DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Batman is one of the most well known characters in all of comic verse. He's a prime example of someone who doesn't need a solo movie before a team up. Way to use him as an example, Evanst :lol:
I mean marvel is dong the same thing with Spider-Man
Batman is one of the most well known characters in all of comic verse. He's a prime example of someone who doesn't need a solo movie before a team up. Way to use him as an example, Evanst
I actually think you should do a solo batman movie, whether you do it before the team up is another story.. he could make a cameo in the MOS sequel or in someone else's film

but whatever you do, there is absolutely zero need for an origin story.. batman is batman whenever he shows up
actually batman's origins have been done to death, but they still felt the need to do it AGAIN in this movie..

maybe they should focus on the origin stories which haven't been done on film yet, as I suggested

They didn't do Batman origins in this film, it's just the opening credits. And it's actually not even an origin because they didn't show him training and becoming Batman, just Bruces parents dying and it served the purpose so they could use Martha later on. Yeah plenty here hates that reason be become BFFs but it served a purpose, it's not a just a throwaway scene.

all they needed to show was the grave to accomplish what they did

Not really, its more way impact if you see that death on screen before it is used as a plot device later on, obviously it didn't work for some of you guys but that scene was needed.

And I thought it was used well as a opening credit scene instead of a separate scene somewhere else in the film, it gets it out of the way pretty quick.
Batman is one of the most well known characters in all of comic verse. He's a prime example of someone who doesn't need a solo movie before a team up. Way to use him as an example, Evanst :lol:

:lol: very true but some still want to see a separate movie.

Dat build up.
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actually batman's origins have been done to death, but they still felt the need to do it AGAIN in this movie..

maybe they should focus on the origin stories which haven't been done on film yet, as I suggested

They didn't do Batman origins in this film, it's just the opening credits. And it's actually not even an origin because they didn't show him training and becoming Batman, just Bruces parents dying and it served the purpose so they could use Martha later on. Yeah plenty here hates that reason be become BFFs but it served a purpose, it's not a just a throwaway scene.
all they needed to show was the grave to accomplish what they did

Not really, its more way impact if you see that death on screen before it is used as a plot device later on, obviously it didn't work for some of you guys but that scene was needed.

And I thought it was used well as a opening credit scene instead of a separate scene somewhere else in the film, it gets it out of the way pretty quick.
how many times have we seen his parents die on screen or in some other medium?

we know his parents death had a profound impact on him.. you show him visiting the grave bringing flowers.. you even still have the talk with him reflecting on him being older than his father ever was

then you flash on the grave during that scene.. that's it.. subtle, but job accomplished
actually batman's origins have been done to death, but they still felt the need to do it AGAIN in this movie..

maybe they should focus on the origin stories which haven't been done on film yet, as I suggested

They didn't do Batman origins in this film, it's just the opening credits. And it's actually not even an origin because they didn't show him training and becoming Batman, just Bruces parents dying and it served the purpose so they could use Martha later on. Yeah plenty here hates that reason be become BFFs but it served a purpose, it's not a just a throwaway scene.

all they needed to show was the grave to accomplish what they did

Not really, its more way impact if you see that death on screen before it is used as a plot device later on, obviously it didn't work for some of you guys but that scene was needed.

And I thought it was used well as a opening credit scene instead of a separate scene somewhere else in the film, it gets it out of the way pretty quick.

Yup that scene was designed to connect to the "Martha" moment.
actually batman's origins have been done to death, but they still felt the need to do it AGAIN in this movie..

maybe they should focus on the origin stories which haven't been done on film yet, as I suggested

They didn't do Batman origins in this film, it's just the opening credits. And it's actually not even an origin because they didn't show him training and becoming Batman, just Bruces parents dying and it served the purpose so they could use Martha later on. Yeah plenty here hates that reason be become BFFs but it served a purpose, it's not a just a throwaway scene.

all they needed to show was the grave to accomplish what they did

Not really, its more way impact if you see that death on screen before it is used as a plot device later on, obviously it didn't work for some of you guys but that scene was needed.

And I thought it was used well as a opening credit scene instead of a separate scene somewhere else in the film, it gets it out of the way pretty quick.

how many times have we seen his parents die on screen or in some other medium?

we know his parents death had a profound impact on him.. you show him visiting the grave bringing flowers.. you even still have the talk with him reflecting on him being older than his father ever was

then you flash on the grave during that scene.. that's it.. subtle, but job accomplished

It doesn't hurt to remind people and again it has more impact seeing it.

But hey if you still can't grasp that concept despite it not working for others then I don't know what to tell you.

You're complaining about a 2-3 minute opening credit scene.

And your initial gripe with it is that it is his origins story but it really isn't.
my version is simple, based on what was in the film.. you have that scene where he visits his parents grave and they showed the tombstone..

then you flash to the tombstone again at that point of the fight

cut the rest out.. it's not needed and overkill
The overstylized way their murders were shot really bothered me in the theater. Super slow-mo with the gun basically right at MARTHA's head :smh:

Haven't seen anyone in here talk about Thomas trying to swing on the dude either :lol:
On the fence. Like War as a film, but I still think there's a bigger payoff to be had of going the MCU route of multiple solo films first, before the big teamup.

War>BvS though.

I completely agree.. and I've said as much before

since MOS was already done.. they should have gone with a WW origin film first.. then you go with flash.. maybe do aquaman

there is no need for a batman origin since it has already been done numerous times (so you could tell a straight batman story).. cyborg origin you tell in the JL film like with War

but they need people invested in their Universe so they have to play it smart and deliver.. so they could release say a martian manhunter film and people go see just because it's a DCU film (like with antman and GOTG)

Bingo. Was extremely surprised when I heard that they planned to do BvS, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and then JLA. :smh: Besides having 2 films a year that schedule is terrible.

If Marvel never did solo films then I would agree solo films are needed first. It's been done to death and there are more interesting ways to introduce a character. They can come later. Batfleck's particular Batman didn't initially come with a solo film. After BVS I'm WAY more interested in his own movies because I want to find out how he became that version of batman.

DC's plan is great but the execution of it may not live up to expectations.

DC doesn't have the talent to properly pull such a plan off and they never should have tried. Or at least, they should've tried with a different set of films. There plan really just comes off as wanting to catch up to Marvel as quickly as possible.
was it really only 3 minutes? felt like 10 minutes

that scene set a record for the fastest I have ever been bored in a comic book movie

another case of focusing on making it look exactly like the comic book rather than telling an interesting and competent story
I also think superman should have been the one to deliver the "she's my mother" line

then bats actually lets him finish what he was going say when he first showed up.. then we get bats realizing he's been a d*ckhead the whole time
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IMO AOU was no better and no less full of flaws than this movie but where is the outrage?

Keeping it funky on initial viewing I still enjoyed this movie more than The Dark Knight Rises.

People wanted The Dark Knight from this and I just don't think that was a plausible goal all things considered.

Do I think a movie of this magnitude should have been better? Absolutely but its not the dumpster fire it is being made out to be.
If it was a dumpster fire by now we'd have stopped talking about the movie and be talking more about the making of this dumpster fire like we did with Fan4tastic. It was bad, it was incredibly boring, and just not good. Forgettable almost if it wasn't so painstakingly bad. We spent more time talking about how it came to be cuz that was far more interesting than the movie itself.

BvS isn't that. It has so much squandered potential that it's going to generate more talk. It was just off and even under Snyder with better writing that made the story more cohesive it could've been way better.

The truly horrible movies rarely get that much attention. You'll find more pgs on IM3 than you will on Punisher: Warzone.

aou didnt have the same editing and pacing issues as this movie

character motivations were clear

action was way better

I disagree about that action boss.

What was Thor's motivation in AOU?

The Dark Knight Returns pacing was just as ***.

And the character motivations in that movie made absolutely no sense.
Thor was a part of a team. His motivations in AOU were clear. Protect the Earth from evil A.I. When you get more in to the plot he had some visions and that was set up for future movies and even that played in to him helping bring Vision to life.

I'm confused on how you can't see his clear motivations in that movie. They weren't vague at all.

The Dark Knight Rises had a lot of problems with it. I forget which thread it was but that movie eventually got picked a part as much as DofP did. It's the worst movie of the trilogy, still made bank but even then it's better than BvS if only for Bane. Nolan understood the simplicity of making sure his comic book movie had a compelling villain.
This is one of those things were we are arguing about why Oranges don't taste good.
Honestly sounds more like you're arguing why blood oranges are actually better than oranges and oranges only get a pass cuz of orange juice.

aou didnt have the same editing and pacing issues as this movie

character motivations were clear

action was way better

I disagree.. I preferred the action in Bvs outside of the hulkbuster scene..

And AOU had the friggin hulk falling in love... The hulk.. Not Bruce banner.. The hulk.. That was just soooo forced and unnecessary to me.. Didn't fit the movie at all..

I mean.. I can literally do what you've been doing all week to bring down AOU...

I never seen the need to down A just to big up B tho....so carry on..
The Hulk is in love with Betty Ross in the bulk of the comics.

Hulk saying "Betty.." is like one of the main things you'll remember from the cartoon.

If you really want to say it's Hulk "falling in love" it doesn't really matter.

It's not that there was a love/romance thought up for the movie. It was how it was executed in the movie that was bad.

Also again, where were yall for AOU. Steezy and others were stripping that movie bare after it came out. This gets done.

I see ppl bringing up TDKR and AOU like the same thing didn't happen.

My CIO, Director, Manager and I was talking about BvS. None of them are comic fan but loves either superman or batman. They hated the movie. They said the hype of seeing he fight drew them to see it but it was not. They didn't understand the dream squence. They said it was for too long of stuff that just didn't need it. Overall casting was horrible. They couldn't grasp that Superman, God and Man of Steel, losing to Batman. And why are they fighting the first place. I just didn't want to waste my breathe going deep into the whole comic and stuff :lol:

My CIO said she hasn't been to a movie in 2 years and she goes to see this horrible movie. :lol: to her, the movie didn't get good until Wonder Woman showed up.

I believe is did or doing well because of the fact that two of the biggest and well known heroes are going head to head. A lot of people dot even know why. I highly doubt there's repeat.
Yall keep on doubting this movie. And it's just going to keep on breaking records. Repeat business will be strong this weekend. And honestly, why wouldn't it be. Overall audiences like this movie. It's the loud minority that didn't like it predicting it's downfall.
At this point nobody cares about the money it's making.

Records are meant to be broken and BvS isn't even breaking the best ones. They will be dwarfed this time next year. Probably by May actually :lol: I mean if you want to make this about money you should be bowing to the Sith lords running Disney. Star Wars got this on lock for the foreseeable future.

You don't owe the world anything=**** the world now? Ok. :rolleyes

Distinction without a difference.

Its basically the equivalent of Uncle Ben telling spider man with his dying breath "**** responsibility".:lol:

Telling your child he can be or do whatever he wants=**** responsibility? :rolleyes ok.

The very basis for Peter Parker being Spider-Man is him recognizing that if he has the power to save other he has the responsibility to do so and if he doesn't ppl get hurt, ppl die. If Aunt May came around and said you can be w/e you want knowing he had these powers it'd be implying that he doesn't have to save ppl with his powers. He can go be an ice cream truck driver, all those ppl you could've saved are trumped by what you want to do.

The message by the Kent's in these 2 movies have been consistently bull **** and offensive to the creation of Ma and Pa Kent.
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I also think superman should have been the one to deliver the "she's my mother" line

then bats actually lets him finish what he was going say when he first showed up.. then we get bats realizing he's been a d*ckhead the whole time
but they need something for amy adams to do

its like in the office when they pay for a stripper but no one wants a lap dance so they make her work in the office for the rest of the time
I also think superman should have been the one to deliver the "she's my mother" line

then bats actually lets him finish what he was going say when he first showed up.. then we get bats realizing he's been a d*ckhead the whole time
but they need something for amy adams to do

its like in the office when they pay for a stripper but no one wants a lap dance so they make her work in the office for the rest of the time
I mean they were going somewhere with her investigating North African warlord/terrorist that connected to Lex and all that. They were trying to show she was a good journalist but they kinda ditched that as a subplot and made her the damsel in distress the second she was taken directly to Luthor to be thrown off a building.
You don't owe the world anything=**** the world now? Ok. :rolleyes

Distinction without a difference.

Its basically the equivalent of Uncle Ben telling spider man with his dying breath "**** responsibility".:lol:

Telling your child he can be or do whatever he wants=**** responsibility? :rolleyes ok.

The very basis for Peter Parker being Spider-Man is him recognizing that if he has the power to save other he has the responsibility to do so and if he doesn't ppl get hurt, ppl die. If Aunt May came around and said you can be w/e you want knowing he had these powers it'd be implying that he doesn't have to save ppl with his powers. He can go be an ice cream truck driver, all those ppl you could've saved are trumped by what you want to do.

The message by the Kent's in these 2 movies have been consistently bull **** and offensive to the creation of Ma and Pa Kent.

No. There's no implication. No **** anyone else. The statement only means what Martha actually says. Be their hero, be their angel, be whatever they want you to be. Or be none of it. It's the fact that Superman then chooses to be their hero that makes him great and the same applies to Peter Parker, and most heroes for that matter. They literally don't owe anybody anything, yet choose to risk their lives for people time and again. Peter chooses to save people because he see's it as his responsibility to do so. And Superman then does the same thing. All Martha's words do is acknowledge that he has a choice in the matter.
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Batman is one of the most well known characters in all of comic verse. He's a prime example of someone who doesn't need a solo movie before a team up. Way to use him as an example, Evanst
I mean marvel is dong the same thing with Spider-Man
we really don't know what marvel is going to do with Spider-man though.. we know he's showing up in CW

but we don't know to what degree.. we have no idea if we're going to see uncle ben get killed again or another version of the "with great power comes great responsibility" speech
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I didn't mind the Lois investigation side angle so much but I felt like that could've been left for a Supes solo sequel or something.

At some point you got to decide what you want to accomplish. You can't accomplish it all.

I would've been more in favor of ditching Lois's side arc for more Supes and Bats interaction leading up to the fight.

I'm still unsure how most people are ok that the two main characters barely talked. #yeshrug
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