DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

The monster made less sense with Dr. Manhattans power, it being a nuke-like destruction coming from Dr. Manhattan made it more believable to be his fault.

To some, that made much more sense. A squid monster will look real out of place and random appearing out of nowhere in the end.
I liked The Watchmen. Shrugs. Even watched it in the theater which is rare for me. I remember talking to a female friend who saw it too and she hated it so much.
Making movies out of Moore's work is literally the same as trying to make movies out of Hemingway's work. It disrespects the art form because the author put their soul into the medium the original story was told in.

Moore's style of graphic novel storytelling doesn't work on film.

Hemingway's bare, dry, iceberg writing style cannot be conveyed through film either.

These are limitations brought on by the medium and not necessarily the skill of the filmmakers
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Besides the ending what was so bad about Watchman? It was pretty true to the comic.
The acting for some of the cast, the pacing, the quality of how they told the story, and it was boring/bland because of the aforementioned.

To me the movie was Snyder cramming 12 issues in to 3 hrs. He kinda continues to show as a director he is all style and no substance. I won't completely **** on him for this though since for the most part most ppl fail in adapting Alan Moore comics.

I left very unsatisfied with Watchmen to say the least. In no way begins to reach the greatness of the comic. I've probably been more thorough in taking a part why this movie wasn't good in past threads.

What's worse with this new news is that the comic being adapted in to a show for HBO where it probably is best suited for is spoiled with Snyder's involvement.

Could not have said it better myself, he is all style and no substance. I could not watch through more than 15 minutes of watchmen. I typically like slow paced movies but that movie was boring as heck.
The monster made less sense with Dr. Manhattans power
No it didn't. Not at all.

In the comic like the movie, Dr. Manhattan is beholden to fate or destiny or universal constants. He knows the future and can't change it. That is his limitation. Which is why he didn't save JFK or MLK or RFK or anybody else that died. The fans know this, doesn't matter if the President or anybody else doesn't know that within the world.

The alien monster invades Earth, teleports to Times Square and immediately explodes (cuz that's how it was constructed) killing thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands). This happens while he's attacking and trying to stop Ozymandias. He holds off Manhattan until it's too late which where he then reveals to everybody he's not some idiot villain explaining his plan before doing it.

Dr. Manhattan's story arc in watchmen could've been a movie in itself and makes all the more sense that he got fed up and went off in to the starts to try his hand at creating life. Not some compromised change where he's framed for the attack and pretends he has to leave Earth because he's seen as a threat. That outcome actually diminishes Ozymandias future plans since he came up with everything on his own and doesn't make sense if you consider Dr. Manhattan's powers.
, it being a nuke-like destruction coming from Dr. Manhattan made it more believable to be his fault.
This is apologist talk for the bull **** change.

It's not like the movie was set in the 2000s. The movie was set in the 80s with Nixon on his 3rd or 4th term.

To some, that made much more sense. A squid monster will look real out of place and random appearing out of nowhere in the end.
It's like you don't understand the whole point of Ozymandias plan at all.

It was all about an unpredictable threat that would force mankind to unite, something even Dr. Manhattan couldn't stop (which he actually couldn't stop from happening) and in that world outside of him an alien invade was the most terrifying thing possible the best creative writers could come up with (and it technically still is one of humanity's biggest fears in real life).

The only reason it wouldn't make sense for an alien to appear, threaten invasion, and then kill a bunch of ppl in the world's most known city is cuz the screenwriter and director could not properly execute that in the story. That's their failing not the story's.
Making movies out of Moore's work is literally the same as trying to make movies out of Hemingway's work. It disrespects the art form because the author put their soul into the medium the original story was told in.

Moore's style of graphic novel storytelling doesn't work on film.

Hemingway's bare, dry, iceberg writing style cannot be conveyed through film either.

These are limitations brought on by the medium and not necessarily the skill of the filmmakers
Eh. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend it isn't hard but it's not like every single Moore work, specifically his more independent work is in-adaptable to film.

V for Vendetta was great given what the source material is.
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Watchmen was pretty decent, it's just that no adaptation of an Alan Moore work will ever do the source material justice

it was boring

True story that Watchmen film was straight trash :smh: To this day I still remember seeing the trailer for the first time on television and knowing that it was gonna be a bad time.

I just want Young Justice back. Aqualad and Nightwing was flourishing in that show.

Also a very true story. :smokin Honestly I feel bad for the kids who were watching that show and didn't get to see it through to the end. That's like a slap in the face. At least Batman the Animated Series lasted 4 seasons, and was then tied into Batman Beyond and Justice League (Unlimited).
It's not coming back.

As for the kids, they honestly probably didn't notice. It's only now that I'm grown I keep track of shows being canceled.

I looked at a list of cartoons I use to watch and it was hitting me with nostalgic blows cuz I totally forgot about them for the most part or even crazier if you change it to the Hanna Barbara channel :wow: . I'm sure kids watching YJ got that itch scratched by Marvel cartoons or the DC animated movies.

I'd rather watch the Watchmen stop-motion movie than Snyder's Watchmen ever again
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They're getting out of Eisenberg's Luthor a bit by his full name being Alexander Luthor Jr. meaning there's a Lex Sr.

So right there for everybody that won't like his portrayal of Lex they'll be an out to say he aint the real one anyway.


Maybe Cranston as Luthor still lives?
Seems like a cop out, but I guess.
Seems like a cop out, but I guess.

Pretty weak move by WB, that is not a good look to backtrack like that........

What are yall talking about? This a reveal, not a "copout" or "backtracking" :lol:

Just because dudes jumped the gun and made all kinds of assumptions about the plot doesn't mean this was a copout.

I like how the DCeU is shaping up--taking more risks than the people behind the MCU.

Composite Lex Luthor/Alexander Luthor Jr. Character

Gay Barry Allen

A very fresh and unique take on the Joker

Middle-aged Batman and long-dead Robin.

Dead comissioner Gordon

Cyborg solo movie ( :smh: :lol:)

I'm hoping that the movies live up to the ambition
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Watchmen's mess up was keeping it too true to the comics. Comic book pacing doesn't make for good cinema, because basically it's all in your head. I still liked it for what it was, but maybe not listen to the comic book geeks this time around, you will never keep them happy.
What are yall talking about? This a reveal, not a "copout" or "backtracking"

Just because dudes jumped the gun and made all kinds of assumptions about the plot doesn't mean this was a copout.

I like how the DCeU is shaping up--taking more risks than the people behind the MCU.

Composite Lex Luthor/Alexander Luthor Jr. Character

Gay Barry Allen

A very fresh and unique take on the Joker

Middle-aged Batman and long-dead Robin.

Dead comissioner Gordon

Cyborg solo movie (

I'm hoping that the movies live up to the ambition
Guardians was a risk. Ant-Man was a risk. This and none of what you mentioned is a risk.
^ Except for Cyborg solo movie :lol: That's the definition of RISK. He'd have to be the breakout star of the JL movie for it not to be.

Some of the other stuff on that list is stuff from the comics though just continuity on different Earths.

Alexander Luthor Jr. in the comics, depending on which version is a good guy. Same sort of way that one version of Brainiac is a good guy. Luthor Jr. was apart of Crisis and the whole Earth 2 Superman stuff iirc.

To me it's a cop out and smart. They never fully established what continuity this movie universe would be adapting from the comics. We're slowly finding out that it's bits and pieces from some and large chunks from others. There's a lot of Miller's Dark Knight stuff for Batman. I'm not even clear on all of the Supes stuff, somebody who knows more can say. Other stuff is yet to be revealed.

For everybody thinking they were trying to do the Luthor most of us know and thought they messed by choosing Eisenberg, you can exhale knowing it's pretty much not that version. So they still have the room to experiment with this version of Luthor they want that's younger and probably more modern.
I still don't believe a Cyborg movie is getting made. I just can't. Actually, I refuse to.
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