a packed theater. I picked up on something that i hadn't paid attention before. Anyone manage to hear the humming noise that came from Wonder Woman's shield when it started glowing? That was pretty dope
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As bad as this might sound to some I think WW's involvement throughout the entire movie was enough to constitute not needing a WW movie. Maybe in the JL movie some backstory told through dialogue and some flashback lasting 8mins max would be good. Then the rest of the meta humans that Bats saw in the files would be told by Bats to us the audience and the rest of them when they all meet together for the first time.

Actually never mind. Gonna write the script instead. Brb
As bad as this might sound to some I think WW's involvement throughout the entire movie was enough to constitute not needing a WW movie. Maybe in the JL movie some backstory told through dialogue and some flashback lasting 8mins max would be good. Then the rest of the meta humans that Bats saw in the files would be told by Bats to us the audience and the rest of them when they all meet together for the first time.

Actually never mind. Gonna write the script instead. Brb
WW is the test run. If that movie bombs =
Forbes: ‘Science Says SUPERMAN Should Be Black’

Should Superman's skin actually be black?

According evolutionary biologist and science journalist J.V. Chamary, it should. Utilizing scientific facts combined with explanations about Superman's sun-powered abilities in 2013’s Man of Steel, Chamary has written an article for Forbes saying the Kryptonian should have dark skin.

That doesn't mean African-American, mind you. On Krypton, there's no "Africa" or "America" anyway. And he isn't talking about race. What Chamary is arguing is that science suggest Superman's skin color would be darker instead of lighter. And if science alone was casting the next Superman film, science would pick someone with darker skin.

Diversity is always a discussion when superhero movies are cast. At the time most popular Marvel and DC superheroes were first invented, the idea of trying to promote diversity wasn't even on creators' radar. But that's different now. And Chamary rightly points out that, if Warner or DC wanted to change Superman to a character with darker skin, they'd have a pretty good argument for doing so by just using science as the explanation.

The basic idea is this: If Superman collects energy into his cells from sunlight, why would his skin be pale? If Krypton had gone through an evolutionary process, and Kryptonians evolved into beings who could absorb yellow light, wouldn't the best pigment color for absorbing solar radiation be black?

Chamary hypothesizes that Superman's cells are similar to the photosynthetic species on Earth. On Earth, cells that collect sunlight for energy do so through photosynthesis — plants and other organisms use light to make carbohydrates from CO2 and water. If Superman's cells utilized a similar process, Chamary says, he probably uses light to synthesize molecules that can store large amounts of energy.

The article points out that when Jor-El sent his son to Earth, he purposely chose a planet that orbited a "main sequence yellow star" — the sequence, Chamary says, that generates massive amounts of light energy.

But on Krypton, the sun was actually red — a relatively inactive star. Chamary cites an article in Scientific American to conclude that a photosynthetic species living on a world orbiting a "red sun" would need dark pigments to harvest light.

Chamary continues this idea by theorizing that superpowers evolved on Krypton through a process of natural selection, but that Superman's ancestors lost their powers when their star turned red. As a result, their Kryptonian bodies just continued absorbing the red sun's light as an energy source for "ordinary metabolism." (Of course, as an aside, couldn't an argument be made for Kryptonian skin continuing to evolve into several different shades when this sun-soaking ability became less necessary for the species' survival?)

The article rightly points out that there is already a black Superman in comic books — highlighting Calvin Ellis of Earth 23 but fails to mention Val-Zod, the Superman currently starring in Earth 2: Society. And Chamary also mentions how the race of Nick Fury was changed, and how ethnicity is sometimes altered when comic book companies relaunch their continuity.

So next time Warner Bros. decides to reboot Superman for the big screen (after the current slate of films starring Henry Cavill) Chamary is hoping they’ll make the “brave” decision to make him black, to be more scientifically realistic.


Science :smokin

Can't wait for the racist I'm-not-racist pseudoscience rebuttal.

What if Superman wants to identify with his culture, and Da Census adds a "Kryptonian" box
The best version of the movie should always be the theatrical version
I concur, and in an ideal world, there should only be one version.

That's one of the things I love/hate about Christopher Nolan's blu-ray releases. The guy does not believe in deleted scenes, bloopers, extended cuts, etc... It seems like his philosophy is that if a scene was worth being on a special feature of a blu-ray or important to the story, it would be in the theatrical cut. Admirable, but it sucks if you want more content. :\
As bad as this might sound to some I think WW's involvement throughout the entire movie was enough to constitute not needing a WW movie. Maybe in the JL movie some backstory told through dialogue and some flashback lasting 8mins max would be good. Then the rest of the meta humans that Bats saw in the files would be told by Bats to us the audience and the rest of them when they all meet together for the first time.

Actually never mind. Gonna write the script instead. Brb

WW is the test run. If that movie bombs = :x

Good lord, if Wonder Woman bombs then they honestly might as well just scrap this entire thing. :smh:
I'm open minded on WW.

If it bombs you know ppl on here are just gonna be like lets look forward to JL pt. 2 and Aquaman and see if that's good :lol:

If it does fail though it may be time for WB to sell the rights to DisMarvel :nerd: :lol:
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I'm sure they'd be willing to drop 3 billi for the whole thing.

:lol: If it went down though. Marvel would no longer care about FOX having the X-Men and F4 (Galactus, Silver Surfer, etc.) or any other studios having rights to other properties or characters cuz we'd get Avengers vs. Darkseid :wow: :pimp:
I'm sure they'd be willing to drop 3 billi for the whole thing.

If it went down though. Marvel would no longer care about FOX having the X-Men and F4 (Galactus, Silver Surfer, etc.) or any other studios having rights to other properties or characters cuz we'd get Avengers vs. Darkseid
punisher kills the DC universe 
I've been wondering if it was possible for Disney to buy DC

Why would Time Warner let the entire DC ComicsComics universe go?

In March 1989, Warner Communications merged with Time Inc., making DC Comics a subsidiary of Time Warner.
Similar to the SONY corporation possibly cutting Columbia Pictures loose Disney could easily outright acquire Time Warner and everything with it (including WB; DC).

Not likely but it was rumored a while back.

Disney May Be Next In Line To Try And Acquire Warner Bros. And DC Comics In Merger

Why China's Richest Man Could Buy Time Warner
I'm open minded on WW.

If it bombs you know ppl on here are just gonna be like lets look forward to JL pt. 2 and Aquaman and see if that's good :lol:

If it does fail though it may be time for WB to sell the rights to DisMarvel :nerd: :lol:

I liked Wonder Woman in BvS, so i'm open minded about it as well. I think the chances of a decent film are good and I haven't really heard any complaints about the character specifically in this film. Also think that there's a good chance a large amount of people are going to see it regardless, so that it'll make its budget back if nothing else. And with her as the most well-known heroine from DC I think they'd just have to royally **** up for the film to outright bomb. Think that Flash has decent chances as well and I think fans of the current show are guaranteed to go watch the film to see what it is. Now Cyborg? That's probably a lost cause.
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Some of the dialogue is eh but not bad.
Dialogue like "What? You thought a pair of glasses could fool the world's greatest detective?" is pretty bad but overall he has a good idea story telling wise.

The rest was some good comebacks and firm stance by Batman. Supes may be too on the nose though and just thinking about it obviously doesn't match up with the Superman of MoS or the Supes before he faces Batman in BvS and is clearly channeling comic or animated Superman more with his strong moral fiber.

The turning point is way more thematic and meshes WAY better with the start of the movie but it is VERY on the nose but still better than "Martha.... Why did he say that name?". The whole seeing the gun in his hand it also too much. There's also the question of damn this is all it took for Batman to stop killing all this time? A nitpick like that you can get past though.

Batman crying is unacceptable.

But yeah other than that, pretty good.
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If WW can toe the line to get blogs like Jezebel and The Mary Sue to go bananas about it, basically making it the "Trainwreck" of CBMs, it'll make a bil. It'll get CB fans, action fans, plus random chicks who want to bring their BFs to see a woman beat the bejeezus outta guys for 2 hrs.

Now if WW does something dumb to piss off the feminist crowd, well... yikes. We don't need a #Gamergate-style moment in CBMs, and I bet Anita Sarkeesian is already sharpening her knives regardless of how strong and feminist the film portrays WW.
If WW can toe the line to get blogs like Jezebel and The Mary Sue to go bananas about it, basically making it the "Trainwreck" of CBMs, it'll make a bil. It'll get CB fans, action fans, plus random chicks who want to bring their BFs to see a woman beat the bejeezus outta guys for 2 hrs.

Now if WW does something dumb to piss off the feminist crowd, well... yikes. We don't need a #Gamergate-style moment in CBMs, and I bet Anita Sarkeesian is already sharpening her knives regardless of how strong and feminist the film portrays WW.
Feminists will hate it regardless. Anita Sarkeesian is the epitome of what's wrong with the modern feminist movement.

Imagine if there's hypothetically a scene where Steve Trevor saves WW. Feminists would have a collective heart attack.
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