"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

Aight so I watched it again..

My theory is way off :lol: I forgot they had a newspaper with them when they got Logan out the water so it's implied she scoops him up on the next day.
What a lot of sites are speculating is that Logan wakes up around where X3 would have happened at and that explains why everyone looks like that... there is really nothing to back that claim up but it's what's floating around.

Now that i know Apocalypse will be in the next XMen does anyone know if there are plans for Cable or Omega Red to ever make an appearance?

Well, there's gonna be an X-Force movie so I can't see him NOT in that but knowing how Fox works, it'll probably consist of Wolverine leading Siryn, Puck, Boom Boom and Bedlam :smh:
no way Cable's not in it.. Fox actually seems to be listening to feedback nowadays so I doubt they leave out a fan favorite like that.
Telling y'all now Tatum is going to be the next Jackman for this franchise.. Hopefully they can keep McAvoy and Fass too

and people really gotta stop with this "cast wrestler as buff superhero/villian" stuff.. I remember people starting Petitions to have HHH play Thor :lol:
What a lot of sites are speculating is that Logan wakes up around where X3 would have happened at and that explains why everyone looks like that... there is really nothing to back that claim up but it's what's floating around.

Now that i know Apocalypse will be in the next XMen does anyone know if there are plans for Cable or Omega Red to ever make an appearance?

Well, there's gonna be an X-Force movie so I can't see him NOT in that but knowing how Fox works, it'll probably consist of Wolverine leading Siryn, Puck, Boom Boom and Bedlam :smh:
no way Cable's not in it.. Fox actually seems to be listening to feedback nowadays so I doubt they leave out a fan favorite like that.
Telling y'all now Tatum is going to be the next Jackman for this franchise.. Hopefully they can keep McAvoy and Fass too

and people really gotta stop with this "cast wrestler as buff superhero/villian" stuff.. I remember people starting Petitions to have HHH play Thor :lol:

I remember people actually wanting Cena as Cap too :lol:
while the plot was centered around mystique, the character wasnt too memorable for me and her character arc was lame. the classic mind set on one thing for 95% of the movie then changes her mind to save the day at the last second arc. maybe she just needs to grow into her role (everyone in the movie is a young version of themselves), but old mystique and even a character like emma frost were both very good at using their powers and looks to manipulate other dudes, when you can look like any woman ever its easy to get men simping over you. but in the two movies with jlaw she just seems like a ****, hooking up with whatever mutant guy gives her a look. its also a hard character for a great actor to be great in because half the time shes transformed into someone else so its some no name actor playing mystique. wolverine, x, magneto all were able to shine at the end of the movie but mystique had to spend most of the time as some no name agent in the crowd. 

by far the best aspects of the movie were prof x's story arc, his interactions with logan, logan's interactions with the 70s, magneto being godlike, magneto's interactions with everyone else, magneto's IDGAF attitude in the past, oh and did i mention magneto? 

they have struck gold with young x and magneto, interesting and powerful characters that have their motivations and goals well understood by the viewers. they need to just center their movies around these two guys rather than trying to focus on other less important guys just because they are fan favorites from the comics or tv show

man, some of you dudes are wild. Mystique hooked up with literally no one in this movie. What are you even talking about?


Anyway, I kind of agree with the "Inception"-ish ending. I was thinking. The way it was shot. The way everything ended up PERFECT. It's a dumb ending. It means from now til 50 years from now, we know nothing that's really bad happens to any of the X-Men that we know and care about. Everyone being shown alive including Jean was kind of lame to me. I kind of forgot the order of how the ending went but maybe it was just a hallucination from him nearly drowning? Or lack of oxygen?
no way Cable's not in it.. Fox actually seems to be listening to feedback nowadays so I doubt they leave out a fan favorite like that.
Telling y'all now Tatum is going to be the next Jackman for this franchise.. Hopefully they can keep McAvoy and Fass too
Man, Fox aint listening to feedback. :lol: They're listening to money. Avengers made stupid bank teaming up the casts of all their franchises, so someone high up said...figure out how to have stars from all the X movies in the same movie. And I'm bettin the little timeline fixes are just from producer/writer/director of the originals, coming through, cuz people **** on them so royally for X3 and XM-O:W.

So seeing how they didn't put Cable in DoFP (isn't he a part of that story?)...I wouldn't assume anything, except Wolverine and they been talking about Deadpool forever.

Watch them throw Gambit, Yukio and Beast in there. If they could they'd throw Mystique in too.

That lineup actually wouldn't surprise me at all. :smh: :lol:
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no way Cable's not in it.. Fox actually seems to be listening to feedback nowadays so I doubt they leave out a fan favorite like that.
Telling y'all now Tatum is going to be the next Jackman for this franchise.. Hopefully they can keep McAvoy and Fass too
Man, Fox aint listening to feedback. :lol: They're listening to money. Avengers made stupid bank teaming up the casts of all their franchises, so someone high up said...figure out how to have stars from all the X movies in the same movie. And I'm bettin the little timeline fixes are just from producer/writer/director of the originals, coming through, cuz people **** on them so royally for X3 and XM-O:W.

So seeing how they didn't put Cable in DoFP (isn't he a part of that story?)...I wouldn't assume anything, except Wolverine and they been talking about Deadpool forever.

Watch them throw Gambit, Yukio and Beast in there. If they could they'd throw Mystique in too.

That lineup actually wouldn't surprise me at all. :smh: :lol:

Word, what exactly has Fox/Singer "listened" to?
Man, Fox aint listening to feedback. :lol: They're listening to money. Avengers made stupid bank teaming up the casts of all their franchises, so someone high up said...figure out how to have stars from all the X movies in the same movie. And I'm bettin the little timeline fixes are just from producer/writer/director of the originals, coming through, cuz people **** on them so royally for X3 and XM-O:W.

and it didnt even work for them. X3 did better opening weekend and I think First Class did too. X2 and Wolverine did better if you adjust for ticket price inflation. They wouldve been better off considering First Class a reboot so they didnt have to ask the audience to forget timeline issues. That would be listening to fans.

Highest costing superhero movie? Spent on what? And they somehow spent $200M on advertising. They need to make $900ish M just to even out if you include advertising since you only get half of box office. They better hope the merch flies off shelves.
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If Wolverine is leading it'll be his X-Force team not the guys cable recruited who really aren't popular.

Also I don't know why y'all so badly want the end of DoFP to lead to Wolverine getting his claws extra early next. No need to read that deeply in to Mystique posing as Stryker. That just naturally links back to what she did in the beginning of the movie, saving mutants about to be experimented on. That can happen any time in the next 17 years. No need to rush it and really I'd prefer they just skip showing that.

As for the age stuff, who cares? It don't really matter. Wolverine went back to the same year he left from the future. Everybody looking like they didn't age don't mean much when we're most likely not going to see most of them again.
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Man, Fox aint listening to feedback. :lol: They're listening to money. Avengers made stupid bank teaming up the casts of all their franchises, so someone high up said...figure out how to have stars from all the X movies in the same movie. And I'm bettin the little timeline fixes are just from producer/writer/director of the originals, coming through, cuz people **** on them so royally for X3 and XM-O:W.

and it didnt even work for them. X3 did better opening weekend and I think First Class did too. X2 and Wolverine did better if you adjust for ticket price inflation. They wouldve been better off considering First Class a reboot so they didnt have to ask the audience to forget timeline issues. That would be listening to fans.

Highest costing superhero movie? Spent on what? And they somehow spent $200M on advertising. They need to make $900ish M just to even out if you include advertising since you only get half of box office. They better hope the merch flies off shelves.

Speaking of merchandise, it's weird that there's not really any X-Men movie figures like you do for all the other DC/Marvel movies. Movie toys is a pretty big boat to not jump on when you're pushing a CBM.
Man, Fox aint listening to feedback. :lol: They're listening to money. Avengers made stupid bank teaming up the casts of all their franchises, so someone high up said...figure out how to have stars from all the X movies in the same movie. And I'm bettin the little timeline fixes are just from producer/writer/director of the originals, coming through, cuz people **** on them so royally for X3 and XM-O:W.

So seeing how they didn't put Cable in DoFP (isn't he a part of that story?)...I wouldn't assume anything, except Wolverine and they been talking about Deadpool forever.

He isnt a part of the comic book story and I am pretty sure he isnt a part of the cartoon story.

He is a time traveler connected to Apocalypse. If Fox was smart/listening they would add him to the Apocalypse roster to see if he resonates with fans. But they likely wont
If Wolverine is leading it'll be his X-Force team not the guys cable recruited who really aren't popular.

Also I don't know why y'all so badly want the end of DoFP to lead to Wolverine getting his claws extra early next. No need to read that deeply in to Mystique posing as Stryker. That just naturally links back to what she did in the beginning of the movie, saving mutants about to be experimented on. That can happen any time in the next 17 years. No need to rush it and really I'd prefer they just skip showing that.

As for the age stuff, who cares? It don't really matter. Wolverine went back to the same year he left from the future. Everybody looking like they didn't age don't mean much when we're most likely not going to see most of them again.

Honestly, I just want the damn bone claws gone. They super suck.

The metal claws tho, them ***** is fire.

I don't care how, or why, they just need to fix that **** asap. :lol:
^That last middle one or the top right of the last pic would've been better looks for the 70s Sentinels.

and it didnt even work for them. X3 did better opening weekend and I think First Class did too. X2 and Wolverine did better if you adjust for ticket price inflation. They wouldve been better off considering First Class a reboot so they didnt have to ask the audience to forget timeline issues. That would be listening to fans.

Yup. I mean they had a franchise people love, a sequel to a really well liked movie, movie stars people really wanna see, an awesome premise, and a movie that was actually real enjoyable to watch with memorable moments, good action and effects. Hell, the critics got behind this movie.

How do you **** that up? I said it before, the worst big movie marketing campaign I've seen in a long while.

People watched the movie in spite of the marketing. :smh: :lol:

He isnt a part of the comic book story and I am pretty sure he isnt a part of the cartoon story.

Ahhh...I assumed he's the time traveler...that's the time travel X-Men story... :lol:

Honestly, I just want the damn bone claws gone. They super suck.

Yes. He minus whale not be in the movies if he's got the bones. They look like they're always gonna break. It kinda made me realize why people hate that his character is always the center of the story. Without the metal, he can't do anything. "If I get hurt...gimme a couple minutes...I'll be fine." At least Beast is smart. :lol:
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X-Force will have Cable, Deadpool, and Domino for sure based on what Wadlow has said about writing the script. Wolverine and Psylocke are also good possibilities.

Xmen:Apocalypse prediction-
Mystique is IMO pretty clearly going to be working with Apocalypse in the next movie. I'm guessing he probably has Nightcrawler held captive and using that as leverage. Maybe promised to bring Azazel back. He orders her to bring him mutants. We get one horsemen with Wolvy getting the metal claws in the process. Betting Nightcrawler will be one of the others causing Mystique to eventually turn on Apocalypse. Could be any combo of Magneto, Polaris, Gambit, Havoc, Beast for the other two IMO.
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ehh i was off about them taking feedback :lol: but i really think Fox is in second place as far as right now - looking forward..


I want to see this Mystique at least once... moosed up hair look is getting :x

my fingers are still crossed for Cannonball, Cable and Domino for the next film man maybe i'm just overly optimistic
X-Force will have Cable, Deadpool, and Domino for sure based on what Wadlow has said about writing the script. Wolverine and Psylocke are also good possibilities.

Xmen:Apocalypse prediction-
Mystique is IMO pretty clearly going to be working with Apocalypse in the next movie. I'm guessing he probably has Nightcrawler held captive and using that as leverage. Maybe promised to bring Azazel back. He orders her to bring him mutants. We get one horsemen with Wolvy getting the metal claws in the process. Betting Nightcrawler will be one of the others causing Mystique to eventually turn on Apocalypse. Could be any combo of Magneto, Polaris, Gambit, Havoc, Beast for the other two IMO.

Doesn't Prof X die in AoA and Magneto leads the X-men in his place? I feel like they'll go that route and have Fass be the hero of the next flick.
I know it was based off an arc, but I woulda been happy seeing nimrod in place of all of the future sentinels
Not a fan of any, if anything I think this is one of the best designs for Sentinels and can see it working in live action.

Well, yeah. That woulda been perfect.

But they went with that plastic lamp with a chest fan and arms look. Probably because if Magneto can lift an entire sports stadium, he could flick away metal Sentinels dumb easy. :lol: But still...that woulda gave them some kinda personality and menace that the future ones had, but the 70s ones didn't.
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^^^They all suck. Even the ones used in the movie. They we're mean and ruthless but looks wise they looked nothing like sentinels.

What is with you guys basing your opinion on what a sentinel is supposed to look like? No appearance of anything is consistent with any comic world between different storylines. I avoided this thread way too much because of the many people who complained about costumes. Seriously the characters make the storylines not the costume. Sure the sentinel mockup from the cartoons is one we have in our mind but let the movie crew make their own adaptation of the movie, that is what a movie is supposed to be an adaptation not the exact thing.
Doesn't Prof X die in AoA and Magneto leads the X-men in his place? I feel like they'll go that route and have Fass be the hero of the next flick.
Zero chance it happens like that though. There isn't going to be time travel from what I've read so no Legion either. Also doubt Fox will allow one of their big stars (Fassbender, Mcavoy, Lawerence, Jackman) to be killed off.

Personally I think it's more likely Magneto kind of takes on the role of Sinister in working with Apocalypse. Until of course he realizes he made a mistake and comes to the good guys aid at the end.
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Just an interesting read. Some I knew, some I didn't know. Some I forgot about cuz it's been a while since I've watched X3. Brian Singer doesn't sound passionate about comics in general imo. No damns given, just collecting the check lol.

If you haven't seen X-Men: Days of Future Past yet, there will be plenty of spoilers below, so read on at your own risk.

In one of his only interviews leading up to the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer addressed the several continuity errors that fans have noticed, including Wolverine's adamantium claws somehow returning after they were sliced off by the Silver Samurai in The Wolverine, and the fact that Trask Industries founder Bolivar Trask is played by Peter Dinklage in this movie and African-American actorBill Duke in 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand.

Here's what the director had to say about the continuity in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
"Some things you let go. In X-Men: The Last Stand Bolivar Trask was an African-American guy, in X-Men 1 I personally wrote the line that of course I now regret: 'When I was 17, I met a young man named Erik Lensherr' and then in X-Men: First Class I changed that! Some of these I hope the audience will forget about but for the bulk of it I pay attention to the universe."
While some fans may have forgotten about the continuity problems, many others have not, with several different viewpoints surfacing regarding how X-Men: Days of Future Past affects the 14-year franchise, leaving several lingering questions about certain characters and story aspects.

One of the big questions that has lingered since the end credits scene in The Wolverine is how the older Professor X (Patrick Stewart) is still alive, since he was killed in 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand at the hands of the Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey (Famke Janssen). There is a theory that Xavier shifted his consciousness into his twin brother, although that family connection isn't exactly explained.

In X-Men: Days of Future Past's 1973 scenes, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) still has his bone claws, since he hasn't gone through the Weapon X program that infused adamantium into his skeletal system. However, in scenes set in the year 2023, the metal claws are back, even though the Silver Samurai sliced them off in last year's The Wolverine. Many believe that future Magneto (Ian McKellen) was responsible for the repair of his claws, but it is never fully stated in the movie.

The subject of Wolverine's claws gets even trickier when you take into consideration that the ending of X-Men: Days of Future Past hints that Wolverine/Logan won't even go into the Weapon X program at all. Of course, since Logan can't remember much about his past, it isn't exactly known when he enters this Weapon X program initiated by William Stryker, played by Josh Helman in X-Men: Days of Future Past. It's possible that he goes through the program in the 1980s, when X-Men: Apocalypse is reportedly set, but Wolverine never retracts his claws during the final scene in the year 2023, after the future was saved, so it isn't known if he has the adamantium claws or bone claws.

x-men days of future past mystique jennifer lawrence
"X-Men: Days Of Future Past"
The last scene takes place in the year 2023, with Wolverine waking up at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters in a peaceful future, after the Sentinels have been erased from the timeline. The scene includes Rogue (Anna Paquin), Iceman (Shawn Ashmore), Colossus (Daniel Cudmore), Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page) and the big surprise inclusion of the resurrected Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) and Cyclops (James Marsden). After the Sentinels were destroyed, it created a whole new timeline that is only tied to X-Men: First Class, meaning Jean's death never happened. Badass Digest's piece indicates that the original trilogy, X-Men, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand ceased to exist, after the mutants were revealed to the world decades earlier than in the previous timeline, when Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) is prevented from killing Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage).

With X-Men: First Class taking place in the 1960s, X-Men: Days of Future Past set in the 1970s and X-Men: Apocalypse set in the 1980s, it appeared that this prequel franchise would eventually merge with the original X-Men trilogy, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore, since X-Men: Days of Future Past created a whole new timeline after the Sentinels were destroyed. The new timeline renders a lot of these continuity errors moot, such as the two different versions of Bolivar Trask in X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: The Last Stand and Wolverine's claws, since it isn't known if the Weapon X program even exists in this timeline.

Several other plot points have been addressed over the past few days, such as how Magneto even got his abilities back to begin with after the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, where a serum removed his powers, the ages when Charles and Erik first meet, and many more. Do you even care about these continuity errors? Are you willing to "forget" about them and move on like Bryan Singer suggested earlier this month? Chime in with your thoughts below.

Read more: http://www.movieweb.com/news/x-men-...uity-problems-can-they-be-fixed#ixzz338YdvqxP
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Aside from the blatant disregard for the continuity that's exhibited by the movie crew, my other main gripe with this otherwise flawless movie was the Sentinels themselves.

Don't get me wrong; I loved their powers and design. Nobody can convince me that the "classic" giant purple robots don't look goofy as all ****. But IIRC, in the comic, it's pretty much explained that in the future the Sentinels themselves would literally take over North America and establish sovereignty. I definitely remember Sentinels having actual convos with the muties, going "LOL stupid organic being we rock your world and we will bust that ***"

In the movie, they're silent, which is good, because talking killer robots has always been a lame trope to me. But they didn't go in depth into WHO exactly was in charge of deploying the Sentinels, if not the Sentinels themselves. Wolverine said that the "worst of humanity" was in charge, but that's vague as **** and makes me think of corporate entities, and it leads one to wonder what corporation or politician would willingly allow for the destruction of humanity. Where's the financial gain in leaving Manhattan (THE CENTER OF COMMERCE FOR THE NATION) a ruined wasteland? Where's the political advantage? Where on Earth are they finding the resources to continue funding the Sentinels' production when everybody is ******* dead and everything is destroyed?

I'm sure they were trying to draw parallels to the Nazi regime and their crimes but it doesn't work. The Nazis murdered millions but still generally had a "bread and circuses" thing going on with the Germans up until the war was actually brought to Germany. In this movie, EVERYBODY is suffering and there's no logical situation in which any human being is prospering.

Also, when exactly were the Sentinels deployed? We know that Mystique killed Trask and this apparently approved the project, but nothing about Sentinels (besides a Danger Room simulation) was ever hinted at in the other movies. Why did Sentinels start becoming deployed only like 40 years after Trask's death? Was it because of the Jean Grey incident? WHERE'S THE EXPOSITION SON

So many questions
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