DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

It is to me man, it is to me.

Too cynical.

The DCEU is a cynical world man. :lol: **** you've got Batman killing however many people and suffering what resembles PTSD.

Its cool with me though.

Then again, i'm also a major fan of Injustice.
See now if they were CLEARLY (and possibly gradually) doing Injustice. I'd be raving like crazy.

To me Snyder is doing this in between ****. Superman and Batfflecks actions say one thing but they're saying something completely different.

Think how better it'd be instead of making those dream sequences they juxtaposed it as "Now" and "Then". The events of BvS are the past and the whole Darkseid symbol, sons of Batman, sons of Superman is the future we're heading towards to if things don't change? Then Flash's time travel would make all the more sense that he went back too early and ****** up this new timeline even more cuz Bats interpreted the message wrong and went after Supes. Of course the writing would have to be better for the motivations of why they fight. More structure and sense instilled but like I've been saying the potential is there.

If this was a story arc more about Superman went bad and Batman's role in causing it and then trying to stop it (even with the fake Superman death to put things on pause) I'd be all for it but it's not.

Just dour pessimistic sadness.
:lol: "You don't owe the world anything" is now this dark, sad, cynical statement?

Superman should be Superman because he wants to. Not because he feels like he NEEDS to be that person. Without the pressure, he still chooses to be the hero. That's a way better message than an unsure Superman being pushed into it by his parents.

What's wrong with letting your son choose his own path?
Again man, as far as I see it Clark Kent is the disguise, Superman is suppose to be who he is.

So you got it all backwards here.
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i mean this dude ended a movie about a hero who symbolises hope with 20 minutes of 9/11 imagery and destruction

then the sequel starts off with a painfully dragged out murder of two people infront of their kid including the mom being shot point blank in the face

and ends on a 15 minute funeral sequence

is this what the "real world" is like? 
I mean they were going somewhere with her investigating North African warlord/terrorist that connected to Lex and all that. They were trying to show she was a good journalist but they kinda ditched that as a subplot and made her the damsel in distress the second she was taken directly to Luthor to be thrown off a building.

No. There's no implication. No **** anyone else. The statement only means what Martha actually says. Be their hero, be their angel, be whatever they want you to be. Or be none of it. It's the fact that Superman then chooses to be their hero that makes him great and the same applies to Peter Parker, and most heroes for that matter. They literally don't owe anybody anything, yet choose to risk their lives for people time and again. Peter chooses to save people because he see's it as his responsibility to do so. And Superman then does the same thing. All Martha's words do is acknowledge that he has a choice in the matter.

Again the message is clear. **** those ppl if you don't want to be their hero.

She's straight up telling him it's an option. That's bull ****. Acknowledging that he has a choice in the matter is by default saying you have the choice to say **** all these ppl ignore them and go do something else. That's bogus as ****. Hiding behind that's what any parent would do is nonsensical.

With Peter Parker that'd be a no. He gets his powers, shows off and tries to make money with it. Doesn't do the right thing when he can and gets racked with guilt with his father figure's death. For him it's not a I don't owe you anything. That's not what this is about and as a hero if you see it that way you're not really a hero. It's doing what's right with the means you have. Peter Parker actually believes that it is his responsibility to be a hero because of the powers he got.

No it's not :lol: Because he does have an option. So does Pete for that matter. He, Superman, and numerous others just come ot the conclusion that they have the gifts they do for a reason, which is to aid humanity. Doesn't change the fact that they have the option not to.

Bruh, this is like if you see an old lady that just fell and your mom telling you well you can go and help that lady or you can not.

Bringing up you have an option under those circumstances is completely bogus.

You seem to be missing what I'm saying. I'm not saying an option doesn't exist. I'm saying a parent telling you that you can be their hero or not is them telling you hey you could deal with all these problems or **** em. That is what is implied especially in the context she said after what just happened in the movie.

That flies in the face of the 30 years or so of how we've seen the Kent's raise Clark in all other media from comics to cartoons. They raised him to be a man that does the right thing (even if it'll be hard or hurt him). Not a man that does the right thing for him.

She'd be absolutely right. I don't have to go help that old lady if I don't want to.

See what you're saying about the **** them part though. So agreed/

They still raised Clark to be a man that does the right thing, hence him choosing to do the right thing :lol: And she's not saying do this because you owe them. She's saying choose to do whatever you want. And he then chooses to decide that he has a responsibility to behave in a certain manner that includes saving people.

:rofl: This is not some semantics thing I'm discussing.

Is she right that he has an option? Yes. In a logical sense yes there is an option.

Is she right for telling him he has an option under those circumstances? That's bull **** to even consider. She should've told Clark to sack up.
I'm not talking about Clark Kent Superman here.

I'm talking about **** em all Martha Kent. The Kent's are ******* corrupted in this universe. ******* cynical and pessimistic as all hell and then I'm getting told by some that it's realistic and grounded.

Again this is why this movie really doesn't have a damn thing to do with what Superman represents.

It's not ******** for a person to consider or for her to say. I prefer seeing heroes consider crap like that or at least have it acknowledged somewhere within the story.

There's nothing wrong with Martha Kent saying that or her potrayal in this verse. I'm good with it. :smokin Told her son exactly what a mother should.

Agree on both Kents being cynical though. But then that's the world the DCEU is.

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I understood Martha telling him you don't owe these people anything as telling him he didn't owe the senate anything. Wasn't he talking with her weighing the option of showing up at the hearing to be questioned or not?
I understood it as her telling him you know you did the right thing, you can go stand in front of them and say it, or blow them off. You don't owe them the hearing. Maybe I'm wrong though.
The overstylized way their murders were shot really bothered me in the theater. Super slow-mo with the gun basically right at MARTHA's head :smh:

Haven't seen anyone in here talk about Thomas trying to swing on the dude either :lol:

I'm still unsure how I felt about Negan lunging at the shooter, but the Martha thing with the gun and the pearls was depicted right out of the TDKR graphic novel, what Snyder wanted I guess.
I didn't have a problem with the opening sequence actually. It was completely fine to me until the bats started lifting him up in the cave

But even then, the bats lifting him up was something I was willing to let go.
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What did Pa Kent say on the mountain? I think either my theaters sound isn't that great, or the effects volumes were too loud, could barely hear the flash scene.
What did Pa Kent say on the mountain? I think either my theaters sound isn't that great, or the effects volumes were too loud, could barely hear the flash scene.
Something about Martha Kent being his world

Ties into Lois Lane being Clark's world -- more like "your yambs are the tastiest, Lois"
I didn't have a problem with the opening sequence actually. It was completely fine to me until the bats started lifting him up in the cave

But even then, the bats lifting him up was something I was willing to let go.

I actually didn't have a big issue with that, even if Bruce didn't say it was a dream, I would've just been like "OK..that's where they're going with this? :rolleyes" then proceed viewing the film.
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Movie was pretty weak.superman is just trash.good powers but nothing else.let's just get another batman trilogy please
I didn't have a problem with the opening sequence actually. It was completely fine to me until the bats started lifting him up in the cave

But even then, the bats lifting him up was something I was willing to let go.

The opening was fine with me, because it really just served to remind you of the main point of the character: parents shot that a theater.

Bat scene in the cave was straight trash though :smh:

What did Pa Kent say on the mountain? I think either my theaters sound isn't that great, or the effects volumes were too loud, could barely hear the flash scene.

Wasn't that the point where he talked about how actions have consequences, by telling Clark about the time he and his father saved their farm from a flood, but diverting the flood caused another farm (The Lang Farm :nerd: ) to flood instead?

Think the sound of this film was off at certain points. Could barely make out what Flash was saying to Bruce. Then again, that also might've been their intention.
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Yeah, if it wasn't for reading spoilers in this thread I would've had nothing positive to say about the Flash thing. Would've just been a minute of yelling stuff I could barely make out.

The sound was loud where I was at already but that was like the loudest scene in the movie for some reason.
I wonder what Clark says when people ask how his dad died. Tornado / twister suicide is a confusing answer.
So you just watched him die?
But you didn't wear a disguise back then?
But if you let him die, because he wanted you to hide, why did you become superman?
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