DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

I actually think many are going to see it out of curiosity on how they're going to make him a bad*ss and stop from being the butt of all jokes.

But moving forward, he'd get a lot more exposure and probably be a bad*ss in JL the same way WW was presented in BvS and that will peak peoples interest.

Plus they got Momoa so all those will help factor in his popularity by the time his solo film comes out.

As of right now though, he's an A-list joke but an A-list nonetheless :rofl:
Well yeah. I assume ppl seeing Aquaman is cuz of Momoa and Wan. Not cuz of Aquaman specifically but obviously that doesn't have the same kind of guarantee Batman, Superman or even Wonder Woman has.

I'm not saying they can't build interest though. What they're doing now is probably the most experimental with the character. Rebuilding Aquaman's brand for movies given how radically different it is everywhere else. So they got a shot to build some trust with the general audience is good and gets word of mouth.

Oh yah but with DC at this point, nothing is guaranteed, even WW and JL. I honestly am not even sure BvS will make $1B, I hope it does but I'd have to see it myself. It's breaking record right now but I'm going to have to see how it's legs hold up.

But popularity-wise, I just believe dude is up there with DCs A listers, maybe A- or B++++ :lol:
Nah, known but nowhere as famous as Supes, Bats, Spidey, Hulk, etc... They were definitely a notch below. Their main exposure were in the comics, they didn't have animated series and films to introduce them to the general populace. Hell XMen characters were bigger than those guys.

Iron Man had an entire animated series, just like Hulk did and had appeared in other series along with Captain America. :lol: Thor had numerous animated appearances as well, and all had appeared in video games. Captain America even had a few live actions films way back in like the 70s, before any of these other guys. Stop it. :rofl:
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Nah, known but nowhere as famous as Supes, Bats, Spidey, Hulk, etc... They were definitely a notch below. Their main exposure were in the comics, they didn't have animated series and films to introduce them to the general populace. Hell XMen characters were bigger than those guys.

Iron Man had an entire animated series, just like Hulk did and had appeared in other series along with Captain America. :lol: Thor had numerous animated appearances as well, and all had appeared in video games. Captain America even had a few live actions films way back in like the 70s, before any of these other guys. Stop it. :rofl:

And yet they aren't as popular, those weren't as big hits as the 90's and '00 shows. Those were way frogotten, not even sure if those shows were 70s or 80s :lol:

Ask the general public right now to name their top cartoons and you'll get BTAS, Spiderman, XMen and JL. Hell many question the movie decisions because they base their knowledge from those shows, a few here were surprised when the GL movie had a white protagonist because their main exposure to GL was John Stewart in the JL show.

Those guys still played second fiddle to the other characters, there's a reason Marvel sold those properties out because those are what other studios found to be the most popular.
When will I get a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle movie?

Or maybe a Plastic Man movie?


Booster Gold might be on Legends of Tomorrow, that's probably the best live action adaptation you could hope for atm.
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Nah, known but nowhere as famous as Supes, Bats, Spidey, Hulk, etc... They were definitely a notch below. Their main exposure were in the comics, they didn't have animated series and films to introduce them to the general populace. Hell XMen characters were bigger than those guys.

Iron Man had an entire animated series, just like Hulk did and had appeared in other series along with Captain America. :lol: Thor had numerous animated appearances as well, and all had appeared in video games. Captain America even had a few live actions films way back in like the 70s, before any of these other guys. Stop it. :rofl:

And yet they aren't as popular, those weren't as big hits as the 90's and '00 shows. Those were way frogotten, not even sure if those shows were 70s or 80s :lol:

Ask the general public right now to name their top cartoons and you'll get BTAS, Spiderman, XMen and JL. Hell many question the movie decisions because they base their knowledge from those shows, a few here were surprised when the GL movie had a white protagonist because their main exposure to GL was John Stewart in the JL show.

Those guys still played second fiddle to the other characters, there's a reason Marvel sold those properties out because those are what other studios found to be the most popular.

Well no one is as popular as Spider-Man or Batman. From my understanding the question wasn't one of popularity, but recognition. You're trying to tell me that Aquaman was an A-Lister, but Iron Man, who had just as many animated appearances, including his own show wasn't? That Martian Manhunter was A-List, but Thor wasn't? :lol: You've lost it.

You seem to be arguing that a character isn't A-List unless they're at Batman's level, in which case the list doesn't include most of the people you've mentioned :rofl:
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Well no one is as popular as Spider-Man or Batman. From my understanding the question wasn't one of popularity, but recognition. You're trying to tell me that Aquaman was an A-Lister, but Iron Man, who had just as many animated appearances, including his own film wasn't? That Martian Manhunter was A-List, but Thor wasn't? :lol: You've lost it.

Well if you read I said they weren't A-list before the movie made them much popular, obviously they're all A-list now including AntMan and GotG.

As I said before, popularity-wise, Aquaman stayed relevant out of the jokes.

I'd give you MM, I still think he was probably about even with IM and Thor back then, Cap might be slightly above but he certainly wasn't an A-list back then.
Well no one is as popular as Spider-Man or Batman. From my understanding the question wasn't one of popularity, but recognition. You're trying to tell me that Aquaman was an A-Lister, but Iron Man, who had just as many animated appearances, including his own film wasn't? That Martian Manhunter was A-List, but Thor wasn't? :lol: You've lost it.

Well if you read I said they weren't A-list before the movie made them much popular, obviously they're all A-list now including AntMan and GotG.

As I said before, popularity-wise, Aquaman stayed relevant out of the jokes.

I'd give you MM, I still think he was probably about even with IM and Thor back then, Cap might be slightly above but he certainly wasn't an A-list back then.

Aquaman's never been more popular than Iron Man or Captain America. Walk down the street and you could've always mentioned any of them and run into various people that knew them. :lol:
Aquaman's never been more popular than Iron Man or Captain America. Walk down the street and you could've always mentioned any of them and run into various people that knew them. :lol:

I would not say "never", I am sure there's a point in time when Aquaman was much more popular than IronMan just based on the age of each character alone.

And by that example, back in the 90s, I could go down the street and ask about Superman and IM and people would know both of them. Doesn't make IM A-list.

I still view Aquaman as more known than IM by the general public back before the films, he is just that big of a joke.

At the end of the day tier lists are going to be difficult to categorize but I stand by most of what I posted, might not put MM up above but I got to stick with Aquaman being up there off the jokes being consistent on him over the years. Do I dare say he has been the Kardashians of the comic book world? :lol:
Aquaman's never been more popular than Iron Man or Captain America. Walk down the street and you could've always mentioned any of them and run into various people that knew them. :lol:

I would not say "never", I am sure there's a point in time when Aquaman was much more popular than IronMan just based on the age of each character alone.

And by that example, back in the 90s, I could go down the street and ask about Superman and IM and people would know both of them. Doesn't make IM A-list.

I still view Aquaman as more known than IM by the general public back before the films, he is just that big of a joke.

At the end of the day tier lists are going to be difficult to categorize but I stand by most of what I posted, might not put MM up above but I got to stick with Aquaman being up there off the jokes being consistent on him over the years. Do I dare say he has been the Kardashians of the comic book world? :lol:


If we're defining A-List as the most well-known properties then yeah it certainly does :lol: Because you certainly weren't going to do that with Cyborg.

He's really not and before the Justice League show I would've placed Martian Manhunter strictly as a C-lister. Very popular among comic fans, but without a single other appearance in any form of media.
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Martian Manhunter about even with Iron Man? I understand you're talking about IM before his rise to fame with the movies. but even then that's absurd. this guy is nuts lol
MM was on Smallville and looks like he has a bigger role in Supergirl so his stock is rising.

He also frequented the JL series, the formation of JL was actually his debut.
^Exactly, before the animated show nobody knew who Martian Manhunter was outside of people that actually read comics :lol: Never at any point could you walk down the street and be talking to people about him.
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Well I didn't say he was more popular throughout both of MM and IMs lifespan.

But before the IM movie, MM got way more exposure in the JL series (early 2000?) and Smallville (I think he appeared in the show before the IM film) before IM blew up in the 2008 film.
^By that point Iron Man was still well-known and had been for years. People didn't just hear about him with the live action film. But they certainly just heard about MM with the Justice League :lol:
eh, agree to disagree but again MM is the one I'd likely put out of the A-listers I listed before.
IM was b list until his movie came out in 08 for sure. In fact the whole Avengers squad was b list and played second fiddle to the x men in terms of general public consciousness.

Then everything changed.
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Nah, known but nowhere as famous as Supes, Bats, Spidey, Hulk, etc... They were definitely a notch below. Their main exposure were in the comics, they didn't have animated series and films to introduce them to the general populace. Hell XMen characters were bigger than those guys.

Iron Man had an entire animated series, just like Hulk did and had appeared in other series along with Captain America. :lol: Thor had numerous animated appearances as well, and all had appeared in video games. Captain America even had a few live actions films way back in like the 70s, before any of these other guys. Stop it. :rofl:

I have a hard time believing that the Aquaman won't flourish of the name alone and the cast

This girl I work with said the only reason she was going to see BvS was becsuse I specifically mentioned that Mamoa was Aquaman and he had a cameo :rofl:
Aquaman, Flash, WW are definitely without a doubt flourishing unless they screw Aquaman up beyond belief (something like not being able to get the underwater scenes to look right - not silly plot holes). Flash has even more momentum cause of the show.

Something like Cyborg is a different story.
I feel like once Khal Drogo was casted as Aquaman, Aquaman's street cred hit infinity
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