DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Is Martian Manhunter going to be in the movies? Maybe zod would've met some martians.

zod's look in mos still makes me laugh a little. He has the bowl cut / caesar hairstyle with what nt likes to call the scumbag style facial fair of a goatee with no mustache. I rocked that facial hair for a few years and was def a scumbag.
lmao all he needed was a slouch beanie and a cigarette and he would've been prepared to go full scumbag 
Is Martian Manhunter going to be in the movies? Maybe zod would've met some martians.
No signs yet.

With Cyborg being retconned in to the JL it seems WB/DC have no plans to use dude.

I'm hopeful somebody else wants to.
I think Zod wanted to terraform earth because all those years ago Kryptons sent out scout ships to see if planets where inhabitable. Earth got a ship and Mars didn't so he figured earth was the better choice

Or he was scared of MMH giving him the business
I thought he did it cuz when he was still sane that's where Kal-EL landed and then when he got mad and crazy it was cuz Kal wouldn't give him the codex and it's just his nature to want to wage war and wiping out humanity would've been a good start.

If you have a machine that can terraform a planet it doesn't matter if it was inhabitable (unless like the whole damn place is riddled with radiation and other exotic matter).

Mars use to sustain life. We already found water there. The science community has already talked about trying to terraform it after they solve how to get ppl there. So in a sic fi story where aliens have the tech to transform an entire planet it's like just go to Mars, hell go to Venus or that one moon Titan. Inhabitable is irrelevant. It's why we see the fictional stories like that in The Martian, Mission To Mars, etc.
I wanted to inhabit and terraform Faora. She would've broke my junk with the quickness though.
The World Engine is limiting iirc, it couldn't do everything to a planet like move it's orbit/distance from the star or create liquid for example. I believe they only mentioned it being able to alter mass and atmosphere but not much else. Like I don't think he could have terraformed the moon for example.

They also mentioned they sent scouts to different planets to see if it was viable (hence the Krypton ship on Earth). Krypton sent out plenty of scouts and several world engines before the planets destruction and if it the world engine could do everything to any inhabitable planets then their whole race would have survived/relocate.

Zods main priority could also be the codex. Once he found it on Earth, he saw that the planet also happens to be just right to be terraformed as well? And it comes with billions of slaves to rule? And he can exact his revenge on the Els?

Not trying to get tied up to a quicksand of argument, these are all of my guesses on why Zod didn't just terraform any planet. When it comes to sci-fi, you can pretty much make up any reason on why one does something or how something operates and what could work and what couldn't and how it couldn't. I think instead of looking for a reason why someone should have done something to discredit the film, it is better to find a reason why they didn't first? Give them a benefit of a doubt? Again it is science fiction, the argument can go forever because we can make our own hypothesis on the situation, it doesn't always have to conform into exact science either, it is a superhero film afterall.

And just from what I remember reading before, Zod would have been better terraforming Venus because Mars is supposedly too small and has no atmosphere? I'm no expert. In Venus, I guess Kryptonians would have been able to stand the heat and I think I read that outside of the temperature, Venus would have been the better choice.
I caught some of it too last night for the first time in a long time.

As a sci-fi dude I couldn't help but ask myself again, if yall dudes got the tech to terraform Earth and change it in to Krypton why the **** you aint just do that on Mars? :rolleyes So many Ls. If Zod did that he would've had a whole planet with all the time to get the codex thingy and restart the race and create an army to enslave Earth. Literally nobody could stop him cuz humans can't even travel to Mars and Superman hasn't shown he can fly out in space like that.
The only reason he would go with Mars instead of earth is to avoid conflict with superman. It's not like he cares about humans or that humans can do anything to stop him.

But the thing is superman is the codex so he has to fight and kill superman to be able to rebuild krypton. So there's really no reason in his mind to choose Mars over earth seeing that the only opposition is someone he has to kill anyways
The World Engine is limiting iirc, it couldn't do everything to a planet like move it's orbit/distance from the star or create liquid for example. I believe they only mentioned it being able to alter mass and atmosphere but not much else. Like I don't think he could have terraformed the moon for example.
Moons and planets are two different things but there are moons that are capable of sustaining life after a few changes.

As for the limits, from what I saw last night the engine was altering Earth's gravity somehow making it more fit for Kryptonians. That's an insane feat of science. You wouldn't need to create liquid or move the planet to do what they did on Mars.

Especially if we really get in to this. One there's already water and ice on Mars irl so one can assume in the DC universe that Mars has it too. More importantly in the DC universe, they already had an established thriving alien race on Mars.

Zods main priority could also be the codex. Once he found it on Earth, he saw that the planet also happens to be just right to be terraformed as well? And it comes with billions of slaves to rule? And he can exact his revenge on the Els?
The way I saw it. Earth could've been changed but with the codex and the engine he could've went to other planets in that solar system.

He just got mad at Supes and then after fighting decided to kill humanity and get back at Jor-El through his son. That's how I saw it.

And just from what I remember reading before, Zod would have been better terraforming Venus because Mars is supposedly too small and has no atmosphere? I'm no expert. In Venus, I guess Kryptonians would have been able to stand the heat and I think I read that outside of the temperature, Venus would have been the better choice.
I keep saying Mars cuz I ******* like Mars is all :lol: but yes he could've did it to Venus and with the hrs in the day there and being closer to the Sun they probably would've been able to absorb sun rays to become stronger.
I caught some of it too last night for the first time in a long time.

As a sci-fi dude I couldn't help but ask myself again, if yall dudes got the tech to terraform Earth and change it in to Krypton why the **** you aint just do that on Mars? :rolleyes So many Ls. If Zod did that he would've had a whole planet with all the time to get the codex thingy and restart the race and create an army to enslave Earth. Literally nobody could stop him cuz humans can't even travel to Mars and Superman hasn't shown he can fly out in space like that.
The only reason he would go with Mars instead of earth is to avoid conflict with superman. It's not like he cares about humans or that humans can do anything to stop him.

But the thing is superman is the codex so he has to fight and kill superman to be able to rebuild krypton. So there's really no reason in his mind to choose Mars over earth seeing that the only opposition is someone he has to kill anyways
Yeah but now stick with this mind frame of this bad guy who is suppose to be a general and tactual genius and has a mission of making a new Krypton.

Yes he thought he wouldn't have lost and really didn't until Kal killed him but he could've continued the guise of coming in peace like he did to start. Could've said I'm going to remake our home on this planet over here so I won't be far away. Also lets remember Zod didn't know at first Supes was the codex. Could've took his time with it is all I'm saying. Then next week flung a bunch of asteroids at Earth and wiped out mankind that way leaving Supes no choice but to give up.
yeah I think its just Zod's character though (I can see how you could argue its poor writing), he's naturally aggressive with no regard for non krypton life and probably has a hatred for supes since he hated his dad. So to me the aggressive nature that he came at earth with made sense in the context of his character traits. 
This whole argument broils down to

Kryptonians used to send scout ships to planets viable for terraforming

Earth was one of those planets, hence it containing a scout ship

Mars was not and therefore we can presume it was not viable by kryptonian standards

It's a goofy *** nitpick :lol:
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Did anyone read that crazy theory that the Nolan trilogy and this movie exist within the same universe? Farfetched but interesting nonetheless.
Rumor is that the film will have a $410 million dollar budget 
read that news too and that JL will cost $500mil for both films.

Then again the news came from Latino-Review so...
Rumor is that the film will have a $410 million dollar budget :x
Damn they're really banking on this doing well over a billi if not 2.

If that is true and this movie only does 800 mil + or 900 mil that's barely breaking even. Think about that :lol: :smh:

I actually hope that budget isn't true.
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