"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

That's all good he doesn't have to be. He's Thor, Evan's is Cap, and so on. Yeah Mccavoy was good, but I can't necessarily that he's a definite Charles Xavier or anything like that.
That's all good he doesn't have to be. He's Thor, Evan's is Cap, and so on. Yeah Mccavoy was good, but I can't necessarily that he's a definite Charles Xavier or anything like that.

Because we didn't grow up reading a comic where Charles was young with long hair, so visually he's not what we picture Charles Xavier to be, Patrick Stewart is Charles Xavier in the flesh.
So yeah I saw it finally and I gotta say it was really really good. Left with a similar feeling of after I watched First Class the first time so I don't know if that's good or bad yet. Gotta see how it ages a bit.

My only complaints would be the plot did seem a bit thin even after I pretty much knew what it was about. Wolverine tries to change the future, stop Mystique, Magneto goes all militant mutant and tries to kill everybody. A lot of **** in that didn't make simple sense other than you just believing some of these ppl are act first think later and change their minds a lot. First Magneto was gonna kill Raven, a little talk patches that up but she won't team-up. Then she's dead set on killing Trask, Xavier convinces her other wise but then she comes out of nowhere saving Nixon of all presidents to take down Magneto. That had me like what the ****? Then everybody just gets to escape. This is one of those superhero movies with no clear concrete villain. Lots of bad guys but no outright evil villain plotting. Not a bad thing but like I said when it gets to the climax the plot is a bit thin.

Also other little tidbits of criticisms, still not buying JLa as Mystique but at this point she's morphed the character in to something else entirely. Plus I gotta say I'd rather she rock the outfit with some clothing. The all white was always a cool look but I blame Singer since he seems to real be anti-costume. Other thing would be Kitty Pryde just having time traveling powers :lol:

Not that big of a deal for me but just some noticeable things I'd call cons.

Loved Fassbender. Loved McAvoy. They own the roles of Xavier and Magneto for me now. I'd say FOX got one thing right looks wise with Stewart and McKellen the first time around but really got it right their 2nd try with these two. Every time Magneto is on scene he's a cool compelling badass (I'd completely buy in to a Magneto solo movie now, watching him just get his helmet back was ******* cool, not to mention Magneto controlling the sentinels. Reminded me of Magneto and the Metal Men :lol: ) and on the opposite end Xavier brings those real believable performances from an emotional standpoint with him struggling with that cure and his powers and overall struggling to be the leader he'll eventually be.

Singer surprised me with how he was able to seamlessly follow up the feeling of First Class once the movie switched to '73. I didn't even mind the corny jokes and blatant nods to things to come ("Imagine if they were metal", "You're on a really bad acid trip", and "My mom knew a guy who could control metal"). Liked how he did the ending too with Erik's speech and all the OG X-Men dying. I will make note that he continued the trend of making sure the first X-Men deaths were black ppl :lol: :smh: but all in all can't knock him for what he did directing wise. I would say I might've wanted more future scenes but at the same I could've done with less. If they were a bit better then maybe more fighting (even though it was kinda just stupid of them waiting to be found and slaughtered) but since it was pretty straightforward I'd say it did what it was suppose to do pretty well.

Quicksilver was cool, taking a step back it almost seems Singer went out of his way to give a focus and a cool scene or two just cuz he knew Quicksilver would be in Avengers 2 and given that he pulled it off nice job. However, it seemed pretty clear when they said goodbye he was being benched cuz he was simply way too powerful. Lets recruit the kid to break a super criminal out of prison but he can hang back for when we chase down the shapeshifter that is the key to changing the future

:lol: @ JFK being a mutant and Magneto trying to save him.

I'd probably rank this ahead of ASM2 but slightly below Cap2 and that's crazy cuz I love Spidey more than the X-Men (and crazy that Cap is at the top given I don't care for the comic version much) maybe it's cuz I came in with low expectations that they didn't disappoint. With Guardians on the horizon things can still be shaken up.

Definitely can say I look forward to what's done with X-Men Apocalypse.

I wouldn't call them mediocre. That's a tad bit disrepectful.

Ok I'm sorry, but let's be honest, name the top three actors, not talking highest payed, simply the best actors over at Marvel and I bet you none can compete with Fassbender and McCavoy.
Eh, I'm not about to dig in and settle in the trenches for this but RDJR at his best is better than Fass and Mac at their best.
I could name many but they don't have large roles. But that doesn't matter to me. I'd take Kristen Stewart in a role as long as it has a great script. Marvel has been great at picking actors for the main characters

Yeah I'm not denying that, their casting is top notch, Hemsworth was born to be Thor, I wouldnt put him in the same category as Fassbender tho...

I really liked him in Rush...
Still think it's weird how the next film will feature a younger Jean, Scott , Storm etc with a new cast but Jackman will still be playing Logan. I'm gonna feel like I'm watching DoFP and Orgins again , same mutants different actors ....besides him. Not a bad thing though I like him.
Movie was long as **** and young magneto is annoying as ****. rant over 
Damn I wondered the same thing too. Kelsey actually spent those 4+ hrs in that chair just to say "Good Morning Logan....." :smh: :lol:
That end credits scene must have been a last minute addition. The special effects were HORRIBLE, I thought I was watching the animation for a studio logo for a sec :lol:
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Anyone else noticed Logan had very few action sequence, bone claw Logan on film isn't very effective :lol:

Is he not going to have adamantium Ever again?
The past scenes in this movie took place before he got the admantium.

I'm aware of that, but he got his adamant in through the weapon x program which was ran by Stryker, which now appears to be Raven...so I'm under the impression Logan never goes through the program because it seems as though Logan has been with the OG Xmen class along with Hank...as opposed to the loner he was with no memory that was saved by Scott, Jean and storm in the first movie.
The past scenes in this movie took place before he got the admantium.

I'm aware of that, but he got his adamant in through the weapon x program which was ran by Stryker, which now appears to be Raven...so I'm under the impression Logan never goes through the program because it seems as though Logan has been with the OG Xmen class along with Hank...as opposed to the loner he was with no memory that was saved by Scott, Jean and storm in the first movie.

I think Wolverine isn't with the OG Xmen class. The OG Xmen class try to recruit him and he tells Professor X "F Off", then as a loner goes through the Weapon X program I think.

I'm not sure though.
I'm aware of that, but he got his adamant in through the weapon x program which was ran by Stryker, which now appears to be Raven...so I'm under the impression Logan never goes through the program because it seems as though Logan has been with the OG Xmen class along with Hank...as opposed to the loner he was with no memory that was saved by Scott, Jean and storm in the first movie.
Think they said it a couple pages back about the ripple in the water how everything eventually plays out anyway..so he may end up in the program anyway..that was the only confusing part to me..hopefully it plays out well, as someone said bone wolvy isn't very screen appealing..
That end credits scene must have been a last minute addition. The special effects were HORRIBLE, I thought I was watching the animation for a studio logo for a sec :lol:
Noticed that with the pyramids. lol.

That's the type of cgi you see on a CW budget.
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