"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

It's even harder trying to figure out how the hell the future of the franchise is going to look

X-Force (??)

Is Apocalypse gonna serve as the end of a trilogy or another "another in-between-quel"? I haven't really heard much about them keeping the 1st Class crew on past Apocalypse.

What's the mystery 2018 release? Are we just to assume it's Gambit now? EDIT: supposed to be X-Force

i dunno maybe i need to let everything digest lol i just hope Apocalypse's arc isn't condensed into just one film
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Yeah...Mystique just detoured X-MO:W, so Wolverine's still got the bone claws?
And The Wolverine was all Logan's feelings about Jean dying...which didn't happen anymore.

So, I don't know how you make another Wolverine movie before Apocalypse.
Yeah...Mystique just detoured X-MO:W, so Wolverine's still got the bone claws?
And The Wolverine was all Logan's feelings about Jean dying...which didn't happen anymore.

So, I don't know how you make another Wolverine movie before Apocalypse.
It's coming out after Apocalypse

funniest thing from the press tour was so hard Hugh backed down from those 99.9% sure he was done after the next wolverine flick comments :lol: studio must of called him in.

i got really hype during the stadium/white house scene with Magneto because i thought he was gonna bound the steel to his bones or something lol felt stupid afterwards
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How come everyone is saying he still got bone claws? Did he show them in the future and I missed it or something?

No indication of Stryker dying. No indication of Mystique doing anything but saving his life so I dont know how everyone came to that decision.
I think we can assume that whatever happened between Logan going into the river and him waking up, will be told in the next film? 
i got really hype during the stadium/white house scene with Magneto because i thought he was gonna bound the steel to his bones or something lol felt stupid afterwards

I figured there was no way he just wouldn't have em all movie, but I was wrong.

And even with an Apocalypse movie...The Wolverine just came out...I don't know how you sell people on a new Wolverine movie after you nuked the last one, especially if he still needs to get his adamantium, and what? it'd just be a weird remake of XM-O:W? Is it in the 80s...90s...00s?

I think they killed that solo franchise. Not that it would flop or anything, but fans of the OG movies are gonna be turned off, fans of The Wolverine and Yukio are gonna be turned off, and fans of First Class are gonna be like...where's Mystique, Magneto and Xavier? Nerds'll show up, but that's a lot to ask of regular people.
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not into the comics but....couldnt they have just went in earlier and made mystique not such a bad person??

and couldnt they have used that fast guy to handle mystique better?
not into the comics but....couldnt they have just went in earlier and made mystique not such a bad person??

and couldnt they have used that fast guy to handle mystique better?

One does not simply make someone not a bad person. You have to ingrain child Xavier not to manipulate her like he did and tell Erik the same thing. Neither of them would do that. And you are supposed to go as close to the present as you can when you time travel so you would not change too much. Also kitty said the further she sends people back in time the bigger the toll it take on them.
Saw it today. About to sift through all the comments/reviews. But I absolutely LOVED it. And this is coming from an old-school die-hard comic book fan. Right up there with The Avengers imo. It put a bow on so many things. So much so, that it came off like the 3rd movie of a trilogy. Review forthcoming.
Me and my cousin were talking about future characters and I explained to her how they would never have Legion in the film. Then she asked me the question, before Legion split his personality into a thousand different ones, what was his "neutral" superpower if that makes sense?

Was it like now where he can pick and choose?

while the plot was centered around mystique, the character wasnt too memorable for me and her character arc was lame. the classic mind set on one thing for 95% of the movie then changes her mind to save the day at the last second arc. maybe she just needs to grow into her role (everyone in the movie is a young version of themselves), but old mystique and even a character like emma frost were both very good at using their powers and looks to manipulate other dudes, when you can look like any woman ever its easy to get men simping over you. but in the two movies with jlaw she just seems like a ****, hooking up with whatever mutant guy gives her a look. its also a hard character for a great actor to be great in because half the time shes transformed into someone else so its some no name actor playing mystique. wolverine, x, magneto all were able to shine at the end of the movie but mystique had to spend most of the time as some no name agent in the crowd. 

by far the best aspects of the movie were prof x's story arc, his interactions with logan, logan's interactions with the 70s, magneto being godlike, magneto's interactions with everyone else, magneto's IDGAF attitude in the past, oh and did i mention magneto? 

they have struck gold with young x and magneto, interesting and powerful characters that have their motivations and goals well understood by the viewers. they need to just center their movies around these two guys rather than trying to focus on other less important guys just because they are fan favorites from the comics or tv show
Now ya'll got me thinking that Wolverine had an Inception ending. The way the last scene was shot, with so much haze and with him meeting all the X-Men of the past, I wouldn't be surprised. :lol:

I really would have wanted an ending that Beast described though (ripple, current, blah, blah, blah). Logan returns to a (still) dystopian future to end DoFP (similar to the 90's cartoon). Then the follow up film would be the events after the 70's, ramping up the Apocalypse storyline.
Now ya'll got me thinking that Wolverine had an Inception ending. The way the last scene was shot, with so much haze and with him meeting all the X-Men of the past, I wouldn't be surprised. :lol:

I really would have wanted an ending that Beast described though (ripple, current, blah, blah, blah). Logan returns to a (still) dystopian future to end DoFP (similar to the 90's cartoon). Then the follow up film would be the events after the 70's, ramping up the Apocalypse storyline.

I agree. Even at the end of the comic version of the story it was revealed that they are making the sentinels anyway and earth 295 continued to exist as an alternate timeline.
Now ya'll got me thinking that Wolverine had an Inception ending. The way the last scene was shot, with so much haze and with him meeting all the X-Men of the past, I wouldn't be surprised. :lol:

I really would have wanted an ending that Beast described though (ripple, current, blah, blah, blah). Logan returns to a (still) dystopian future to end DoFP (similar to the 90's cartoon). Then the follow up film would be the events after the 70's, ramping up the Apocalypse storyline.

Logan woke up sometime around X2 right? That's years away from the dystopian future he was a part of, still lots of time for something terrible to occur.
Now ya'll got me thinking that Wolverine had an Inception ending. The way the last scene was shot, with so much haze and with him meeting all the X-Men of the past, I wouldn't be surprised.

I really would have wanted an ending that Beast described though (ripple, current, blah, blah, blah). Logan returns to a (still) dystopian future to end DoFP (similar to the 90's cartoon). Then the follow up film would be the events after the 70's, ramping up the Apocalypse storyline.
Logan woke up sometime around X2 right? That's years away from the dystopian future he was a part of, still lots of time for something terrible to occur.
im pretty sure he woke up the same time in the future where he got sent back in time. which is why iceman was a grown dude with a beard and not a kid like in the first few movies and the teachers in the schools were using more advanced technology than they did in the first movies

since the whole robot killing everyone thing never happened, the mutant school still exists that far in the future with all the old faces teaching in it

it was showing that the whole back in time plot worked and the distant future that we saw at the beginning was changed to be a more normal looking future
Logan woke up sometime around X2 right? That's years away from the dystopian future he was a part of, still lots of time for something terrible to occur.
Logically speaking he should have woken up around 2023 where he came from in the first place. Hence all the Hollywood generic holographic future technology

But the X-Men movies already ****** up with the timeline, so James waking up in 2023 would do more harm than good. Magneto is physically in his 90s according to that, and Charles in his 80s. Hank would be in his 80s as well, but we see him looking more like his 40s. Scott appeared in Origins which takes place in the late 70s/81 at the latest, so he would be in like his 50s in 2023.

The X-Men movie timeline ****** up when they introduced so many characters in the prequels. Magneto as a character must always be a Holocaust survivor and Charles must always be an old friend, so that's excusable. But the Magneto in the comics had the luxury of being de-aged to childhood and then re-aged to young adulthood.

I guess we just say that Wolverine woke up during X2 and call it a wrap

(By the way, Apocalypse is supposed to take place in the 80s anyway IIRC)
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Just finished watching it. It was really good. I liked it better than Cap 2 and ASM2, which surprised me. I didn't think that was going to be possible.

As much as people touted Fassbender in this thread, I really think this was McAvoy's movie. McAvoy was good in First Class but he made a fan of me in DoFP.

I really have no complaints. I'd watch it again for sure.
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